Scientific Study of Organizational Creativity - Summary of Modern Theories (original) (raw)
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Contemporary Definition for Creativity
Knowledge International Journal
The report examines the central role of creativity in the future post-information society. There is a call for a pragmatic approach to the study of creativity, which as a consequence bears recognition of the dynamic nature of this phenomenon. At the heart of the proposed theoretical framework is the very definition of creativity, which is transformed from static to dynamic. Starting from the static central definition and considering the auxiliary definitions for the area of focus and purpose of creativity, creative personality, creativity of the individual, creativity of the environment, creative process, product of creative process, potential for creativity, product presentation and evaluation, the nature of creativity should be clarified. The new definitions have been shown to be fully compatible with the existing set of research in the field of creativity, as well as increase the effectiveness in proposing new approaches to research in support of the consideration of new theoreti...
Economic forum, 2022
The peculiarities of forming managerial innovation theory are disclosed for the first time in this article. The main purpose of the research is to determine the scientific foundations, main principles and the place of the theory of managerial innovation in the system of modern scientific concepts. A critical analysis of literary sources and approaches of modern scientists to solving the issues of increasing the efficiency of management activity based on the introduction of new methods, means and ways, techniques of management is made. It shows their individual disclosure in separate modern scientific concepts, while the holistic disclosure of the most important conceptual principles of the theory of managerial innovation has been neglected. The relevance of solving the presented scientific problem lies in the need for forming of a special integrative science, which is designed to reveal numerous regularities inherent to various economic processes and phenomena, reveals the relationship with the development of society as a whole, determining the target direction, principles and methods of improving management activities at different levels of management and also reveals a close connection with a set of important scientific and practical tasks related to modern scientific concepts. The methodological basis of the research is a system of the following methods: generalization and synthesis – to determine the essence of managerial innovation as a science; abstract-logical – to reveal the interrelationship of such components of managerial innovation as management, innovation and technology; analysis and synthesis – when revealing the main principles and establishing the place of managerial innovation theory in the system of modern scientific concepts. The object of the research is the study of the interaction of methods, means and techniques of management in various spheres of functioning of economic processes. The article presents the results of the application of general scientific research methods for the formation of the newest direction of modern theory – managerial innovation. The results of the study can be useful for scientific and pedagogical workers and managers at various levels of economy management.
Using of turquoise organization’s concept to benchmark indicators of creative team management
Vestnik Universiteta
The purpose of this study is to study the possibilities of applying the turquoise type organization model in creative industries, where there is a need for constant staff development to achieve maximum results. When analyzing the turquoise organization model, a number of factors should be taken into account, on which it relies, and also choose from a number of them those that really have a significant impact on the formation of the turquoise approach in creative industries. At a certain stage, from a non-standard creative management model, one way or another, it is necessary to return to traditional management methods while maintaining the basic principles of the turquoise organization, which can be considered as a standard. The introduction of such tools into the creative team/process management system qualitatively improves the mechanism of managerial decision-making, and also allows it to be debugged through unidirectional actions of both managers and the entire creative team. To...
In the modern conditions, teaching of university disciplines should be based on the creativity principles of exposition and presentation of educational material; it also should be problem-oriented and should contain a lot of problem situations of different types and have a great part of problem discussion, both during lectures and training sessions (workshops). The article presents the experience of the program development of the discipline «Innovations in professional activity” based on the principles of creative teaching for students studying on training program «Tourism», «Hospitality», and «Service», and discloses the methods and techniques of lectures and workshops . The author provides and explains the cycle of tasks of the discipline, ensuring the formation of the essential educational competencies. The course concept is based on the assumption that innovativeness and creativity are connected; it creates «the formula of discipline». Awakening the creative consciousness by invigoration the students with successful examples of creative activities is the main goal of the course. The course includes a large number of examples (cases) of innovative approach in various fields and areas; training sessions for the formation of the sustainable needs for development of student’s creative resources and applying them in practice. The article presents the developed model of the trajectory of educational discipline in the form its thematic structure. The author justifies substantial component of lectures and workshops. The conclusion about the importance of creative and innovative approach and usage the problem principle of the organizing the teaching of the discipline at university of tourism and service profile is made.
