"Towards an Integrated Framework for Implementing Working Memory in SLA Research". Paper presented on the 4th National Forum on "Second Language Acquisition" --8-10 December, 2017, Shanghai, China (论工作记忆与二语习得研究的跨学科融合趋势) (original) (raw)
Towards an Integrative Framework for Implementing Working Memory in SLA Research WEN Zhi-sheng (Edward), Macao Polytechnic Institute edwardwen@ipm.edu.mo Building on multi-disciplinary insights from cognitive sciences and applied linguistics, the current paper aims to highlight the instrumental effects of two key working memory (WM) systems on various second language acquisition (SLA) domains and skills. In so doing, the paper proposes to incorporate working memory as a central construct of language aptitude (Wen, Biedron & Skehan, 2017). Towards this goal, the paper will first draw on convergent insights from cognitive psychology and neuroscience to depict respectively the nature, structure and functions of phonological WM (PWM) and executive WM (EWM), as well possible interactions between them. Then, major domains of second language learning, processing, and development are further sorted out in alignment with their required cognitive processing demands drawing on PWM and EWM. This step by step process of integrating WM components/functions and SLA domains and skills culminates in the Phonological/Executive (P/E) Model for implementing WM in SLA research (Wen, 2012, 2015, 2016 & 2018). Overall, the P/E model postulates that phonological WM is best conceived as a ‘language learning device’ that underlies the acquisitional and developmental domains of vocabulary/lexis, formulaic sequences/chunks, and morpho-syntactic constructions (grammar); while executive WM is a ‘language processing device (or processor)’ that subserves cognitively demanding processes during L2 comprehension and production, as well as in L2 real-time performance dimensions and interactions. In the final part of the paper, I will outline the theoretical and methodological ramifications of the P/E model and further highlight possible directions for future research into this interdisciplinary enterprise of WM and SLA. 论二语习得与认知科学的跨学科研究熱點与趋势 —— 以工作记忆为视角 Towards an Interdisciplinary Research Agenda for Working Memory and Second Language Acquisition 温植胜博士、副教授 澳门理工学院语言暨翻译学校 【摘要】:本文的目的旨在讨论国内外认知(神经)科学界和二语习得界围绕工作记忆与二语习得所展开的跨学科研究取得的最新成果,并藉此对今后的相关研究做出展望。文章首先梳理和总结认知科学界各分支学科对工作记忆的本质和结构进行的多视角研究,并在此基础上综合(元)分析近年二语习得界探讨工作记忆对二语学习、二语加工以及二语发展三个不同方面产生影响作用的实证研究结果,继而提出工作记忆与二语习得的融合性理论假设与研究框架,即“语音/“执行”模型(Wen, 2016)。文章指出,跨学科的研究将为以“工作记忆作为外语学能”理论的发展提供新的推动力,并结合现有的研究成果对今后的相关研究提出多方面的具体建议。 【演讲者简介】:温植胜博士,香港中文大学应用语言学博士(师从Peter Skehan),美国密歇根大学"Morley学者"(师从Nick Ellis), 中国英汉语比较研究会心理语言学专业委员会理事, 现为澳门理工学院语言暨翻译高等学校副教授。一直任教于粤港澳多所重点高校本科和研究生课程多年,在国内外重要学术期刊(包括SSCI和CSSCI)发表论文30多篇。曾获语言学界国际顶尖期刊《语言学习》2012年度颁发的“《语言学习》期刊圆桌会议专项研究基金”奖项资助。近年致力于语言习得与认知科学等交叉学科的理论与实践研究,尤其着重有关外语学能与工作记忆方面的相关研究。其英文学术专著("Working memory and second language learning", 2016)和编著("Working memory and second language acquisition and processing", 2015)均由英国著名的Multilingual Matters出版。目前正在主编有关“二语任务表现研究”(Researching L2 Task Performance)和“语言学能”(Language Aptitude)的两本编著将分别由John Benjamins和Routledge在2018年出版。 (Tel: (853)8599-6389; Email: edwardwen@ipm.edu.mo)