Rendering visible heterosexually active men in Brazil: A national study on sexual behaviour, masculinities and HIV risk (original) (raw)

Self-reported sexual behaviour and HIV risk taking among men who have sex with men in Fortaleza, Brazil

AIDS, 1999

Objectives: To describe and identify sociodemographic and behavioural characteristics and other factors related to high-risk behaviour for HIV infection of men who have sex with men (MSM) living in Fortaleza, Brazil. A survey was carried out among 400 MSM aged 14-65 years and recruited through the snowball technique or in gay-identified venues. A semistructured questionnaire was conducted among them. Logistic regression analysis was used to model the dichotomous outcome (high risk or low risk). Results: Forty-four per cent of the participants reported engaging in high-risk sexual behaviour in the previous year. MSM less informed about AIDS, reporting more sexual partners, reporting at least one female partner in the previous year, having anal sex as the favourite way to have sex, and having great enjoyment of unprotected anal sex were more likely to be engaged in risky behaviour. Twentythree per cent of participants reported at least one sexual contact with women during the previous year. Two-thirds of men who had unprotected sex with their female partners also had unprotected anal sex with their male partners. A large proportion of MSM in Fortaleza still remain at elevated risk for contracting HIV infection. The factors predictive of high-risk sexual behaviour are significant in spreading HIV infection among the MSM population and also among their female partners. The lifestyles of these men are different to those of men from other parts of Brazil or outside the country. Preventive interventions need to be culturally and socially specific in order to be effective.

Risky sexual practices among men who have sex with men in Northeast Brazil: results from four sequential surveys

Cadernos de Saúde Pública, 2009

Risky sexual practices among men who have sex with men in Northeast Brazil: results from four sequential surveys Práticas sexuais de risco de homens que fazem sexo com homens no Nordeste do Brasil: resultados de quatro inquéritos seqüenciais Abstract This paper focuses on recent trends in risky sexual practices for HIV/AIDS among men who have sex with men (MSM) in Fortaleza, Ceará State, Brazil. Four cross-sectional surveys were conducted (

Risk behavior score: a practical approach for assessing risk among men who have sex with men in Brazil

The Brazilian journal of infectious diseases : an official publication of the Brazilian Society of Infectious Diseases, 2018

HIV/AIDS epidemic is not well controlled, and multiple sexual behavior factors help explain high rates of HIV infection among men who have sex with men (MSM). This article proposes to exam the use of a potential risk behavior score for HIV infection, based on the type and number of sexual partners, and condom use, and their associated factors in a sample of MSM in Brazil. A cross sectional RDS (Respondent Driven Sampling) study was performed among 3738 MSM aged 18+ years old from ten Brazilian cities. The risk behavior score was composed by the number of male partners and anal condom use in the last year with steady, casual, and commercial partners. Most participants were 25+ years old (58.1%), non-white (83.1%), and single (84.9%). Final weighted ordinal logistic model showed that age≤25 years old (p=0.037), homosexual or bisexual identity (p<0.001), sexual initiation before 15-year-old (p<0.001), having sex with men only in the last 12 months (p<0.001), frequent alcohol a...

Unprotected Sexual Practices Among Men Who Have Sex with Women and Men Who Have Sex with Men Living with HIV/AIDS in Rio de Janeiro

Archives of Sexual Behavior, 2014

Combined antiretroviral therapy is now acknowledged for preventing new HIV infections, besides decreasing mortality and morbidity. However, in many Latin America countries the epidemic is still driven by unprotected sexual intercourse. This study aims to describe sexual practices related to HIV/STD and to evaluate factors associated to unprotected sex among men who have sex with women (MSW) and men who have sex with men (MSM) under care at a reference center for HIV in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. A cross-sectional study, nested in a Brazilian clinical cohort, evaluated the sexual practices of 404 sexually active HIV-positive MSW and men who have MSM. Approximately 30 % of them reported unprotected sexual practices during the 6 months prior to the interview. Most frequent risky practices reported were unprotected vaginal sex among MSW and unprotected receptive anal sex among MSM. Factors increasing the chance of unprotected sexual practices among MSW were the partner's desire of becoming pregnant (OR 2.81; CI 95 %: 1.36-5.95). To have received comments about excessive consumption of alcohol (OR 2.43; CI 95 %: 1.01-5.83), illicit drug use (OR 4.41;) and lived in marital situation (OR 2.10; CI 95 %: 1.09-4.08) were significantly associated with unsafe sexual practices among MSM. The results highlight that health care of men living with HIV, as well as the prevention strategies, must consider the particularities of sexual behavior practiced by people who differ in sexual orientation.

Determinants of Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) prevalence in homosexual and bisexual men screened for admission to a cohort study of HIV negatives in Belo Horizonte, Brazil: Project Horizonte

Memorias Do Instituto Oswaldo Cruz, 2003

Project Horizonte, an open cohort of homosexual and bisexual human immunodeficiency virus (HIV-1) negative men, is a component of the AIDS Vaccine Program, in Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, Brazil. The objective of this study was to compare volunteers testing HIV positive at cohort entry with a sample of those who tested HIV negative in order to identify risk factors for prevalent HIV infection, in a population being screened for enrollment at Project Horizonte. A nested case-control study was conducted. HIV positive volunteers at entry (cases) were matched by age and admission date to three HIV negative controls each. Selected variables used for the current analysis included demographic factors, sexual behavior and other risk factors for HIV infection. During the study period (1994-2001), among the 621 volunteers screened, 61 tested positive for HIV. Cases were matched to 183 HIV negative control subjects. After adjustments, the main risk factors associated with HIV infection were unprotected sex with an occasional partners, OR = 3.7 (CI 95% 1.3-10.6), receptive anal intercourse with an occasional partner, OR = 2.8 (95% CI 0.9-8.9) and belonging to the negro racial group, OR = 3.4 (CI 95% 1.1-11.9). These variables were associated with an increase in the risk of HIV infection among men who have sex with men at the screening for admission to an open HIV negative cohort.

