Religiusitas Sepak Bola dalam Rezim Media: Perspektif Fans Sepak Bola Indonesia (original) (raw)

Football is not only a match with entertainment and competition nuance. Football has become a religious performance in media regime era. Media regime is motivated by changes in economics, politics, culture and technology – in which the relation among people, religious figures, political elites, and media actors are contested, disputed, and used by the media industry. Religiosity in football industry is performed and presented similar to religious liturgy, with various symbols, identities, meanings, and various sites at the stadiums and matches. Football religiosity is found in several sanctified sites and various religious practices of football players. This religiosity has transformed into mass hysteria spread by media net, especially television industry. Football popularity and mass hysteria in society show on various football fans communities' establishment. A football fan is an inseparable part of football industry system and media industry. They are established to maintain various production system of a football club with fortune obtaining modes. Therefore, football matches on television will enable to displacing and transforming religion and cultural meaning. Various football religious dimensions in media regime are interpreted by football fans as a football club management strategy to strengthen emotional relation with old fans and also a strategy to gain support from the new fans. Abstrak Sepakbola tidak hanya sebuah pertandingan dengan nuansa hiburan dan kompetisi. Sepakbola telah menjadi performa religious di dalam rezim media yang didorong melalui perubahan ekonomi, politik, budaya dan teknologi di mana relasi antara orang-orang, figure-figur agama, elit politik dan aktor-aktor media berkontestasi, berselisih dan digunakan industri media.Religiusitas sepakbola dalam industri media telah menstransformasi yang diperluas melalui jaringan media khususnya industri televisi. Para penggemar sepakbola tidak dapat dipisahkan dari sistem media dan industri media. Mereka memapankan dengan membangun sistem produksi budaya melalui club sepakbola dengan mode-mode yang mereka dapatkan. Dengan demikian pertandingan sepakbola di televisi dapat menggantikan dan menstransformasikan makna budaya dan agama.Sejumlah dimensi religiusitas sepakbola diinterpretasikan para penggila sepakbola sebagai strategi manajemen club sepakbola untuk memperkuat dan mengikat emosi mereka dan untuk mendapatkan penggemar baru Kata kunci: Agama, sepakbola, industri media, rezim media, penggemar sepakbola