New Considerations regarding the Polovragi Tablet (original) (raw)

VASSILIS L. ARAVANTINOS, LOUIS GODART, ANNA SACCONI, Thebes Fouilles de la Cadmée I. Les tablettes en linéaire B de la Odos Pelopidou, Edition et commentaire, Pisa/Rome, Istituti Editoriali Poligrafía Internazionali 2001, pp. 460. ISBN 88-8147- 228-7. htt


The three collaborators in the official publication (hereafter cited as TOP = Tablettes Odos Pelopidou) of the 238 new Linear B tablets and inscribed tablet fragments from Mycenaean Thebes are to be congratulated for the care taken with the edition of the texts and for guiding the teams of excavators, field archaeologists, technical conservators, menders of pottery and tablets, site and museum guards, photographers, and layout and copy editors that made their publication of the largest discovery of Linear B tablets since the Pylos excavations (1939-1963) possible. The Greek Ministry of Culture and its Secretary General, G. Thomas, and the Director of Prehistoric and Classical Antiquities, I. Tzedakis, deserve thanks for their support, and the Institute for Aegean Prehistory for its funding. It is fitting here at the outset to thank the collective da-mo te-qa-jo (8fj|j.os TWV 0r)(3aLüJv) for supporting the scientific work that has preserved for Mycenologists around the world evidence about the lives and language of the earliest literate Thebans (ca. 1200 B.c.E.). V. Aravantinos has overseen all aspects of the excavation, preservation, recording and publication of the tablets and the material remains associated with them. He himself thanks the people of Thebes (p. 10) and local collaborators like E. Andrikou and A. Papadaki. The fine tablet drawings were made by the expert eyes and hand of Louis Godart and then checked by all three editors. Readers should first examine the superb color photograph of the upper half of Fq 254 [+] 255 that graces the front of the dust jacket of the volume, and then imagine the skill required of the entire archaeological and epigraphical team assembled by V. Aravantinos in identifying these many fragments in the soil, extracting them with surgical precision, preserving and joining them together in their fragile state, and then proceeding to read, draw and transcribe them in the publication we now have in our hands after a quick six years. This is good work, and it is fitting that the volume reached most Mycenologists in the year that marks the fiftieth anniversary of the Ventris decipherment. The edition begins (pp. 9-23) with a succinct discussion, accompanied by related bibliography, of the initial discovery of the tablets in 1993 to 1995. The introduction also has an archaeological commentary concerning findspots: (1) of tablets from the Odos Pelopidou excavation (although nothing, as yet-this may appear in volume two of this series-like the Bill McDonald drawings of the find-spots from the Archives Complex at Pylos that have led eventually to K. Pluta's careful study in Minos 31-32 [1996-97], pp. 231-250); (2) of tablet fragments found in reexamining ceramic material from the 'Arsenal' excavations of 1964 and that join tablets of the Ug series from that excavation-the new readings will appear in volume three; and (3) of a tablet and three inscribed sealings from cleaning work in the 'Treasury'-these texts should also appear in volume three. The introduction includes a brief report on context pottery that makes clear that the Odos Pelopidou tablets and the 'Arsenal' tablets all date to the end of LH III B:2. It also

Epigraphic Data from Stanevo (anc. Pomodiana-Putedina)

In Honorem Constantin C. Petolescu, 2023

History Museum-Lom Rezumat. Din anul 2019, săpăturile arheologice sistematice au fost reluate la Stanevo (vechiul Pomodiana-Putedis). Săpăturile au scos la iveală două turnuri succesive (burguri), zidul ce înconjura cetatea și o porțiune din șanțul de apărare. Acest articol se concentrează asupra mai multor monumente epigrafice semnificative descoperite în timpul celor trei campanii arheologice care se întind din 2019 până în 2022. În special, toate aceste descoperiri sunt anterioare fortificației târzii (secolele IV-VI d.Hr.). Primul grup de artefacte cuprinde o colecție de țigle identice. Printre acestea, o ștampilă complet conservată pe o piesă, stabilește originea lor ca ștampile timpurii ale Legiunii a VII-a Claudia. Aceste țigle pot fi datate începând cu a doua jumătate a secolului I d.Hr. și începutul secolului al II-lea d.Hr., înainte de domnia lui Hadrian. În prezent, țiglele de la Stanevo marchează cele mai estice exemple cunoscute din Moesia Superior, aproape coincizând cu granița provincială de la râul Tsibritsa (vechiul Cebrus), între domniile lui Domițian și Hadrian. Al doilea grup de descoperiri se referă la artefacte asociate cultului zeului Mithras. Prima piesă este un altar parțial conservat, din care s-a păstrat doar partea superioară. Pe altar este inscripționată formula "INVICTO MITHRAE". În plus, a fost descoperit un ciob dintr-un vas ceramic, care prezintă cunoscuta scenă a tauroctoniei. Acest vas a fost probabil folosit în misterele unui mithreum din apropiere, încă nedescoperit. Utilizarea sa a avut loc, probabil, din a doua jumătate a secolului al II-lea d.Hr., până în prima jumătate a secolului al III-lea d.Hr. Cuvinte cheie: legiunea a VII-a, Mithras, Dunărea de jos, țigle ștampilate.

