Repensem Mallorca. De l'especulació a la construcció de la dignitat (original) (raw)
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Ciutat de Mallorca // 2004 // Section in Edited Volume // with Jaume Franquesa
M Hart (coord) Voices and echoes. Reminiscences of the Mediterranean in the Atlantic, 2004
Last paragraph in lieu of an abstract: Many are the commonalities with the work carried out with the MedVoices team of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria. Both researches have worked on a certain kind of intangible heritage, that of memory. And in a similar manner both teams have achieved to vindicate the memory of the margins of the "historical" centre, be it the externalised Riscos for Las Palmas in regards to the centralised Vegueta and Triana or be it in the internalised Puig de Sant Pere, Sa Calatrava, Sa Gerreria and El Temple in regards to the core of Ciutat de Mallorca within the ramparts. But the commonalities of both teams go beyond the theoretical practice given that they both aim to apply their work in the field subject to research through neighbourhood urban decisions on heritage for lost places to not take place or through the intergenerational activities that enforce hidden voices in the present cultural arena.
Conservació del carst i les coves a Mallorca / Conservation of the karst and caves of Mallorca
Endins Publicacio D Espeleologia, 1995
L'extensió i característiques dels paisatges carstics mallorquins els confereix una irnportancia notable des dels punts de vista geornorfologic, ecologic i paisatgístic. S'analitzen els problernes més importants que els poden afectar, entre els quals destaquen el vandalisme, les alteracions per obres d'infrastructura hídrica i I'ús incontrolat pels esports d'aventura. S'examina I'estat de conservació tant de I'exocarst corn de les cavitats, considerat satisfactori en termes generals. Finalment, i en el context de les norrnes i recornanacions europees, es proposa un conjunt de mesures i criteris de protecció per garantir la conservació d'aquest patrirnoni natural.
Fissures On The Landscape. The Sandstone Quarries, Traces Of The Heritage Landscape Of Mallorca
Las canteras de arenisca son las mas abundantes de Mallorca. Sin embargo, siempre han sido paisajes desconocidos. Este articulo pretende ofrecer una vista panoramica de las canteras de arenisca, siguiendo diferentes escalas. En primer lugar, la comprension de la dimension territorial en la isla, proponiendo un nuevo concepto: el Territorio de Canteras, un paisaje que permite descubrir las canteras, solo posible a traves del camino ofrecen, y los aspectos que las diferencian. En segundo lugar, la memoria y tradicion que han generado en relacion al patrimonio que ha emergido de ellas, asi pues, forman parte del patrimonio cultural y el paisaje de la isla. Se han convertido en transcriptores inmoviles de la historia del paisaje que han generado, convirtiendose en verdaderos archivos patrimoniales de Mallorca. Finalmente, pensar en la canteras de arenisca como paisajes culturales sera obvio cuando la cultura que las generaron vuelva para apreciar los valores aqui descritos. Si esto no o...
The Serra de Tramuntana of Mallorca. Physical and human landscape 1
The Serra de Tramuntana covers 1,041 km2 distributed into eighteen municipalities, covering more than a quarter of the area of the island of Mallorca. It is the most rugged part of the island due to the asymmetric thrust faults whose edges from the Jurassic are frequently higher than 1,000 metres in altitude. The limestone formation explains the rich variety of karst forms and leads to a peculiar water circulation route. Most of the numerous endemic plants of the Balearic Islands are concentrated in this mountainous region. The olive tree, one of the products (along with wheat and grapevines) within the Mediterranean trilogy cited by V. Mut in the 17th century, was brought to the mountain range in large estates. The oil trade, which was very active until the 19th century, was the economic mainstay of these estates. The strategic aspect of the mountain range takes specific shape in the “castells roquers” or castles built on cliffs and in an episode in 1594 which planned the deportati...
Heritage deviations in relation to town-planning in Ciutat de Mallorca // 2005 // Journal Article
Journal of Mediterranean Studies 15.2, 2005
This chapter describes a case of urban reform in an area of the Historic Centre of Ciutat de Mallorca / Palma (Spain). The case study is framed within a global movement for recentralizing, embellishing, commodifying and calming the historic centres of many cities, in a process of re-direction of flows that can be observed both at metropolitan and global levels (competition between cities). This case is composed of three reform planning schemes (Sa Calatrava, Sa Gerreria and El Temple) legally independent but that are part or phases of a single large-scale execution unit with shared aims (fundamentally the creation of added value) and which becomes obvious in its promotion as a single heritage tourism product. Nevertheless, the different planning schemes seem to coincide with a specific functional specialization of two differentiated sectors: Sa Calatrava becomes a luxurious and calmed residential area without neighbourhood or outdoor life; Sa Gerreria is to be upgraded both as a central and a corridor area. The chapter shows an interest in the way in which the actors re-signify and appropriate this reforming action, re-creating from this ideas and social relations. Within this axiomatic approach, we have focused on two ethnographic examples that show a parallel logic of appropriation of discourse and action of reform, a logic that reads its arguments in a zealous manner and therefore uncovers resources, which we call deviations.
