ABSTRAK Fokus kajian tentang generasi muda telah menarik minat ramai penyelidik dalam berbagai disiplin sejak sedekad yang lalu. Walau bagaimanapun, kajian ini mengambil pendekatan dari program TN50 dalam memahami isu-isu generasi muda. Di dalam meneroka isu-isu yang dapat diguna pakai, pengumpulan data secara terus dari TN50 adalah amat berguna bagi tujuan kajian. Dapatan kajian ini berharap untuk meneroka isu-isu tersebut dalam membuat kesimpulan yang akhirnya akan membawa kepada keberkesanan peranan generasi muda dalam mencapai serta menyokong tenaga kerja berprestasi tinggi yang akan melebihi jangkaan Negara. Kajian ini mendapati terdapat keperluan inklusif untuk golongan generasi muda di dalam agenda pembangunan Negara. Mereka memiliki kemahiran serta kepakaran yang berguna untuk Negara selain bercita cita menjadi pemimpin di masa hadapan. Mereka memiliki visi, karisma, keyakinan, keberanian, keberadaban, kefahaman tentang keadilan, kreatif, mengambil berat hal orang lain serta sanggup berkorban demi Negara. ABSTRACT Over the last decade, the focal point of the study on issues concerning young generation in many settings has gone through significant development empirically. However this study will take a different approach in understanding the issues surrounding the young generation from the TN50 initiatives. The TN50 initiatives were taken mainly because in light of literature on young generation, it was found that in order to fully understand the issues, TN50 was the immediate source to gather data about their grievances. The study hopes to explore issues and the extent among young generation participation in Malaysia's nation building which will eventually lead to the effectiveness of young generation participation in accomplishing to support a high-performance workforce that will exceed Nation's expectations. This study found that the young generations want inclusiveness in the country's development agenda. They possessed, traits useful to the country while some desiring to become leaders in the future. They had vision, charisma, confidence, courage, humility, a strong sense of justice, creativity to be different, concern for others, and a willingness to make great sacrifices for the country.