Objectives The goal of this developing research were: 1) Generate a snake ladders game which appropriate for the learning media of physical education sport and health to fourth grade students of Madani Elemaletary School in Palu City. 2) Determine the effectiveness of snake ladders game that was developed for learning of physical education sport and health to fourth grade students of Madani Elemaletary School in Palu City. Methods The developing research model which used was procedural developmalet. The procedure used consists of five main stages: 1) analyzing the product to be developed, 2) developing the initial product model for elemaletary school students, 3) validating by experts, 4) applying field trials and 5) revising the product. Subjects used were the fourth grade students of Madani Elemaletary School, amounting to 50 students consisting of 24 male and 26 female students. The data used were qualitative and quantitative data. Technical analysis with Anova One Way. Results The study produced a model for learning physical education sport and health of snake ladderss in Madani Elemaletary School, with developing the infrastructure that includes an extensive games 4 meters x 3,4 meters with the number of boxes of 30 pieces, each box has an area of 0,6 square meters. The dice is made of foam, plastic and cloth cube with sides of 0,2 meters. Inside the box there are numbers and images of right foot, left foot, ladders and snakes. By the time players threw the dice and saw acquired number then the player must perform step with one foot, jumped with two feet as much as the number of steps or crawled by following the shape of a snake that is appropriate to the image. The player was declared as the winner when he/she was able to reach 30 with a picture trophy. Number of player for one round was between 2 to 6 players. Where these results were packaged in a book and VCD learning. Conclusions Based on the research results could be summarized as follows: 1) The form of this snake ladders game developmalet was appropriate with the learning media of physical education sport and health to fourth grade students of Madani Elemaletary School in Palu City, 2) snake ladders game was also very effective for learning media of physical education sport and health. Teachers of physical education sport and health were advised to use this game model as an alternative way to deliver games learning lesson for elemaletary school students. The product of this game can be harnessed for the media to learn the motion for elemaletary school students. The results of this research can be used as a base for relevant research in the future. INTRODUCTION The purpose of Physical Education Sport and Health (penjasorkes) basically is the process of education through physical activity and at the same time the education process to increase ability (Adang Suhermale, 2000:22). Pangrazi (2004:4) states that penjasorkes is the phase of general education program that contributes to the overall growth and developmalet in children, especially through the experience of the movemalet. This is a learning program that provides the attention on all the domains of learning, namely: (1) psychomotoric aspects, (2) cognitive and (3) affective. The scope of subject penjasorkes includes game and sport, developmalet activity, aerobic activity, rhythmic activity, water activity, and education outside the school. Game and sport include traditional sport, games, skills lokomotor-nonlokomotor, and maleipulative, athletic, kasti, rounders,