Quinto Vicentino, Italy. The public space in front of the Palladian villa Thiene as a theme of urban regeneration and tourism enhancement

PROCEEDINGS of the INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE on CHANGING CITIES IV Spatial, Design, Landscape & Socio-economic Dimensions, 2019

This work considers the small town of Quinto Vicentino located not far from Vicenza in the Veneto region, Italy, as a case study, formulating proposals for a new urban design focused on the historic piazza. The piazza of Quinto Vicentino is characterised by the presence of Villa Thiene whose architect was Andrea Palladio, and which has housed the town council (municipal government) since 1871. Villa Thiene and its presence forms the basis of the regeneration proposals. The intention is to enhance the value of the building and develop the tourism potential of the town. The villa in fact nowadays seems to have been forgotten, inside the piazza which unfortunately is used as vehicular thoroughfare and for parking. The idea is composed of remodelling in the style of traditional Italian piazzas characterised by the shape of a recognisable urban space around which lie the public buildings of the town. Both the classical and medieval piazza are recognised by the presence of volumes arranged hierarchically around the empty space of the piazza. The piazza is the urban fact around which the minor building development is distributed. The methodology looks at the town as a result of its spatial structure. More than political, social, and economic systems, reasons for its special nature can be found because of its constancy. The method adopted is based on studying the history of the place to understand the urban morphology of it. The physical specificity of the urban form is explored with the aim of elaborating a design process to reinforce the public space as a reference point for the community. Our work is the result of students’ workshops, developed in the framework of the course on “Architectural and Urban Composition 2” taught on the master’s degree in Architectural Engineering at the Department of Civil, Environmental, Architectural Engineering of the University of Padua. Our research has been carried on with a more general purpose that is to debate about the urban image, applying the theories and techniques of building design.

The right to the city to contrast the decay of urban spaces. The architectural upgrade of Corso Garibaldi railway station, in Naples. ARQUITECTONICS


Deep changes in urban frameworks, challenge contemporary cities, where often, common spaces formerly central, risk an indissoluble physical degradation, due to processes of social marginalization. Architects are asked to face the developmental dynamics for spaces of anonymity, every day more numerous, working on previous attitudes as aggregation and relation junctions. Moving from the description of the design criteria that inform the rehabilitation for the ancient area of Corso Garibaldi in Naples, the paper introduces a critical thinking about the links between space’ performances and attitudes towards inclusivity. Urban and architectural solutions are privileged means in order to return to citizenship the right to public space, reaffirming the concept of common space as dwelling, residence of the community, with the creation of new social ties and the growth of local shared identities.

3 rd ISUFitaly International Congress - LEARNING FROM ROME: historical cities and contemporary design (PROGRAMME)

LEARNING FROM ROME: historical cities and contemporary design

The results of research in urban morphology describe historic cities as urban organisms whose survival, transformation and management needs design-based complex actions to be investigated by analytical tools integrating different knowledge. Architecture, History, Geography are speculative discipline and provide useful tools to properly direct architectural projects, whether they are conceived or not in continuity with the urban and architectural language of the traditional existing context. Preserve and renovate the historic cities and the historical urban tissues should be a new focus of urban policies and of those entrepreneurs and conservation professionals which have identied the abandonment of these urban realities as the emerging political and economic dynamics. The scope of the conference is to collect studies, research, design and methodological reections on contemporary architecture, urban contexts and historical building, directing the outcome to the denition of operational tools useful for a aware and contemporary design. In recent years the reuse, the recovery, the architectural transformation of urban fabric are among the most practiced topic of the international architectural culture based both on open interpretations or limited to the aspect of conservation. The conference will be an opportunity to discuss on contemporary design in the historic city, on tools and research methods to be applied to these architectural dynamic realities, and on operational tools used for designing such meaningful anthropological spaces. ________________________________________________________________________ Veja-se o resumo do artigo " Cartography and iconography as diachronic analysis tools of the urban fabric ─ Évora and Setúbal (ABSTRACT)" na secção "PUBLISHED PAPERS".

A new piazza in Meolo near Venice in North East Italy. Planning projects to regenerate a degraded historic place


Meolo is a small town in the Metropolitan City of Venice, crossed by the river of the same name. Its flat territory is located between the courses of the Piave and Sile rivers. The work we propose concerns the redevelopment of the central part of this town. The analysis carried out led to the finding that the space in front of the Town Hall was, and still is, inadequate in relation to the need for a centrality felt by the community. This space is insufficient to host the main recreational and meeting public functions. The purpose of this study is the formulation of hypotheses for a new definition of the central space close to the historic building that now houses the Town Hall. The historic square of Meolo was once the churchyard of St John the Baptist, a consecrated place that also housed burial sites far from the location of the current Town Hall. Throughout the Middle Ages and beyond, it has been a place of collective events and activities, including those of a non-sacred nature. Over the centuries, the churchyard has been built and the memory of this central space has been lost. Afterwards, the place of reference of the community was the open space not well defined at the foot of the Ponte dei Carri. The area was overlooked by the main historic buildings, seats of administrative and commercial activities, including Villa Folco (also known as Villa Dreina). In 1953, the Ponte dei Carri was demolished, and a section of the river buried. Arranged during the reconstruction phase following World War I, the area in front of the Town Hall remained a secondary square. Being originally part of a private villa, is not a real square in the perception of its inhabitants. It, however, constitutes today a valuable opportunity to redesign the lost unity of this historic town. The paper includes the results of students’ workshops developed in the framework of the courses on “Architectural and Urban Composition 2” taught on the master’s degree in Architectural Engineering at the Department of Civil, Environmental and Architectural Engineering of the University of Padua. The working method is based on the belief that the study of urban morphology and the history of the city are basic to face a design theme. The history is considered as an indispensable tool to know the deep reasons of the urban structure which is the memory and the image of the community. The methodology contemplates the urban form as a result of its spatial structure. Progressing from the study of how the area has evolved through time, students defined new proposals for the area that involved testing new building types.

