Impact of Discipline on Academic Performance of Pupils in Public Primary Schools in Muhoroni Sub-County, Kenya (original) (raw)

Influence Of The Headteacher’s Management Of Pupils’ Discipline On Academic Performancein Public Primary Schools In Njoro Sub County, Nakuru County, Kenya


This study sought to determine the influence of management of pupils’ discipline (independent variable) on pupils’ academic performance (dependent variable) in Njoro sub-county.The study targeted all 76 primary schools in Njoro sub county and 886 teachers in all these schools. Descriptive survey research design was used in the study. Simple random sampling was used to select 269 teachers.Stratified random and Purposive sampling were used for selecting 6 head teachers from two stratums, one for high performing schools and the other for low performing schools based on kenye certificate of primary education(KCPE) average mean scores for the years 2012 to 2016.A sample size of 276 respondents was selected for the study which included the quality assurance and standards officer. A questionnaire and two interview guides one for head teachers and the other for education officer were used to collect the data. Descriptive statistics was used to analyse data.Data was analyzed using the SPSS 2...

Correlation between Students’ Discipline and Performance in The Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education


Students in secondary schools are still in the age of rapid physical, social, psychological and physiological developments. These developments are accompanied with variety of changes which if not well attended to lead to indiscipline which can negatively affect concentration on studies. In this paper, it is argued that there is a correlation between students’ discipline and performance in Kenya Certificate of Secondary School Education (KCSE). In Kenya, the Ministry of Education (MOE) collaborates with the stakeholders to ensure that students are cognizant of the correlation between discipline and performance in KCSE. The core business of the stakeholders as noted in the paper is to inculcate attitudes, skills, knowledge and understanding that value discipline among students. It is further argued that the stakeholders’ withdrawal from achieving the objectives of education lead to indiscipline among students and thus violating the schools’ rules and regulations. The paper utilizes th...

Discipline as a Factor in Academic Performance in Kenya

Journal of Educational and Social Research, 2014

Discipline is a vital ingredient for the success of students' academic performance. The Government of Kenya through the Ministry of Education (MOE) has always set up commissions of enquiries anytime the secondary schools unrests become a great concern, especially when it leads to massive destruction of property and death of students. The MOE has always wanted to get to the bottom of the matter and establish ways in which discipline can be enhanced. However, discipline in public day secondary schools has deteriorated in the past few years, especially since the ban of the cane jeopardizing the national goals of economic and industrial development (MOE 2008). In spite of efforts by the schools, indiscipline is the order of the day and it may be assumed that it hampers good academic performance. The Teachers Service Commission (TSC) has further ensured that each school has a teacher-counselor to strengthen discipline yet many schools particularly in Ruiru District have continued to find it difficult to establish a strong culture of good discipline. The academic performance in Ruiru District has continued to deteriorate. The schools have also been experiencing students' indiscipline. Although there are many factors that affect the academic performance, the factor of indiscipline has not been conclusively looked in to. It was therefore important and urgent to have an in-depth assessment of the role of discipline on academic performance in order to solve the problem. In view of the above, the task of this paper is to assess the causes of indiscipline, ascertain the relationship between students' discipline and academic performance, find out challenges faced by teachers in dealing with students' indiscipline and develop strategies for improving discipline in public day secondary schools in Ruiru district, Kiambu County in Kenya.

Students' Discipline in Selected Secondary Schools in Mwingi -West Constituency, Kitui County-Kenya

International Journal of Arts Humanities and Social Sciences Studies, 2022

The study was about student's discipline and social outcomes in selected secondary schools in Mwingi-west constituency-kitui county. The study was guided by the following objective; to establish the level of students' discipline. Using the eight selected schools out of fifteen schools in mwingi-west constituency, the respondents were basically 231 teachers from the selected schools from the constituency. The study employed descriptive correlation design. The findings of the study were: The level of the students' discipline in the few selected schools in the constituency was satisfactory. The study recommended that parents and teachers should endeavor to improve on the discipline level of their children since it is one of the factors that influences social outcomes among students. The study further recommended that more sanguine disciplinary measures should be adopted in societies so as to mitigate the rebellious effect of corporal punishments among the juveniles.

