Маpко К. Греговић: 150 година од рођења (1867-2017): Слике и иконе (2017) (original) (raw)


Vek prosvetiteljstva u srpskoj kulturi: zbornik radova, 2020

У српском грађанском песништву и Малом буквару за велику децу (1792) Михаила Максимовића запажа се истоветна сатирична оштрица, критички усмерена на друштвене пороке, проблем непросвећености, помодарство код жена и клер. Док српски грађански песник подругљиво пева највише о Цинцарима, Михаило Максимовић превасходно је оријентисан на критику свештенства. Највише заједничких додирних тачака остварује се у погледу критике жена. Уз потцртавање сличности и разлика у сатиричним песмама и Максимовићевим афоризмима, рад има за циљ да одговори на питање на који начин и због чега долази до тих укрштања и размимоилажења.

Mirko Grčić Ed. V. Jović and A. M. Petrović 150th Anniversary of Jovan Cvijić’s Birth-Proceedings


Српска академија наука и уметности (САНУ) издала је 2016. године на енглеском језику зборник радова са међународног научног симпозијума, одржаног од 12. до 14. октобра 2015. године, под насловом 150th Anniversary of Jovan Cvijic’s birth (150 година од рођења Јована Цвијића). Осим овог Зборника, САНУ је издала још и монографију на српском и енглеском језику Јован Цвијић – живот, дело, време (Jovan Cvijić – Life, Work, Times) и припремила каталог Београдски атлас Јована Цвијића (The Belgrade Atlas of Jovan Cvijić). Тиме се САНУ на достојан начин одужила некадашњем председнику Српске краљевске академије и бившем ректору Универзитета у Београду. САНУ је и раније издала неколико зборника радова са научних скупова посвећених овом великану српске науке: У спомен 30-годишњице смрти Јована Цвијића (1957); Цвијићев зборник у спомен 100. годишњице његовог рођења (1968); Научно дело Јована Цвијића – поводом педесете годишњице његове смрти (1982); Зборник радова са научног скупа Друштвено- политичка делатност Јована Цвијића, одржаног у САНУ поводом стогодишњице његове смрти 2002 (2005). Зборник којим је обележен век и по од рођења Јована Цвијића, садржи 820 страница текста у две књиге. Уредници – академик Видојко Јовић, председник Организационог одбора и др Ана Петровић из Географског института Јован Цвијић САНУ – истакли су у Предговору да је на истоименом научном скупу презентовано преко 100 радова, као и да су присуствовали аутори из 15 европских земаља.

Marko Avramovic Prilog biografiji od 1834 do 1855, Srpske studije 11 (2020)

Srpske studije 11, 2020

This paper deals with the life of Marko Avramović, a person related to the Serb uprising against the Ottoman rule in Old Serbia in 1840-1841 and the banditry in the Kosovo region in 1842. Years of his birth and death remain unknown. He originated from Bjelice tribe in Montenegro and gained education in the Serb school in Skadar. Avramović moved to Serbia in 1834, where was employed as customs guard at Raška outpost. After his dismissal in the following year, he moved to the Ottoman Empire and settled in the city of Vučitrn in Kosovo valley, where he remained for four years and worked as a teacher in an elementary school for Serb children. In 1839, he returned to Serbia and acquired his previous service as a customs guard again, at Vasilina česma outpost in 1840 and at Radujevac in 1841. After the Niš revolt in April 1841 was put down, Avramović left Serbia and went to the Ottoman Empire, but only to return in the autumn of the same year. When his plea for admittance to the same service was denied, he crossed the border into the Empire once again, where he became a priest in October of 1842. Little is known about his life until 1852, when he was appointed as a priest in the village of Stalać in the south of Serbia. He held this post until 1856. Since then, his name did not appear any more in the sources at our disposal. Historical sources testifying about Avramović’s involvement with the preparation of the Serb uprising in 1840-1841, as well as with the banditry in the Kosovo region in 1842 are analyzed in detail. However, presented evidences remain inconclusive, so his role in the mentioned activities has yet to be confirmed or denied by new sources, should they appear. However, certain questions are raised and paths to future research are pointed to. Among these, a potential connection between Marko Avramović and Prince Nikola Vasojević deserves a special notice, for the latter is still a mysterious person, whose role in the Serb history might be more significant than suspected so far.

