VIth International School on Coherent Optics, Jena 1984; Polarization properties of tailored optical fibers; Multicore optical fibers and their properties; (original) (raw)
Related papers
Polarization measurements on single-mode fibers
Journal of Lightwave Technology, 1989
An overview of current measurement techniques on conventional and polarization maintaining single-mode fibers is presented. The various methods have been discussed and classified with respect to the relevant polarization parameters. Applicability ranges and resolution have been pointed out for different types of fibers. * Riccardo Calvani was born in Torino, Italy, in 1939 He received the postgraduate degree in telecommunications from the Galileo Ferrans National Electrotechnic Institute in 1966 and the doctoral degree in electronics engineenng from the Polytechnic of Tonno through a dissertation on switching magnetic matenals He joined CSELT where he contributed to studies in the areas of data networks, signal processing, and applied mathematics. Since 1983 he has been engaged in experimental research in the Photonics Department of CSELT. His interests include polarization characteristics of single-mode and special fibers, coherent communications systems, and, more recently, optical bistability and nonlinear effects in LD and MQW structures He holds seven international patents and is the author or coauthor of 24 papers Dr Calvani is a member of OSA
Polarization rotation in twisted polarization maintaining fibers using a fixed reference frame
IEEE/OSA Journal of Lightwave Technology, 2009
In previous studies addressing polarization evolution in optical fibers, the frame of reference in which polarization rotation in twisted optical fibers is described lacks the compatibility with the modeling of some fiber sensor applications. We therefore introduce a formulation of the polarization evolution in a twisted optical and birefringent fiber, which is based on a laboratory coordinate system. We employ coupled mode theory using the fundamental modes of a single mode fiber as a basis. We treat the birefringence of the polarization maintaining fiber and the twist induced birefringence as perturbations introduced into this mode system.
Optics & Laser Technology, 2010
The presence of polarization mode dispersion (PMD) vector in an optical fiber leads to rotating the input state of polarization (SOP) vector with an angle determined by both the value of PMD vector and the frequency. Also, the PMD leads to differential group delay (DGD) among the polarization components. The presence of polarization dependent loss (PDL) vector leads to attenuating one of the components and increases the other by a magnitude determined by the value of PDL vector. The study of each phenomenon individually does not give a proper description of the physical nature of the optical fiber system, because these two phenomena arise together at the same time. In this paper, a new theoretical model is introduced to determine the output SOP as a function of PMD, PDL, and input SOP. On the other hand, a new expression was formulated to the dynamical equation and proved that the principal state of polarization (PSP) vector is a complex, where real and imaginary parts of PSP vector represent the PMD and PDL vectors, respectively. Using these vectors, a new value of DGD and PDL may be found.
Birefringence and polarization mode-dispersion in spun single-mode fibers
Applied Optics, 1981
A theoretical and experimental analysis of the polarization properties of twisted single-mode fibers is presented. It is shown that whereas a conventionally twisted fiber possesses considerable optical rotation, a fiber which has a permanent twist imparted by spinning the preform during fiber drawing exhibits almost no polarization anisotropy. It is thus possible to virtually eliminate the commonly observed fiber linear birefringence. As a consequence, fibers made in this way are ideally suited for use in the Faraday-effect current transducer. It is further shown that a permanent twist of a few turns/meter effectively eliminates polarization mode-dispersion. The technique therefore appears attractive for enhancing the bandwidth of very long unrepeatered telecommunication links.
Polarization Effects in Optical Fiber Links
Polarization effects are now a fundamental requirement to understand the signal propagation in modern long haul lighwave communication networks. The present chapter is designed to cover: description of polarized light, polarization phenomena in optical fiber links, modeling of polarization phenomena and polarizing component.
Polarization Mode Dispersion in Birefringent Optical Fibers
Acta Physica Polonica A, 2003
P ro ceed in gs of t h e I n t ern a ti o nal W o rk sho p N O A '02 , Êu k ≤ci n 200 2 P olar izatio n Mo d e Di sp ers ion in B ire frin gent Op ti cal Fi b ers T .R. W ol i¥ sk i Ê and A .W. Do ma¥ sk i Facul ty of P hysi cs, W arsaw Uni versity of T echnology Ko szykowa 75, 00-662 W arsaw, Po l and T h e pap er discusses inÛuence of polari zation mo de disp ersi on on performance of p olarimetri c systems with hi ghly biref ringe nt Ùbers. It app eared that polarizati on mo de disp ersio n strongly inÛuences a degree of polarization that dep ends on coherence of the light source used and simultaneousl y dimini shes dynamics of the output signal.
In the presence of polarization mode dispersion (PMD) in single mode fiber, the degree of polarization (DOP) are affected randomly depending on the amount of PMD and the initial pulse width. In this paper, we are derived a novel analytical expression of the DOP that may be used to expect the reconstructed polarization for a single section. Thereafter, this expression was generalized for any number of concatenation sections in order to cover the randomness of the local variations of the direction and value of the PMD vector.
Evolution of the degree of co-polarization in high-birefringence fibers
Optics Communications, 2010
An analytical model accurately describing the evolution of the relative state of polarization between two signals in high-birefringence fibers is presented. The degree of co-polarization is calculated as a function of the angle between the principal axes of the fiber and the state of polarization of the two input signals, for two different input polarization schemes. It is shown that for small fiber lengths or narrow wavelength separation, launching the two signals with orthogonal polarizations can present a higher degree of co-polarization along the propagation; for large wavelength separation or long distances, the degree of co-polarization for the parallel scheme is always equal or higher than for the orthogonal case. The model for the degree of co-polarization is compared with theoretical and experimental four-wave mixing results in a dispersion shifted high-birefringence fiber.