Discipline and Academic Performance (A Study of Selected secondary Schools in Lagos, Nigeria

Disciplines and academic performances are the core of our today's education. Some scholars have attributed poor performance of students in academic to high level of indiscipline among students while others disagreed. Nevertheless, it becomes imperative in recent times that many schools have traded away discipline and as a result led to poor academic performance of students. This study was carried out to establish the relationships between schools discipline and students' academic performance. The study employed cross sectional research survey design in which questionnaire was the main instrument of data collection in addition to interview guide and document review. Simple percentage and Chi-square statistical method were used to analyze the data. However, the findings of the study clearly showed that effective school discipline should be encouraged in controlling students' behaviour thus affects students' general academic performance. INTRODUCTION Scholars in recent times have written more on indiscipline among pupils and its effects on learning outcome and their progress in schools. Some scholars suggest that disciplinary policies simply do not have defferent effects (Verdugo and Glenn, 2002; Chen, 2008; Schoonover, 2009). Other asserts that suspensions do not prevent students' future misbehaviour (Nichols, 2004). If school is effectively disciplined, the academic performance on the part of student and teacher will be highly rated. Gawe, Vakalisa and Jacobs, (2001:190) express cooperative learning if academic performance is to be achieved among students. However, apart from the fact that effective discipline helps in the achievement of goals, expectation and responsibility in students (Dunham, 1984:66). Discipline creates a good image of the school and prepares learners for the future. Disruptive behaviour amongst learners is eliminated if there is good discipline at school. The implementation of effective discipline at school is a key for the student in the journey to adulthood. Parents often have no choice but to

An Assessment of Influence of Teachers’ Discipline Management Strategies on Kenya Certificate of Secondary Examination in Public Secondary Schools in Tharaka Nithi County, Kenya

Journal of Education and Practice, 2019

Discipline in schools is about positive behavior change in order to create conducive environment for learning. When discipline is achieved in secondary schools, it becomes instrumental in students academic performance. This study focused on assessment of the influence of teachers' discipline management strategies on KCSE performance in public secondary schools in Tharaka Nithi County, Kenya. The objective of this study was to establish the influence of school rules on KCSE performance. The county has had a trend of grade wastage from KCPE to KCSE. The study adopted descriptive survey research design which used mixed method approach. The study targeted 104 public secondary schools in Tharaka Nithi County, with 10 boys schools, 17 girls schools and 77 mixed schools. Stratified random, purposive sampling method and Krejcie & Morgan population sample table was used to determine the sample size. Principals and teachers were the respondents in this study. Interview schedule for 21 principals and 346 questionnaires for teachers were used as tools for data collection. The study sampled 42 schools, which constituted 40% of the total population size. The researcher prepared the instruments with expert judgment by supervisors. Cronbach's Alpha Coefficient (α) was employed in determining the reliability of the instruments. A pilot study of 10% of the sample schools and respondents was carried out from each of school category. Alpha index of 0.869 was obtained for the teachers' questionnaires. The reliability of the interview schedule was ensured by the consistency of the questions and the order in which they were administered. The study used descriptive statistics which included frequencies, measures of central tendencies (mean) and measures of dispersion (standard deviation). Inferential statistics Pearson r was used to test the relationships of the hypotheses with the aid of Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) in analyzing the data. The data from the interview guide was arranged thematically, transcribed and then presented verbatim in order to triangulate the results. The results revealed that school rules did not influence KCSE performance positively. The findings of this study are expected to be of benefit to different stake holders, who are sensitized with new information on alternative disciplinary strategies to be used on students' discipline in schools, the policy makers are assisted to come up with a new policy on use of alternative disciplinary methods in schools.