Фреске Марковог манастира / The frescoes of Marko's Monastery, Београд 2019 (in Serbian with resume in English)

The Institute for Balkan Studies of the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts (SASA), in cooperation with the Archbishopric of Ohrid and the Metropolitanate of Skopje, has published a new book in its special editions series: The Frescoes of Marko’s Monastery (Markov manastir) by Marka Tomić Đurić, PhD and research associate at the Institute for Balkan Studies of the SASA. The monograph deals with one the most thematically elaborate, conceptually complex and artistically relevant ensembles in Serbian fresco painting of the second half of the 14th century, commissioned by ktetors King Vukašin Mrnjavčević of Serbia (1365–1371) and his son Marko (1371–1395). The frescoes in the Church of St. Demetrios (1376/1377) are characterized by a blend of traditional and completely original themes, iconographical patterns and programmatic concepts based on theological teachings woven into liturgical texts, particularly religious poetry. Richly illustrated and featuring an abundance of visual material, the monograph represents a rounded research project which employs modern methodology to assess and interpret questions pertaining to the frescoes of the Church of St. Demetrios in Sušica. The structure of the book was largely shaped by the multi-layered iconography of wall paintings in the Palaiologan period and the consistent implementation of methodological principles which are rooted in field research and the detailed study of written sources on one hand, and on the other hand the author’s comprehensive insight into relevant academic literature and the current problems in worldwide Byzantine studies. The book offers a plethora of innovations and significantly expands our knowledge not only of the frescoes in the katholikon of Marko’s Monastery but also of the artistic phenomena and visual reflections of rulers’ ideologies, liturgy and theological ideas in Eastern Christian art of the late medieval period.

И. Гергова. Гравьорът монах Леонтий Рус/I. Gergova.Monk Engraver Leontios Russ.-Проблеми на изкуството, 1, 2022

Art Studies Quarterly, 2022

Young Leontios, a taxidiote monk from the Monastery of Chelandari, Russian by birth, arrived in Triavna in 1803. Three copperplate engravings weremade in 1818/19 for the Monastery of Trojan bearing the signature of monk Leontios Russ, who apparently was the same Chelandarian monk. The three engravings were modelled on various Athonite prints. Un ndated graphic work depicting St Charalampos, also bears the signature of monk Leontios, who made its version as well, which has no artist’s signature. Based on the signed artworks, this article ascribes to Leontios two more engravings made in 1822: of the Monastery of Vratsa and of its patron saints, St John of Rila and St John the Theologian. A version of the latter one is supposed to have been intended for the Monastery of Chiprovtsi. A print of the Dormition of the Theotokos was made together with it. An analysis of Leontios Russ’s artworks identifies him as an Athonite engraver, though stylistically, his works are associated with the Russian popular prints (luboks). Some form of printing press to produce prints was supposedly installed at the Monastery of Trojan. Leontios Russ was among the earliest copperplate engravers in the Bulgarian lands.

Радмило Пекић -- Катуни Мириловића у XIV и XV вијеку

У историјској науци одавно је познато да су у средњовјековно доба на подручју Требињске области и Хумске земље били смјештени различи-ти влашки катуни. Неки од тих катуна припадали су власима Мирило-вићима, који су предмет рада, почев од њихових првих писаних помена од XIV вијека па до краја XV вијека. О власима Мириловићи сачувани су бројни документи у Дубровач-ком архиву, с тим што је један дио објављен и расут у научној литерату-ри, а други до сада није познат научној и читалачкој јавности.