This study is aimed to describe the students' ability in using derivational suffixes in word formation. Word formation is one of the important aspects in vocabulary building because the students can know how to create new words through kinds of processes, by using compounding, blending, clipping, acronyms, affixes, etc. The design of the research is descriptive quantitative. This study assigned 58 students of the second semester of English Department in academic year 2014/2015 as the population and sample of the study. Data of this study were the students' scores in vocabulary test about derivational suffixes used in word formations. The vocabulary test as the instrument of the study was in the form of written test in the type of short essay test. Relying on descriptive quantitative design, the data obtained were analyzed by using descriptive statistics which were focused on mean score and rate percentage. The research revealed the following findings: (1) The students' ability in using derivational suffixes in word formation of the second semester of English Department of University of Kutai Kartanegara in academic year 2014/2015 was good. This fact was supported by the students' mean score was 67.89 which was on B grade (good level); (2) The scores distribution of the students' ability in using derivational suffixes in word formation of the second semester of English Department of University of Kutai Kartanegara in academic year 2014/2015 were in five criteria ranged from A to E grade. It was found that 11 or 18.97% of the students got A (excellent) level, 2 3 or 39.66% of the students obtained B (good) level, 15 or 25.86% of the students gained C (fair) level, 6 or 10.34% of the students got D (poor) level, and 3 or 5.17% of the students got E (failed) level. It meant that from 58 students, 49 or 84.49% were successful, and 9 or 15.51% of the students were fail in using derivational affixes in word formation. VOCABULARY always concerns with word. The existence of words is usually takes for granted by the speakers of a language. To speak and understand the language meaning among many other things knowing words of that language. The average speaker knows thousands of words, and new word enters into the students' minds and the students' language on a daily communications. Vocabulary plays a very important role in developing the four skills; they are listening, speaking, reading and writing. By having vocabulary the students can obtain knowledge and information. According to Wilkins in Budiharso (2004) that vocabulary is important not only for learning the language itself but also for the language for communication. The summary of Ur's idea (1996) in Rachmadie (1999:2) about some aspects of vocabulary, they deal with: form, grammar, collocations, meaning and