Review of 'Mallorca: the Making of the Landscape' by R. J. Buswell
REVIEWS SECTION Michael B. Gerrard and Gregory E. Wannier (eds). (2013). Threatened island nations: Legal implications of rising seas and a changing climate. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 639pp. ISBN: 978-1-107-02576-9. US$140. Low-lying island countries have become synonymous with climate change impacts. Even if they are not entirely inundated due to rising seas, changes which are detrimental, severe, and irreversible are expected to occur to their communities, so the islanders might need to move. Much has been written speculating and asking questions about the various social, political, and livelihood implications. Legal implications are much less studied, often with non-lawyers authoring pieces. To provide legal expertise regarding what happens to peoples, nations, and countries if their islands are no longer habitable under climate change, the Center for Climate Change Law at Columbia University's Law School, USA, joined forces with the Government of the Republic of the Marshall Islands to organize a conference in May 2011 in New York, on the theme "Threatened Island Nations: Legal Implications of Rising Seas and a Changing Climate". This book, with the same title, publishes several edited papers based on this conference's presentations. The editors and all lead authors, except for those of one chapter, are either lawyers or work in the law field. They include academics and practitioners, some who are both, as well as others who hail from an interdisciplinary background involving law. Lawyers from, or working directly with, island states are well-represented. A good balance is achieved between male and female authors, as well as a wide geographic scope of contributors. The seventeen chapters are divided into four sections. First, an editorial introduction offers an overview of the book plus, from the only non-lawyer lead author, a summary of scientific knowledge on climate change and sea-level rise. The next three sections cover the main content, divided into "Part II: Sovereignty and Territorial Concerns", "Part III: Resettlement Protections and Proposed Solutions", and "Part IV: Establishing Accountability", each comprising five chapters. Part II represents one of the most thorough, pragmatic, and creative discussions that I have seen on what the legal implications are for states that disappear. It is immensely sad to be reading such material, but somewhat heartening that there might be legal prospects for continuing a state structure or state-based access to resources in the absence of land set aside for that state. Due to the dearth of precedents, and the lack of monitoring and enforcement mechanisms for the suggested legal principles, islanders might not wish to be too optimistic about putting the principles into practice-but congratulations to the chapter authors for providing some possibilities. Islanders potentially displaced by climate change are discussed in Part III. Prospects for supporting displaced people include a human rights approach, a formal convention, the UNFCCC (United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change) negotiations, international law, domestic law, and immigration policies. As with Part II, the extent of possibilities and the depth to which they are covered is impressive, again tempered by the fact that such discussion is needed.
Entre la continuïtat i la innovació - el teatre del Memento mori a la Mallorca tardomedieval
El llindar de la modernitat: Mallorca a la tardor medieval i el Renaixmeent, editat per Rafael Ramis Barceló, Madrid, Sindéresis, ISBN 978-84-10120-36-5, 2024
El present text té com a objectiu presentar l’anàlisi de tres obres del teatre català antic que s’inscriuen en la tradició del Memento mori: la Consueta del Juý, la Representació de la Mort i la Consueta dels Set Sagraments, és a dir les peces núm. 11, 36 i 40 del Manuscrit Llabrés (Ms. 1139 de la Biblioteca de Catalunya), també conegut com a «consuetes mallorquines». Analitzem la manera en què aquestes tres peces enfoquen la presa de consciència de la mortalitat de l’ésser humà i la reflexió sobre les darreries de la humanitat, tot assenyalant aquells elements que pertanyen a la tradició medieval i aquells que es poden interpretar com a signes d’una aproximació contrareformista al tema en qüestió. The aim of this text is to present the analysis of three Catalan late medieval plays that are part of the Memento mori tradition: the Play of the Last Judgement (Consueta del Juý), the Performance of Death (Representació de la Mort) and the Play of the Seven Sacraments (Consueta dels Set Sagraments), that is to say the pieces no. 11, 36 and 40, respectively, of Ms. 1139 of the Biblioteca de Catalunya, which is known as Majorcan play texts (consuetes mallorquines). We analyze the way in which these three plays focus on the awareness of the mortality of the human being and the reflection of the end of the world, pointing out those elements that belong to the medieval tradition and those that can be interpreted as the signs of a counter-reformist approach to the subject.
Heritage Deviations in Relation to Town Planning in Ciutat de Mallorca
Journal of Mediterranean Studies , 2005
This article describes a case of urban reform in an area of the Historic Centre of Ciutat de Mallorca / Palma (Spain). The case study is framed within a global movement for recentralizing, embellishing, commodifying and calming the historic centres of many cities, in a process of re-direction of flows that can be observed both at metropolitan and global levels (competition between cities). This case is composed of three reform planning schemes (Sa Calatrava, Sa Gerreria and El Temple) legally independent but that are parts or phases of a single large-scale execution unit with shared aims (fundamentally the creation of added value) and which becomes obvious in its promotion as a single heritage tourism product. Nevertheless, the different planning schemes seem to coincide with a specific functional specialization of two differentiated sectors: Sa Calatrava becomes a luxurious and calmed residential area without neighbourhood or outdoor life; Sa Gerreria is to be upgraded both as a central and a corridor area. The paper shows an interest in the way in which the actors re-signify and appropriate this reforming action, re-creating from this ideas and social relations. Within this axiomatic approach, we have focused on two ethnographic examples that show a parallel logic of appropriation of discourse and action of reform, a logic that reads its arguments in a zealous manner and therefore uncovers resources, which we call deviations.