Soteriology, Christology and the Mystery of Christ according to St Justin the New of Chelie, Teologikon 5 (2016), 162-170. [in Serbian] (original) (raw)
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Рад има за циљ да на трагу изјаве Eпископа Атанасија Јевтића, да је Свети Ава Ћелијски јеванђеоски богослов, истражи који су јеванђоски аспекти Авиног богословља и шта значи бити јеванђеоски богослов. Ова тема ја посебно важна у општем контексту савременог православног богословља, које донекле доводи у питање богословска стремљења „повратка Оцима“ у дведасетом веку, зарад једног новог промишљања целокупне православне традиције на основу и унутар Јеванђеља. Такође, важно је испитати јеванђеоске поставке богословља Јустина Поповића, у контексту историје српског богословља двадесетог века. Становиште да Ава Јустин својим интересовањем за светоотачко богословље представља у неку руку претечу „неопатристичкој синтези“ Флоровског, које заступа низ савремених аутора у Србији, треба помирити тврдњом да је он јеванђеоски богослов. Рад ће покушати да одговори на ова питања усредсређујући како на Јустиново виђење значаја и улоге Јеванђеља и Светог писма, тако и на његову антропологију, сотириологију и тријадологију. By relying on the statement of Bishop Athanasius Jevtić that Saint Justin of Chelie is an evangelical theologian, this paper aims to investigate the evangelical aspects of Justin’s theology, analyzing what does it mean in his case to be an evangelical theologian. This theme is particularly important in the overall context of contemporary Orthodox theology, which somehow undermines the theological tendencies of “the return to the Fathers” in the twentieth century, for the sake of a new understanding of the entire Orthodox tradition as a reflection on and within the Gospel of Jesus Christ (Behr). It is also important to examine the evangelical settings of Justin Popovic’s theology in the context of the history of Serbian theology of the twentieth century. There is an unanimous agreement among Serbian scholars (Lubardic, Vasiljevic, Cvetkovic, Djogo) that by his interest in patristic theology Abba Justin is a forerunner of the “neopatristic synthesis” of Georges Florovsky. Therefore, this paper investigates whether the claim that Justin is an evangelical theologian may be reconciled with the tendencies, which see him predominantly as a patristic or neo-patristic scholar. The paper will attempt to answer these questions by focusing on Justin’s vision of the importance and the role of the Gospel and the Holy Scriptures, as well as on his anthropology, soteriology and Trinitarian theology.
The paper aims to study ecumenical views of St Justin the New of Chelie. In doing so it will discuss the personal and official correspondence of St Justin from the late period of his life. In addition to Abba Justin’s books The Orthodox Church and Ecumenism and The Notes on Ecumenism, the letter to Risto (now Metropolitan Amfilohije) Radović from 1964 as well as three letters for the Holy Synod of the Serbian Orthodox Church in the seventies years (1971, 1974 and 1977) provide new material for the study of this subject. Unlike his published books, these letters contain references to specific events in the Orthodox world in relation to ecumenism. The paper also provides a historical overview of the ecumenical movement of the fifties and sixties of the last century, relying on the testimony of St Justin’s long-lasting friend and associate Archpriest Georges Florovsky. On the basis of the relationship between Fr Justin and Fr Georges, especially during the WWII, that this paper attempts to reconstruct, it will be argued that Fr Florovski acquainted Fr Justin with the interwar history of the participation of the Orthodox Church in the ecumenical movement. This paper also argues that St Justin’s views on ecumenism should be considered as reactions to post-war developments in the ecumenical movement, which are not in accordance with the teachings and practices of the Orthodox Church, as well as to the deviations from the stance held by Orthodox delagetes at previous ecumenical gatherings.
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