Urban and Architectural Design of the Piazza del Governo in Enna


The present essay deals with the urban space of Piazza del Governo in Enna, a town located in the center of Sicily. This square is a work projected and realized in 1935 by the palermitan architect Salvatore Caronia Roberti. This area is a wide space representative of the 1930s fascist regime: the square would worthily hold the public headquarters of the politic-institutional and economic-financial power.

New Public Spaces in the Historic City Centre. The Verdi Theatre Area in Padua, Italy, as a Case Study

The theme of this paper is the design of new public spaces and new building types in the historic city center. The method adopted is based on analyzing the history of the city to understand the urban morphology, considered to be the memory and image of the community. The urban form is the result of its spatial structure. More than political, social, and economic systems, which are important but not sufficient, reasons for its special nature can be found because of its constancy. Planning new buildings starts from understanding the context, that is, its physical structure, and this is especially so in the historic city center. The teaching on the Architectural and Urban Composition 2 and 3 courses at the Department of Civil, Environmental, and Architectural Engineering at the University of Padua examines basic 1960s studies concerning urban morphology and typological analysis, especially by Aldo Rossi. The theme of the spatial aspects is investigated by studying the formal image in the transformations of the city as the starting point for designing new architecture. The Verdi Theatre area in Padua is one of the subjects investigated by the students. The area was an opportunity to redesign the lost unity of a historic part of the city: here the order and hierarchy of the elements that characterize the form of the place have experienced significant alterations since the Second World War. Progressing from the study of how the area has evolved through time, students had to define new proposals for the area.

The recomposition of urban public spaces. Case study of the historic centre of Noale, Italy

The theme of this paper is the recomposition of public spaces in the ancient town when compromised by old and recent speculative interventions. The working method is based on the belief that, in the study of urban morphology, is basic to analyse the history of the city, clarifying the relationship between permanent structures on the one hand and temporary ones on the other. The history becomes an indispensable tool to know the deep reasons of the urban structure which is the memory and the image of the community. The paper is based on fundamental 1960s studies and following about typological analysis (Aldo Rossi, 1966; Carlos Martì Arìs, 1993) specifically oriented towards the theme of public spaces. The spatial aspects and formal image of the transformations in the city are studied as a premise for the design of the new architecture. Noale, not far from Venice, was one of the subjects the students on the course of Architectural and Urban Composition 2 at the Department of Civil, Environmental and Architectural Engineering of the University of Padua specifically investigated as an opportunity to redesign the unity of the historic centre of this town that had previously been lost.

Urban and Architectural Design of the Piazza del Governo in Enna (2012)

The present essay deals with the urban space of Piazza del Governo in Enna, a town located in the center of Sicily. This square is a work projected and realized in 1935 by the palermitan architect Salvatore Caronia Roberti. This area is a wide space representative of the 1930s fascist regime: the square would worthily hold the public headquarters of the politic-institutional and economic-financial power.

Urban morphology as a tool for the recomposition of public spaces in the historic city centre: case study of the Cathedral Square in Padua, Italy

Recomposition of public spaces in the medieval city compromised by war damage and speculative development. The working method is based on the belief that analysing the history of the city is fundamental to the study of urban morphology, clarifying the relationship between permanent structures on the one hand and temporary ones on the other. History becomes an indispensable tool with which to discover the underlying reasons for the development of the urban structure, which is an indelible reminder made in the image of the community. The methodology looks at the city as a product of functional systems (political, social, economic), but contemplates the overall urban form as a result of its spatial structure. The urban form is investigated in its physical specificity, which is the only method capable of finding the reasons for the special nature of the urban form in contrast to the social, economic, and political aspect that while certainly important, are insufficient. In fact, restoring not only a material but also a spiritual value to the city today is as indispensable as it ever has been. Consequently, a discussion can be held on the destiny of the city. The Architectural and Urban Composition 2 course at the Department of Civil, Environmental, and Architectural Engineering of the University of Padua is based on fundamental 1960s studies about typological analysis (especially Aldo Rossi, L’architettura della città, 1966) specifically oriented towards the theme of public spaces and establishing relationships between these and private spaces. The spatial aspects and formal image of the transformations in the city are studied as a premise on which to base the design of the new architecture. One of the areas in Padua studied by the students is Piazza Duomo (Cathedral Square), used as an opportunity to reconfigure the lost unity of a very symbolic and representative place, which acts as a custodian of the history and identity of this city. Piazza Duomo has been affected by rapid post Second World War reconstruction that has resulted in the loss of the organic unity with surrounding parts of the city. The hierarchy and order of the elements that characterize the form of this old place has been compromised by speculation in the second half of the twentieth century. Piazza Duomo is now a squalid parking space but in previous centuries it was a reference point for religious life in the city. It is used as a case study with analysis and proposals for a new urban design.

Public space and historic architecture. A case study of Borgo dei Rizzi (Udine, Italy)

World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology, 2013

As part of more general research into the recomposition of urban spaces in small towns and villages in the region of Friuli in the North-East of Italy, the urban structure of the village Borgo dei Rizzi near Udine is presented. The method adopted is based on analysis of the history of the urban morphology of the village in order to understand it. The physical specificity of the urban form is explored with the aim of elaborating a design process to reinforce the public space as a reference point for the community. This was one of the subjects the students on the course at the Department of Architectural Engineering of the University of Udine specifically investigated as an opportunity to redesign the unity of the historic village that had previously been lost.