Information Nature of Structural Creativity Composition of Economic System
Конохова З.П. кандидат економічних наук, доцент, Національний технічний університет Харківський політехнічний інститут Харченко А.О. кандидат економічних наук, доцент, Національний технічний університет Харківський політехнічний інститут ІНФОРМАЦІЙНА ПРИРОДА СТРУКТУРОУТВОРЮЮЧИХ СКЛАДОВИХ ЕКОНОМІЧНОЇ СИСТЕМИ У статті розглядається роль інформації у процесі формування та функціонування економічної системи. Визначається інформаційна сутність зв'язків між елементами системи та відносин власності як її основної структуроутворюючої складової. Запропоновано визначення власності як сукупності даних про режим доступу економічних суб'єктів до обмежених ресурсів або благ. Здійснено інформаційний опис категорії «власність» шляхом висвітлення трьох її основних аспектів: структури категорії, економічної та правової реалізації власності. Підкреслюється важливість чіткої специфікації прав власності з метою зменшення невизначеності економічного середовища та формування у індивідів стабільних очікувань щодо результатів їхніх дій або відносин з іншими економічними агентами. Звертається увага на те, що спотворення інформації щодо розподілу та захисту прав власності призводить до підвищення невизначеності в економічній системі та може використовуватись суб'єктом управління з метою отримання неправомірної вигоди. Ключові слова: інформація, економічна система, власність, інформаційна сутність власності, невизначеність, специфікація прав власності, «розмивання» прав власності.
This monograph presents mathematical models for organizing creative and innovative activities in active complex multi-level hierarchical systems. The author formalizes the basic processes and relationshipsof innovative activities and suggests a set of mathematical models (in terms of hierarchical, static and dynamic games) in order to study relationships of participants of innovation processes at different interaction levels, including the interaction between the project team members, the interaction of firms engaged in innovation activity on a market with knowledge diffusion and obsolescence, and the interaction of innovation policy-maker and competing innovation agents. The book is addressed to researchers in the areas of mathematical modeling, management and control of complex hierarchical systems, experts in the field of innovation management, intellectual property management, and the stimulation and regulation of innovative entrepreneurial activity, as well as researchers and p...
Keywords: Subjective Reality, Naturalistic Decision Making, Cognitive computing, Quantum Semantic, Financial Projection, Strong AI, Animal Cognition, Cognizant Computing, Embedded Systems, Cyber-physical systems, Big Data, ANN, Natural language processing, «Artificial Connectom», limiting-generalization paradigm, deep learning, sensemaking, cognitive architecture, inner codes, sketches of images, critical sketches, cognitive complexity, Thin Slices, Human-like Intuition, intuitive and creative thinking, Subconscious Mind, Natural Logic, digital epistemology, non-conscious mental states, Philosophy of Mind, senses, Digital Economy, Intuition Robotics Data Science Machine Eliminates Human Intuition For Big-data Analysis.
The Role of Creativity and Innovation in the Effective Leadership
Knowledge International Journal
In the past, creativity was considered a gift from God, which could only have "the chosen ones." It was associated with external forces, music, and obesity. The very word "creativity" derives from the Latin expression "creation exnihilo" which means creating something from nothing, and what is interpreted as God's action, which is contrary to "creatio ex materia" and completely different from the ability of man to create something, for which used the verb "facere". Even in romanticism there is the idea that the source of inspiration should be sought inside, in the man.Today creativity is democratized, ie. today everyone thinks they can be creative. Namely, creativity is much more than just thinking of "smart" ideas, inspiration, or ingrained inventiveness, which is why it can not be said that it is the gift of the chosen ones, but that it depends on the ability to combine seemingly incompatible processes and elements.If...