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This study aims to determine the dominant factors that affect the discipline of employees. Quantitative research was conducted at PT. Pikiran Rakyat Bandung, Indonesia with 63 respondents. The method used is a factor analysis using SPSS version 2.2 for Windows. The results of this study stated that the factors that most contribute (dominant) to the discipline of employees performing work in accordance with the given instructions, employees can adapt to changes in the work procedures at Pikiran Rakyat, employees work according to established procedures, and mutual respect between employees at Pikiran Rakyat.
Factors Affecting the Work Discipline of PT Asshidiq Cater Indonesia Employees\_Vol.10\_Issue.1\_Jan2023/IJRR-Abstract08.html, 2023
Work discipline in an organization is needed to support the company's competitiveness in the long term. Organizational or corporate goals will be difficult to achieve unless there is good work discipline. This study aims to determine the factors that affect the work discipline of PT. Asshidiq Cater Indonesia by using Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) analysis techniques and formulating strategies for improving employee work discipline. The data in this study is the result of a survey of 50 employees of PT. Asshidiq Cater Indonesia which was then analyzed using the Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) method. Based on the results of the analysis, the researcher recommended to PT. Asshidiq Cater Indonesia to establish definite rules related to labor discipline as well as punitive sanctions for employees who violate the regulations; supervise work discipline continuously e by the leadership so that employees feel supervised and give reprimands either verbally or in writing for anyone who violates work discipline so that the discipline of PT employees. Asshidiq Cater Indonesia is on the rise.
Kontigensi : Jurnal Ilmiah Manajemen
This study aims to determine the effect of work discipline on employee performance, work environment on employee performance, and the simultaneous influence of work discipline and work environment on employee performance at PT. Jakarta's boisterous home. The research method used in this study is a quantitative method with a descriptive approach. The research data was collected using a questionnaire with a population of 65 people and a sample of 65 people. The sampling technique used was the saturated sample technique. The analytical methods used are validity test, reliability test, classical assumption test, correlation coefficient, coefficient of determination, simple linear regression analysis, multiple linear regression analysis, t test and F test. Work Discipline Variable (X1) has a significant contribution to employee performance variables. (Y) of 44.6%. The Work Environment Variable (X2) has an influence on the Employee Performance variable (Y) of 44.7%. The Variable Effec...
This study aims to determine empirically the effect of work discipline, work comfort, and work facilities on employee performance, either partially or simultaneously. This type of research is descriptive quantitative. The population in this study were all civil servants at the Puskesmas Padang Sibusuk, Kupitan District, Sijunjung Regency. The sample in this study was 40 people. The research instrument used a questionnaire with a Likert scale. The data were analyzed by using multiple linear regression. The results show that partially work discipline has a positive and significant effect on employee performance, work comfort has no significant effect on employee performance, work facilities have a positive and significant effect on employee performance, and work discipline, work comfort, and work facilities together (simultaneous) has a positive and significant effect on employee performance.
Discipline and Work Environment Affect Employee Productivity: Evidence From Indonesia
Objective: This paper aims to test and evaluate the Effect of Discipline And Work Environment on Employee Productivity of state-owned public bodies.Design/methodology/approach: This paper uses a quantitative approach using a survey approach. The survey is a study conducted on the employee population of state-owned public agency companies, samples taken from the employee population of state-owned public agency companies to find events related to discipline variables and work environments that can affect employee productivity variables, to analise the influence between discipline variables and the work environment on employee productivity variables using a statistic regression approach. This method is used to explain the influence of discipline variables and work environment on employee productivity variables. This approach is simply to provide a description and test the influence between discipline variables and the work environment on employee productivity variables that can be know...
