Islamism and Democratization in Indonesia Post-Reformation Era: Socio Political Analysis

In general, this paper will explore features and patterns of Islamism in Indonesia after the downfall of Suharto’s regime in which people called it as reformation era. In Indonesian context, the Islamism at least have four characteristics; (i) promoting Islam as a sole basis in transforming society, (ii) acknowledging Islam as an ideology, (iii) among at the establishment of Islamic state, (iv) which is characterised by implementing Shari`ah laws in daily lives. These four attributes may be used in capturing the growth of Muslim’s perception on state and democracy in the era of Islamic revival. The above views spread in the various streams or any schools existed in Indonesia, both Islamic movements and other form that is very influential in the process of democracy in Indonesia

Islamic Movements and the Future of Democracy in Post-Suharto Indonesia Era

Hayula: Indonesian Journal of Multidisciplinary Islamic Studies

Since 1998, Indonesia, as the biggest Muslim country in the world, has transformed from an authoritarian to a democratic regime. However, violence and terrorism associated with the Islamic movement, especially the movement of political Islam, are considered to threaten the future of Indonesian democracy. The purpose of the study is to describe the Political Islam Movement and its impact on the post-Suharto democratic system. This study uses qualitative research methods with descriptive analysis research, while the data is obtained through literature review and document analysis. This study found that acts of violence and terrorism were carried out by fundamentalist Muslims who aspired to realize an Islamic state. However, these acts of violence and terrorism triggered the development of moderate Muslims. The consequences of the development of moderate Muslims are the changing of Muslim political behavior, starting from not participating in elections, changing political choices, and ...

Islam's Relationship to Politics and the State in Indonesia


This study aims to reveal and explain the political relations between Islam and the state in Indonesia. The study was conducted on the inspiration that emerges from the writer's observation, after doing a historical study on the growing phenomenon since the end of Western colonialism in the mid 20th century. The phenomenon that is, the difficulty of Islam in Indonesia, even in other Muslim countries to develop appropriate synthesis between Islamic movements and political ideas with countries in the context of their respective localities. In Indonesia, a predominantly Muslim country, the political relations between Islam and the state is often characterized by sharp tensions, even hostile. With respect to the position of the Muslim majority, drove us to the question. Why Islam is the majority of it is difficult to get a place as a state religion? Why the state is still difficult to make Islam the basis of the state? The fact is what attracted the attention of researchers, thus was born a question "whether Islam can be in line with modern political system, in which the idea of the nation-state is one of the constituents. The results showed that in Indonesia Muslim group active in the political movement regards the state with suspicion. The group is looking at countries are doing double standard policy on political Islam in Indonesia. On the one hand supports the formation of a secular Muslim societies, and on the other hand did not leave the room or the slightest opportunity for the growth of political Islam. As a result, frequent political tension between Islam and the state, especially during the reign of Sukarno and Suharto regime. Key Words:Islamic relationship, politics and the state in indonesia, a historical analysis.

MUSLIM’S APPROACHES TO DEMOCRACY: Islam and Democracy in Contemporary Indonesia


This article seeks to provide a theoretical account of how Indonesian Muslims have approached Islam and democracy. Historical analysis, combined with literary overview, is deployed to trace the empirical passage of Indonesian Muslims in developing discourses on democracy. This article argues that a widely-religion-based democracy is on the way of making. Following this process, discourses and counter-discourses on democracy are simply inevitable. The point of departure on which Muslims frequently disagree with each other is whether or not the type of Indonesian democracy should follow the path of Western secular democracy. Accordingly, three approaches following these lively discourses on democracy came into existence: First, the Huwaydian approach that claims the compatibility of Islam and democracy. Second, the Mawdudian approach that stands in an ambiguous position between rejecting and accepting democracy. Third, the Qutbian approach which argues that democracy is inimical to Islam by definition. Despite the risk of oversimplification and conceptual discrepancy, the three terms are utilized merely for the purpose of sociological categorization.



A very long heated debate on whether or not democracy is inherently in line with Islam happens in many countries. The reliable fact proved that most of Muslim majority countries rejected democracy system to be implemented in their countries. While most of Muslim-majority country rejected to implement the democracy system in their countries, Indonesia allegedly appeared as model Muslim-majority country that integrates Islamic teachings and democracy values. Its ability to fuse democracy and Islam was praised by many political pundits and academicians from both Indonesia itself and other countries. Notwithstanding some has been optimist with the relation between Islam and democracy in Indonesia, this optimistic attitude should be reexamined for there are still many hardliner Islamic groups that threaten Indonesia democracy and Pancasila. The existence of these groups has added the large number of violence and intolerance behavior against minority groups. This raises a question, could we still put hope on Indonesian Islam as a model for democratic Muslim-majority countries? This article will deeply explore to answer it.

Discourses on Democracy Within Debates on State-Islam Relations in Indonesia


This study discusses the discourse on democracy within the context of the larger debate on Islam-state relations in Indonesia and correlates the religious approach with theories of democracy. It begins with a brief description of types of democracy formulated by political scientists in order to help us classify the Islamic groups' efforts in the process of democratization in Indonesia. This is followed by an exploration of these groups' views of democracy and their classification on the basis of their religious approach. The study considers both the debate about Islam-state relations and democracy as a competitive process over the interpretation of the predominant Islamic doctrine among the silent majority of the people. This study will also explore the role which Islam should play in the process of democratization. I will argue that the compatibility of Islam with democracy and democratization in the modern sense depends on the identification of universal values.

Islam, Fundamentalists & Democracy: A Perspective from Indonesia


As a religion, Islam provides values, ethics, norms and guidelines, but not a quick panacea, for Islam and democracy in Indonesia. So it is very important for Islamic scholars, leaders and Muslim intelligentsia to make their people be aware and conscious that the fundamentalism, radicalism and violence are the wrong answer at the wrong time to address the problems. Fundamentalism and radicalism with violent face are not the answer to tackle the poverty, social crisis, environmental crisis, global inequities and various multi-dimensional problems in recent years. Islam will be come in handy, useful and meaningful if it can make a real contribution as values, ethics, morals, ideas, thoughts, solutions and philosophy for the communities in addressing the real issues, so that Islam would be menaningful and useful in overcoming radicalism and fundamnetalism. Will Indonesian Islam be capable and credible in dealing with this challenge? It depends on its leader and ‘ulamā’s.

Islam and Democracy in Post-Suharto, Indonesia

Proceedings of the 1st Annual Internatioal Conference on Social Sciences and Humanities (AICOSH 2019), 2019

Indonesia is one of the largest Muslim democratic countries in the world. However, practically, there are many barriers making some scholars doubt that Islamic teachings support or relevant to the democratic system. The purposes of the article are (1) to examine the concept of democracy in Islamic vew and (2) to analysis the phenomenon of Islamic politics in Post-Suharto, Indonesia. The result of the study addressed that (1) Islamic teachings are relevant to a democratic system; (2) there are many Islamic parties contested in the election in Post-Suharto Indonesia, however, only several of Islamic parties exist