Basic Theories of Motivation and why people are motivated.docx (original) (raw)
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Business Management AS Tsenov Academy of Economics Journal of , 2020
Abstract: Numerous researches show how motivation of employees influence the labor productivity, business performance and goal achievement. Even though studies often show that employees tend to report enjoying their jobs, however organisations continuously face with staff turnover due to various reasons, and therefore fail to fulfill its objectives. This paper reflects upon classical and modern views of motivation aspects. And the research includes different entities all around Kosovo that bring an insight into the present situation pertaining to motivation of employees and possibly identify potential mistakes and suggestion for the process improvements within organisations. According to results, the turnover average rate in investigated enterprises is within a natural range. Meanwhile the, management is advised to make the employees aware that rewards are recognition of a job well done and not simply the goal of doing the work. Whilst, bonuses in cash prevails dominantly the motivation system in investigated enterprises, many of them seem to use evaluation of performance as a tool for remuneration policy. Whereas in most cases remuneration depends on the annual profit of the enterprise, reasons for leaving are not being recorded in a system. Yet, financial incentives are an important motivator for most people, money is not the only motivator and, in some cases, is not the primary motivator for everyone. A qualitative approach and theory based application were considered for this study.
Employee motivation in the workplace
The job of a manager in the workplace is to get things done through employees. To do this the manager should be able to motivate employees. But that's easier said than done! Motivation practice and theory are difficult subjects, touching on several disciplines.
Motivational Theories in Organisations Acquired Needs Theory & Expectancy Theory
Introduction People are motivated to work by an internal force that drives a person’s persistence, direction and effort to work (Wood et al, 2010), satisfying the intrinsic and extrinsic needs people have such as money and security. Needs are desired to be met when either a bodily or psychological tension is needed to be satisfied (Thrash & Elliot, 2001). In organizations, motivating people is a highly researched subject as it contributes to both the quality of working life and the productivity of the organization (Wood et al, pg 78). Consequently, managers must perform a vital role of identifying what motivates an individual, create an environment to positively support and meet the needs of employees. Of the many motivational theories, this essay examines the use of two of them and how they can be used in organizations. McClelland’s Acquired Needs Theory can be used to profile people into suitable jobs and Victor Vroom’s Expectancy Theory can help motivate people by reward success opportunities. While these theories do not explain motivation as a biological or psychological phenomenon, they were chosen for their proven value to motivate people in the workplace. Together they provide valuable insight into human behaviour and can help managers understand and motivate individuals thereby increasing job performance.
A Few Aspect of Motivation: An Overview of Concepts, Theories and Techniques
Khulna University Studies, 1999
This paper examines the concepts, theories, and techniques of motivation, which are important aspects of managerial and administrative people in business and industry. The performance of any organization depends on the efficiency of individuals, and that could be achieved when they are motivated with their works. Motivation is the inner force or drive of individuals constituted through feelings, experience, realization of job, work, and behavior of management that directs them to accomplish their work assignments. Definitions pertaining to motivation also disclosed that this force is directed to satisfy or fulfill needs, wants, expectations, and desires This force could be made favorable by making change of needs and wants satisfying factors that are widely known as means of motivation. The motivational means might broadly be of two types financial and non-financial By adapting the means of motivation, company can create motivational and well-disciplined work environment that are essential for the present complex business world.
A Few Aspects of Motivation: An Overview of Concepts, Theories and Techniques
Khulna University Studies, 1999
This paper examines the concepts, theories, and techniques of motivation, which are important aspects of managerial and administrative people in business and industry. rhe perrormance of any organization depends on the efficiency ofindividuals, and that could be achieved wtren trrey a.e motivatea with their works. Motivation is the inner force or drive of individuals constituted through feelinis, "*p..i"n"", realization ofjob, work, and behavior of management that directs them to accomplish theii work assignments. Definitions pertaining to motivation also disclosed rhat this force is directed toiatisfy or fulfil needs, wants, expectations, and desires This force could be made favorable by making change ofneeds una *unt, sutirrying factors that are *idely known as means of motivation. The motivarionaimeans might broadly be of two types financial and non-financial By adapting the means of motivation, company can create motivational and well-disciplined uork environment that are essential for the piesent complex business world.
Scientific and Theoretical Aspects of the Motivation Process
The article focuses on the use of motivation as a personnel management task. A characteristic feature of personnel management in the current conditions of management is the growing role of employees. The article identified the need for the incentive system to move forward, rather than the changing incentives and needs ratio. In order to motivate employees in organizations, material and intangible methods of rewarding for the work done today are used. It is advisable to use in practice different types of motivational methods in human resource management in any field.
Management researchers have long believed that organisational goals are unattainable without effective use of motivational concepts. One key element of leadership is the ability to get others to do something, creating an influence. This paper is designed to help familiarise readers with the concepts related to motivation. Some popular theories will be reviewed and discussed. A leader must be able to motivate others to achieve goals, accomplish tasks, and complete objectives. Motivation is one key indicator of behaviour. We behave in a way that will satisfy motive based on a need. However, we don’t always have the luxury of knowing what our needs or motives are. Knowing potential areas of motivation, like the ones discussed in this module, can provide guidance in working with and discussing concerns with others.