Comprehensive approach to HIV/AIDS testing and linkage to treatment among men who have sex with men in Curitiba, Brazil


Introduction The Curitiba (Brazil)-based Project, A Hora é Agora (AHA), evaluated a comprehensive HIV control strategy among men who have sex with men (MSM) aimed at expanding access to HIV rapid testing and linking HIV-positive MSM to health services and treatment. AHA’s approach included rapid HIV Testing Services (HTC) in one mobile testing unit (MTU); a local, gay-led, non-governmental organization (NGO); an existing government-run health facility (COA); and Internet-based HIV self-testing. The objectives of the paper were to compare a) number of MSM tested in each strategy, its positivity and linkage; b) social, demographic and behavioral characteristics of MSM accessing the different HTC and linkage services; and c) the costs of the individual strategies to diagnose and link MSM to services. Methods We used data for 2,681 MSM tested at COA, MTU and NGO from March 2015 to March 2017. This is a cross sectional comparison of the demographics and behavioral factors (age group, rac...

Making the invisible, visible: a cross-sectional study of late presentation to HIV/AIDS services among men who have sex with men from a large urban center of Brazil

BMC public health, 2014

Late presentation to testing, treatment and continued care has detrimental impacts on the health of HIV-positive individuals as well as their sexual partners' health. Men who have sex with men (MSM) experience disproportionately high rates of HIV both globally and in Brazil. However, the factors that inhibit linkage to care among MSM remain unclear. We conducted a cross-sectional study of HIV-positive MSM (n = 740) enrolled in HIV/AIDS services in a large urban center of Brazil from August 2010 to June 2011. Descriptive, bivariate and multivariate statistics were conducted using STATA 12 to examine the relationship between a range of variables and late presentation, defined as having a first CD4 count <350 cells/mm3. Within the sample, the prevalence of LP was 63.1%. Men who self-identified as heterosexual (AOR 1.54 and 95% CI 1.08 - 2.20) compared to men who self-identified as homosexual and bisexual were at increased odds of late presentation. Additionally, men age 30 and o...

Incentives and barriers to HIV testing in men who have sex with men in a metropolitan area in Brazil

Cadernos de Saúde Pública, 2016

Incentivos e barreiras para testagem do HIV em homens que fazem sexo com homens em região metropolitana do Brasil Incentivos y barreras para el test del VIH en hombres que practican sexo con hombres en una región metropolitana de Brasil Abstract This study aimed to identify incentives and barriers to HIV testing in men who have sex with men (MSM). This was a cross-sectional study of MSM who had lived at least three months in greater metropolitan Fortaleza, Ceará State, Brazil, 2010. The study recruited 391 men ≥ 18 years of age who reported sexual relations with men in the previous six months, using Respondent Driven Sampling. Personal network and socio-demographic data were collected and HIV testing was offered, analyzed with RDSAT 6.0 and Stata 11.0. The majority were young (40.3%), had 5 to 11 years of schooling (57.3%), were single (85.1%), had low income (37.6%), and 58.1% had tested for HIV some time in life. Incentive to test: certainty of not being infected (34.1%) and the exposure to national campaign Fique Sabendo [Know your Status] (34%). Barriers: trust in partner(s) (21%) and fear of discrimination if tested positive (20.3%). Policies should be developed to ensure test confidentiality and communication campaigns focusing on information gaps and encouragement for testing.

Sexual Behavior and HIV Testing Practices among Men who have Sex with Men in Portugal

Journal of AIDS & Clinical Research, 2015

The inclusion criteria for participation in the study were: (1) being MSM, (2) being over 18 years of age, (3) being Portuguese and living in Portugal, and (4) willingness to participate in the study after knowing its objectives. Participants were recruited through snowball sampling, and two methods were used: (1) Informal social networks. The eligible MSM who agreed to participate were asked to refer their friends to participate in the study; and (2) The Internet. The local researcher distributed announcements via local gay websites to reach potential participants, emphasizing that participation was strictly voluntary and confidential.

Factors Associated with Low Levels of HIV Testing among Men Who Have Sex with Men (MSM) in Brazil

PLOS ONE, 2015

The aim of this study was to assess risk factors associated with low levels of HIV testing among MSM recruited through respondent driven sampling (RDS) in Brazil. Of 3,617 participants, 48.4% had never tested previously for HIV. A logistic model indicated that younger age, lower socioeconomic class, education, poor HIV/AIDS knowledge, no history of cruising, and having been tested during the study were characteristics independently associated with low levels of previous HIV testing. The HIV testing rate among MSM in Brazil is still low in spite of the availability of a large number services providing universal and free access to HIV/AIDS diagnosis and treatment. To respond to low utilization, the authors propose a higher priority for testing for key populations such as MSM, expanded education, expanding testing sites and a welcoming and nonjudgmental environment in health services.