Lidah Para Guru: Studi Hermeneutis terhadap Yakobus 3:1-12 (original) (raw)
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Menyoal Perspektif Qohelet Tentang Membuat Buku dan Belajar dalam Pengkhotbah 12:12
DUNAMIS: Jurnal Teologi dan Pendidikan Kristiani
This article examines two issues in Ecclesiastes 12:12, namely making (many) books and learning. "Learning" and "writing practice" are prevalent in thought and literature in the Ancient Near East. Qohelet's perspective, particularly related to "writing books" and "learning," is a genre of wisdom that can be easily found in the corpus of Old Testament Wisdom Literature books. The imperative form of the intention of Qohelet on these two issues seems to draw the readers on one of two choices: prohibition or warning, since Qohelet himself does not give a compelling reason for these issues. Methodologically, this topic will be examined hermeneutically. Qohelet's expression related to writing and learning does not spread and promote a pessimistic spirit in the midst of ecclesiastical society and educated people.
Mengenal Penulis Kitab Yakobus Dan Pengajarannya
Jurnal Shanan, 2017
Salah satu kitab yang terdapat dalam Alkitab, khususnya dalam Perjanjian Baru adalah Kitab Yakobus, di mana kitab ini sempat menjadi pokok pembicaraan hangat di kalangan teolog Kristen berkaitan dengan keabsahannya.
Prinsip Hidup Yang Mengingat Tuhan: Studi Hermeneutik Terhadap Yakobus 4:13-17
CARAKA: Jurnal Teologi Biblika dan Praktika, 2023
Human have the ability to remember in life, which as a system called memory. Human can also experience forgetfulness as James 4:13-17 explains the activities and life plans of traders. The purpose of this article was to investigate the principles of living by remembering God based on James 4:13-17. The researcher used a qualitative method with a hermeneutic study viewed from a psycho-theological perspective. The researcher found that the life of the traders was reflecting self-aggrandizement with arrogance and forgetting God. Apart from admonishing them, James gave advice to practice the principles of life that remember God. In this case, individuals need to apply memory improvement strategies about remembering God constantly, namely activating spiritual learning, diligent communication, and high interest. Thus, individuals know the truth and implement good deeds.
Pengetahuan sebagai Jerat kesia-sian bagi Manusia Hermeneutik Reader Response "Pengkhotbah 12:12-13"
Penulis "Laurenzo Orretifano Yehezkiel Rottie" Pendahuluan Pengetahuan sangat dibutuhkan saat ini, seiring berjalannya waktu pengetahuan manusia dipaksa untuk terus bertumbuh guna dapat bertahan hidup di zaman revolusi industri. Orang-orang mulai berlomba memperlengkapi diri mereka dengan banyak pengetahuan, mulai dari sekolah sampai pada jenjang tertinggi, menulis buku, menjadi seorang professor, mereka mengejar semua itu yang tidak mereka sendiri tidak tahu tujuannya untuk apa?. Permasalahan saat ini yang terjadi banyak orang yang sudah tidak lagi mempedulikan diri mereka sendiri dari sisi kesehatan mereka (fisik ataupun psikologi) mereka terus melampaui batas mereka hanya untuk mengejar pengetahuan yang sebenarnya sangat tidak dituntut oleh Tuhan. Berkaca dari beberapa Negara yang saat ini semakin banyak warga Negara mereka yang menjadi Ateis dan tidak lagi mempercayai eksistensi Tuhan di dunia ini. pengetahuan di butuhkan sangat dibutuhkan tetapi jika orang-orang sudah terlalu berlebihan dalam mencari pengetahuan maka mereka sudah tidak lagi mempedulikan orang-orang disekitar mereka dan tidak mempercayai eksistensi Tuhan. Banyak pengetahuan yang didapat tidak menjamin orang akan hidup bahagia semakin banyak orang mengejar pengetahuan semakin banyak juga orang yang mengejar kesia-siaan. saya menulis jurnal ini dengan melihat sudut pandang Qohelet 12:12-13, masih sedikit orang yang membahas mengenai ayat ini dengan menggunakan pola hermeneutic reader Response. Saya ingin melihat bagaimana tanggapan orang-orang mengenai ayat yang berbicara bahwa mengejar pengetahuan hanya akan melelahkan diri sendiri dan tidak tahu tujuannya akan kemana karena pad akhirnya pengetahuan yang didapat saat ini tidak akan dibawah mati dan Tuhan tidak akan bertanya I'Q kalian untuk bisa masuk surga. Oleh sebab itu saya akan mendekati Qohelet 12 : 12-13 dengan kritik Reader Response karena seperti saya katakana di atas bahwa masih sedikit atau bahkan tidak ada sama sekali yang mencoba melihat teks ini dengan kritik Reader Response. Dalam era modernism, Modernisme memandang ilmu-ilmu positif empiris atau ilmu pengetahuan mau tidak mau menjadi standar kebenaran tertinggi. Artinya pandangan modernisme yang objektif dan positivis. Mengakibatkan nilai moral dan religious
Happiness is something that every individual wants. That's why everyone will do anything to achieve that happiness. Even though sometimes that happiness is not true happiness. This is because most scholars and philosophers teach false happiness, worldly happiness. This research discusses the happiness taught by Jesus based on Matthew 5, to see and find eternal and ultimate happiness. By using qualitative research methods, especially literature review, the research results show how different the happiness of Jesus and the happiness of this world are. People who feel happiness according to Jesus' teachings are those who are spiritually poor so that they always have a desire to be satisfied by the power and word of God; those who mourn over sin, evil and unrighteousness; those who are meek; those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, because they will always be satisfied by God; those who are generous because they will receive a reward; those who are pure in heart because they will see God; and those who are peacemakers, who are persecuted for righteousness' sake and who for Jesus' sake are persecuted, reproached, and maligned.