Influence of Teachers' Attitudes towards Students' Discipline in Secondary Schools in Murang'aEast Sub-County, Murang'a County, Kenya


Discipline is a rudimental ingredient that plays a crucial role in a school system, which insists on upholding the moral values of students. The purpose of this study was to investigate the role of teachers’ attitudes towards student’s discipline in secondary schools in Murang’a East Sub-County. The specific objectives of the study were: to establish the determinants of students’ indiscipline in secondary schools, determine whether teachers' attitudes towards students’ gender affects discipline, analyse whether the type of school influences the teachers' attitude towards students' discipline and to establish the relationship between teachers’ attitudes and students’ discipline in secondary schools in Murang’a East Sub-County. The study employed the use of descriptive survey research design which is suitable for the study of behaviours and attitudes. A sample of 126 respondents was selected that included 54 teachers and 72 students representing a total population of appro...

Discipline Strategies: Influence on Gender and Academic Level of Students: A Case of Rachuonyo North Sub-County, Homabay County, Kenya

The European Journal of Educational Sciences, 2017

This paper purposed to establish if there was a significant influence of discipline strategies on student academic performance based on the gender and academic level of students in Homabay County, Kenya. Over the years, students in Rachuonyo North Sub County have continued to perform poorly in Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (K.C.S.E). The objective of this study is to determine the influence of discipline strategies on academic performance by gender and academic level. The research design used was causal comparative. The researcher used simple random sampling to select 23 schools. Purposive sampling was used to identify students at different academic levels who had received any of the three discipline strategies that is suspension, manual labour, and sending students home to call their parent. The quantitative data was analyzed using paired sample t-test and repeated measures ANOVA at .05 level of significance. The study findings indicated that girls performed poorly after discipline strategies had been used on them. However, there was no significant difference in the academic performance of boys after the discipline strategies. It emerged that these discipline strategies influenced students' academic performance differently depending on the academic level of the student with the form two and four students registering a decline and the form three students showing a slight improvement. The study recommends discipline strategies other than the three used in the study for girls. Further research is required to determine the influence of these discipline strategies in other counties.

Students’ perceptions of the effectiveness of the methods used to enhance discipline in public secondary schools in Nyahururu division, Laikipia west district, Kenya

African Research Review, 2010

Many methods are used to enhance discipline in secondary schools. Among them are corporal punishment, guidance and counselling, psychological punishment and suspension from school. The use of corporal punishment was banned by the government and teachers were expected to use alternative methods. The opinion of the students on this matter was not sought. The main purpose of this study was to investigate students' perception of the effectiveness of the methods used to enhance discipline in public schools in Nyahururu division of Laikipia West District. The descriptive survey method was used. From a population of 2497 students, a sample of 333 was selected using the proportionate, stratified and simple random sampling methods. Data was collected using a self-administered student questionnaire developed by the researchers. Descriptive statistics were used to analyse the data. The results showed that students perceived guidance and counselling as more effective in enhancing discipline than other methods. The study also revealed that factors such as age, grade and type of school affected students' perception of the effectiveness of the various methods. From the study it was

Relationship Between Discipline and Performance of Public Secondary Schools in Embu County, Kenya

EPRA International Journal of Economics, Business and Management Studies

Several academics have suggested that there’s an affirmative association between discipline and performance, while others contend that the relationship is inconsistent and hence remains controversial. Practices of strategic implementation in Kenya, began gradually and progressively in the 1960s, but are now gaining popularity. As important as the theories of Strategy implementation in commercial firms, it is a requirement for public secondary schools to implement strategies as per the guidelines provided by the Ministry of Educations strategic plan that supports the governments goal of ensuring that every Kenyan kid has access to high quality education and training. Aside from the governments embrace of Strategy implementation as a policy, limited resources, stiff competition have made strategy implementation a necessity. The specific objectives of the study were discipline and performance of public secondary schools in Embu County. The theory underpinning the study was agency theor...