The Educational Level as a risk Factor for Youth Exclusion from the Labour Market (original) (raw)


Rezumat: Problemele tinerei generaţii (15-24 de ani), legate de piaţa forţei de muncă au crescut in ultimii 10 ani. Chiar şi în analizele statistice europene tinerii sunt prezentaţi ca fiind foarte expuşi la sărăcie, excludere socială şi discriminare pe piaţa forţei de muncă. În România, unele cercetări sociologice au subliniat faptul că problemele sociale cu acestor tineri sunt diverse: de la devalorizarea diplomelor la intenţia de a emigra. În acest articol vrem să prezentăm câteva rezultate ale unor cercetări sociale recente din România cu privire la cetăţenii mai tineri care au dreptul de a lucra, angajabilitatea acestora şi problemele legate de piaţa forţei de muncă.

Transition from Educational System to Labour Market in Romania

Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 2013

The issue regarding the transition from school to employment has become more important and actual within Romania's economic restructuring, at the same time with the more alarming manifestation of youth unemployment. These concerns are not specific only to our country, but they exist in all countries and get more and more complex dimensions, in the knowledge-based economic framework. The impact of a generation which suffers due to exclusiveness effects will act together with the political and social evolution that is going to mould Europe over the following years.

Employment Among Young People in Romania - Difficulties, Aspirations and Solutions

Academica Science Journal, Psychologica Series, 2012

This paper presents a proposal for a research project called "Employment among young people in Romania" born from the desire to assess the problems, needs and aspirations of young people in terms of employment, and identify role models to improve the labor market participation rates among young people. In designing of this research project we started from the objective findings that the young population from Romania is at risk in terms of labor market integration possibilities. So, our intention is to present the methodological design of this research, so that in the next period, with the implication of our students, we will start to put in practice our concept.

Social Exclusion of Youth in Europe: Consequences of Labour Market Insecurity

Studies of Transition States and Societies, 2018

Insecure labour market positions are widespread among young people in Europe. The unemployment rate and temporary employment rate among those first entering the labour market or those who are still at the beginning of their working lives is much higher than among the rest of the working-age population (Breen, 2005; Baranowska & Gebel, 2010). There is a large body of research on micro and macro-level drivers of youth unemployment and temporary employment in Europe. From a theoretical perspective, it is usually argued that young job applicants are at a high risk of unemployment and temporary employment because, being outsiders, they lack experience, seniority, and networks in contrast to the more experienced workers, who represent the insiders (Lindbeck & Snower, 1989). Another explanation is information problems that arise in the two-sided matching process of young job applicants and employers (Sørensen & Kalleberg, 1981). It has been shown that individual resources such as education...

The Young Graduates and the Labour Market in Romania. Some Results of the Sociological Research


The problems of the young generation (15-24 years) related with the labor market are increased in the last decade. Even in the European statistical analysis these young’s are presented like very expose to the poverty, social exclusion and discrimination on the labor market. In Romania some social research emphasized that social problems with this young people are diverse: from diplomas devaluation to the migration intention. In this article we want to present some results of some latest social research in Romania about the younger citizens that have the right to work, their employability and related issues with labor market.

The challenge of youth unemployment. A comparative overview of the post-crisis active labour market policy response in Germany and Romania

Can the implementation of active labour market policies explain the differences regarding youth unemployment reduction progress in two EU member states, respectively Romania and Germany? This paper tries to provide an answer to this research question. The first part of the article underlines the role of active labour market policies in reducing unemployment following literature readings. The second part will present the EU Youth Strategy, specifically the actions in the area of employment. The third section maps the labour market country-specific recommendations included in the European Semester for two member states, Romania and Germany, and verifies the reported follow-up in the labour market policies.

Demographic Perspective of Qualitative Youth Employability on Romanian Labour Market

Procedia Economics and Finance, 2015

The purpose of this paper is to analyze the implications of demographic developments on the labor market in terms of potential labor supply, in structural and professional perspectives. We are referring to the aspects of the demographic and educational potential of the youth for labour market, of the national economy potential for new job creation policy and of the opportunities of alternative free movement of workers. In the paper are analyzed labor market pressures, both positive and negative, derived from the demographic structure (including ethnicity), skills and competences, educational profile. The influences factors on qualitative youth employability in Romania are also considered in our assessment. It's presented an empirical analysis of the working age population in terms of demographic factors, as well as its demographic forecast. Statistical software used for this analysis is the R Project, along with specific packages forecasting analysis. Finally, based on the changed typology of the youth supply on labour market we are presenting some specific recommendations for policy instruments and measures to support youth employability on the national labor market.

Evolutions Of Unemployment Among The Young Over The Economic And Financial Downturn

Annales Universitatis Apulensis Series Oeconomica, 2012

The downturn on the global financial markets that struck the world economy in the mid 2008 affected the world economy in its whole, nevertheless, it also had a great impact upon the labour force market in the European countries. After several years of economic growth and of relatively high labour force occupation rate, this caused EU to register levels of decrease that had not been registered for decades. It is crucial to know the unemployment rate among the young in order to transform the young into active persons by means of specific policies aimed at this population category. The difficulties met by the young on the labour market have significant consequences upon their standard of living, upon their families and upon the national or international communities to which they belong. The most important effects of the young's inactivity are: the risk of poverty, the incapacity to play an active role in the development of the society, the lack of freedom in changing the society of which they form part. This work presents a short analysis of the unemployment among the young at world level, at the European Union's level and Romania's level. The current economic recession imposed and still imposes on the EU member states' governments to strongly interfere on the labour force market, especially in the field of youth occupancy. This work also deals with several of the measures adopted by different European states for the reduction of the unemployment rate among the young as well as for their introduction on the labour market.