In the current era of globalization, many things are a problem in this world, especially in the attitudes and actions of a person towards others who tend to undermine their fellow man. One of them is the act of slandering and also positioning himself as a judge of the actions of others. So that this shows an attitude that is arrogant and also distorts the truth and especially undermines the dignity of God's holiness. In the Book of James 2:11-12 there is a commandment to guard every word against others. James explicitly forbids his congregation from speaking evil or in other words, slander. The reason why this is prohibited is because evil speech/slander can harm oneself and others, this action is a denial of the main law that we must love others as we love ourselves. The method used in this research is a text analysis approach that focuses on the text itself by using the 4 layers of meaning exegesis method of the Bible. The 4 layers of meaning are Historia, theoria, moral and anagogic. The result of the textual research is to speak lovingly, and to obey God's law. So everyone who obeys God's law means that he can love his neighbor through his actions and words.
SANCTUM DOMINE: Jurnal Teologi, 2018
Family is an intersting entity to study. Theologically, a family is a God established intitution in the marrital bound between a man and a woman. The family that designed by God himself has been through many threads and challenges from the world that promoting new values for the family that makes the family origin values put by God are being faded out. Many distortions in the family have become challenges for the church and the believers to set the focus to a family as mentioned in the Bible especially Genesis 1-3 as a resources where Christians capture the picture of the first family that have ever existed. Pendahuluan Kitab Kejadian di dalam bahasa Ibrani adalah Bereshit, yang artinya: Pada mulanya. Sesuai dengan judulnya, kitab ini memuat kisah permulaan dari segala sesuatu. Langit bumi, alam semesta, hewan, tumbuhan, manusia, termasuk keluarga dan segala macam hal yang ada di dunia ini. Kejadian pasal satu dan dua adalah keadaan ideal bagaimana seharusnya ciptaan Tuhan bergerak, berkembang untuk memuliakan Allah Sang Pencipta yang Mahakudus. Di dalamnya, termuat maksud dan rancangan Allah untuk menolong ciptaan-Nya, khususnya manusia memiliki nilai sebagaimana ia diciptakan.
Mendialogkan Teologi Pembebasan Gustavo Gutierrez Dan Raja Yerobeam Dalam 1 Raja-Raja 12:1-24
This article (1) aims to discover the conflict of the division of the kingdom of great Israel in 1 Kings 12:1-24 both spiritually and sociologically between god and people. (2) then, this construction would be integrated from the perspective of the liberation of Gustavo Gutierrez. Seeing the liberation of Gutierrez theology similar to what jeroboam fought for in 1 Kings 12:1-24, the two men of deliverance became interesting. The article uses the historical-critical method to see this conflict in-depth and in sociological terms. As a result, liberation theology gives a perspective of equality and emancipation, especially on the yoke and forced labor committed by jeroboam so that he and the northern tribes must take separate ways to free themselves from injustice. Meanwhile, Gutierrez in Latin America particularly in the experience of community abuses gives the church the courage to tackle the crisis of injustice. The liberation theology of Jeroboam and Gutierrez similarly emphasizes the importance of the involvement of the church as well as of theologians in viewing social issues such as imposition both practically and politically.
MANTHANO: Jurnal Pendidikan Kristen
A Christian educator not only equips students to have good cognitive skills but also has good character and ethics and moral values. That is the aim of the research in this article. Because the number of delinquency and problems in students is an important indicator of the teacher's role in leadership so that they can seek to increase the spirituality of students. In this research, the writer applies descriptive qualitative method with a literature study approach and a hermeneutical approach, namely examining texts related to the leadership of Christian educators so that a conclusion can be drawn that a Christian educator in his leadership task must be based on God's word. Able to be a role model for students both through speech, behavior, love, loyalty, chastity. So that students are able to become individuals who have the character of Christ and are able to live the values and norms that apply in the community. So that his life can be a blessing to those around him.