New archaeological data refering to Tartaria tablets

Documenta Praehistorica, 2005

When the Tȃrtȃria tablets were discovered many discussions and questions arose concerning their absolute chronology. At that time, the beginning of the Star≠evo-Cris culture was dated to around 3400 BC (Grbi≤ 195.25, 27; Benac 1958. 41). Tȃrtȃria-Groapa luncii is located near the CFR station Tȃrtȃria, on a small promontory. Some time ago, below this promontory a branch of the Mures River flowed; this branch received water from a small stream and other springs from the high terraces of the Mures River (15 m high), which was greatly very much eroded flooding. Because of this we can now see a very abrupt and eroded bank in the area of trenches made by Kurt Horedt, Nicolae Vlassa or Iuliu Paul (1995), ABSTRACT-We analyze and present new points of view regarding the 'Danube' script based on recent investigations of the old Tȃrtȃria discoveries: archaeological context, anthropological expertise, absolute dating and the meaning of the renowned tablets. IZVLE∞EK-Analizirava in predstavljava nove poglede na 'Donavsko' pisavo, ki temeljijo na sodobnih raziskavah starih odkritij iz Tȃrtȃrije: arheolo∏ki kontekst, antropolo∏ko strokovno mnenje, absolutne datacije in pomen slove≠ih plo∏≠.



The Costișa archaeological culture has been known for more than half a century and it has been categorized as belonging to the Middle Bronze Age in the Eastern Carpathian area. From the very beginning it was supposed to be the result of local connections with southern Monteoru-type elements and northern ones such as Komariw-Bialy-Potik. This assessment was made on the basis of a comparative analysis of the known archaeological investigation methods (stratigraphy and pottery typology). The present contribution employs another type of analysis of the pottery from the eponymous site. Thus, starting from the archaeological database consisting of seven pottery shards, the following scientific investigations were performed: SEM-EDS analysis, optical spectroscopy, and chemical modules analysis. The aim was to cover all the steps followed during modern pottery investigation, from the archaeological description of the artefacts and the initial macroscopic evaluation, to the integration by the archaeologist of the data obtained from the other types of analysis. The results of these analyses could provide multiple coherent answers regarding the history of a site, the ceramic technology, the relations between the local community and the Monteoru ones. Rezumat: Cultura Costișa este cunoscută de peste o jumătate de secol. Aceasta a fost încadrată în perioada mijlocie a epocii bronzului din zona de răsărit a Carpaților Orientali. Încă de la debutul cercetărilor, cultura Costișa a fost considerată ca fiind rezultatul îmbinării unor elemente nordice de tip Komariw-Bialy-Potok cu elemente sudice de tip Monteoru. Această primă evaluare a fost făcută pe baza analizei comparative a rezultatelor aplicării metodelor de investigare arheologică (stratigrafie și tipologie ceramică). Contribuția actuală încearcă să utilizeze și alt tip de investigare a materialului ceramic din situl omonim. Astfel, pornind de la o bază de date arheologice formată din șapte fragmente de ceramică, au fost aplicate și următoarele tipuri de investigație NECULAI BOLOHAN 200 științifică: macroscopie și microscopie optică, analiza SEM-EDS, spectroscopie optică, module de analiză chimică. Am dorit parcurgerea tuturor etapelor unui tip actual de investigare a olăriei, care începe cu descrierea arheologică a artefactelor și prima evaluare macroscopică până la integrarea de către arheolog a datelor rezultate ca urmare a utilizării analizelor multiple. Rezultatele acestor investigații ar putea oferi mai multe răspunsuri coerente cu privire la următoarele aspecte: istoria de unui sit, tehnologia ceramică, relațiile dintre comunitatea locală și comunitățile Monteoru.