Sekar Arum Diani, 2021
Human resources are one of the most important factors in an organization, because the quality of the organization itself is highly dependent on the quality of human resources as employees and service actors in an organization. Human resources are in accordance with the needs required in human resource strategy, good human resource management will provide progress for the company, especially in dealing with situations and conditions that are always changing and developing. PT. Bank Negara Indonesia (Persero) is one of the state-owned enterprises in the banking sector in Indonesia. Based on internal data and the results of the preliminary tests that have been carried out at PT. Bank Negara Indonesia (Persero) KCU Bandung shows fluctuating employee performance data each period. The purpose of this study aims to see a picture of "Work Discipline, Work Environment and Work Motivation that occurs at PT. Bank Negara Indonesia (Persero) KCU Bandung and its influence on Employee Performance at PT. Bank Negara Indonesia (Persero), KCU Bandung." Keywords: Work Discipline, Work Environment, and Work Motivation.
Indah Rahma Sabila, 2021
One important factor for a company is human resources. Human resources are the main factor in companies that carry out various work operational activities in achieving company goals. In carrying out work operational activities within the company, there must be a leader to regulate, direct and monitor every activity carried out by employees at work and apply work discipline to the company PT. Indonesian post. The absence of employee performance is caused by obstacles to self-motivation, which is the employee's talent at work. Motivation and discipline are closely related to employee performance. Motivation and discipline that are felt directly by employees can reduce performance or increase employee performance. Employees who feel motivated and disciplined towards the work obtained will have an impact on increasing the performance of an institution as a whole. This study aims to determine the effect of work motivation and work discipline on the performance of employees of PT Pos Indonesia. Keywords: work discipline, work motivation, and employee performance
Influence of discipline and working period on employee performance at PT Yugier Care Indonesia
International Journal of Science and Research Archive, 2021
Human resource management is very important in achieving the company's goals. The growth and development of a business or company will be highly determined and influenced by human resource management including human resource management in it. The research was conducted on employees of PT. Yugier Care Indonesia. The type of data used in research is primary data sourced from respondents' answers to a number of questions related to research variables. Research variables include; disipli (X1), working life (X2) and sales performance (Y). The data collection method used by this research data is a survey method with structured interview techniques. The data analysis techniques used in this study are multiple regeresi analysis, t test (t-test) and F (Anova) test. The results concluded that the two variables (factors) namely discipline (X1) and working period (X2) partially or individually have no influence on sales performance at PT. Yugier Care Indonesia, but simultaneously (together) the two variables have a significant (significant) influence.
Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Economics Engineering and Social Science, InCEESS 2020, 17-18 July, Bekasi, Indonesia, 2021
This study aims to determine the effect of discipline on employee performance of the Ministry of Religion Office in Pekanbaru, the problem is known that the work results of employees at the Ministry of Religion Ministry of Pekanbaru, that some employees work with discipline is still low, but there are still some more employees who use work time to unproductive things or some even leave the office for their personal interests. Conditions like this, shows the low level of work discipline which ultimately affects the overall work achievement. This research is a descriptive analysis used to get an overview of each variable and test the effect of these variables, while the quantitative research methods. The sample in this study is the Office of the Ministry of Religion in Pekanbaru City, totaling 45 (fifty) people. The overall results of the study fall into the category of "Good" with the results of calculations that show that Work discipline variables have a significant influence on performance variables, so the hypothesis that work discipline has a significant effect on the performance of Employees of the Ministry of Religion in the City of Pekanbaru means that performance employees will increase if work discipline increases.
The Effect of Work Discipline and Work Environment on the Performance of Employees
Sinergi : Jurnal Ilmiah Ilmu Manajemen, 2017
Of the many factors that influence employee performance, this research focuses on work discipline and working environment. Lack of discipline and inadequate working environment in the company, can have an impact on the implementation of the work process becomes inefficient. This study aims to determine the influence of labor discipline and the work environment to employee performance as well as the dominant variable influence on employee performance. The population in this study is an all employees at PT Ardian Putra MandiriSidoarjo totaling 126 people. The analysis model is a linear regression. Hypothesis testing using F test and t test at 5% significance level and supported by econometric tests. The results showed that jointly or in partial, work discipline and the work environment has a significant influence on employee performance. From both the independent variables studied, showed that having a dominant influence on employee performance is the work environment..