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Following is a listing of the 1985 members of the Association for Computational Linguistics as of 3 December 1985. Personal members are listed first, ordered alphabetically by last name. Institutional members follow, ordered alphabetically by country, province (for Canada), city, and then institutional name; for the United States, the sorting is by ZIP-code.
Comprehensive Study of Regionalism: Tools for Comparison and Evaluation
E x e c u t i v e S u m m a r y 1 I n t r o d u c t i o n 3 Project Overview 5 Defining Regionalism 7 Existing Literature and Research on Regionalism 9 Development of a Decision Model 15 Identifying Key Community Leadership and Partnership Assets for Success: Economic Development 23 C a s e S t u d i e s 2 5 L e s s o n s L e a r n e d 2 7 S u m m a r y 3 1 R e f e r e n c e s 3 3 Appendices A. BEA Regions Summary Map and BEA Region Definitions (Region name followed by component counties) 37 B. NAICS definitions used in the model 65 C. Regional Dynamics (REDYN) Economic and Demographic Model 71 D. Outline of On-line Survey of EDA Staff 73 E. Narrative Reports of the EDA Site Visits 75
Group B Streptococcus Late-Onset Disease: 2003-2010
Group B streptococcus late-onset disease Abbreviations CDC -Centers for Disease Control and Prevention CSF -cerebrospinal fluid EOD -early-onset disease E-R -Emilia-Romagna GBS -Group B streptococcus IAP -intrapartum prophylaxis LOD -late-onset disease. PFGE -pulsed-field gel electrophoresis ABSTRACT BACKGROUND: There is insufficient population-based data on group-B streptococcus (GBS) late-onset disease (LOD). Risk factors and routes of GBS transmission are poorly understood. METHODS: A prospective, cohort study was conducted to collect incidence data on LOD and evaluate GBS infections over an eight-year period (2003)(2004)(2005)(2006)(2007)(2008)(2009)(2010). Starting from January 2007, maternal recto-vaginal and breast milk cultures were routinely collected upon confirmation of the LOD diagnosis in order to assess maternal GBS culture status. RESULTS: The incidence rate of LOD was 0.32/1000 live births (1.4 and 0.24/1000 live births for preterm and full-term newborns respectively). The registered cases of LOD (n=100) were classified as sepsis (n=57), meningitis (n=36), or focal infection (n=7). Thirty neonates were preterm (2 had recurrent infection); 68 were full-term. Four babies died (3 early preterm, 1 full-term). At the time the LOD diagnosis was confirmed, 3/53 mothers (6%) suffered from GBS mastitis, and 30/47 (64%) carried GBS at the recto-vaginal site. Early (7-30 days) LOD presentation was associated with neonatal brain lesions or death (OR 0.96, 95% C.I. 0.93-0.99). Intrapartum antibiotic exposure was significantly associated with mild (12/22) rather than severe LOD (11/45; P = .03). CONCLUSIONS: Preterm neonates had the highest rates of LOD and mortality. Most mothers carried GBS at the time of the LOD diagnosis, whereas 6% were affected by mastitis. Intrapartum antibiotic prophylaxis was associated both with delayed presentation of symptoms and milder LOD.
Two-Year Outcomes of a Randomized Controlled Trial of Inhaled Nitric Oxide in Premature Infants
sponsored the study. J-CM has received research grants from the French Ministry of Health to study the effects of inhaled nitric oxide on the developing brain of the rat pup. DF has received research grants from the British Heart Foundation. AG has received research grants from ventilator companies, Abbott Laboratories, MedImmune and the Department of Health's NIHR Biomedical Research centre at GSTFT/KCL. XD has received travel support for abstract presentation from INO Therapeutics. NM receives part funding from the Department of Health's NIHR Biomedical Research Centre's funding scheme at UCLH/UCL. J-CM has received research grants and advisory board consulting fees from Ikaria and INO Therapeutics. HH has received speaker's fees from Linde Gas Therapeutics. MS-L, VC, DF, AG, NM, BVO, BJ, and MH have received advisory board consulting fees and travel support from INO Therapeutics. JB is an employee of Ikaria.