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Regular leisure time P.A plays a significant role in increasing children's overall P.A, regardless of whether this takes place at sports clubs or with family, friends. P.E at school provides skills, knowledge and experiences based on which it is possible to adopt a physically active lifestyle. The aim of this study is to present the level of involvement of children in P.A over the last 7 days in school and their leisure time. The method used in this study is "Physical Activity Questionnaire for Children (PAQ-C)", by Crocker, Bailey, Faulkner, Kowalski, & McGrath, (1997), made up 9 questions. The sample of the study includes 463 children aged 9-14 (235 Male and 228 Female). The statistical data processing was performed by SPPS statistical program, version 20. Cronbach's Alpha .851 was used to assess the reliability of the instrument. The results show that football and athletics sports are among the most favoured by children in their leisure time. 57% of children claim that they are always intensely involved in the P.E class and 38.4% of them claim that after lesson they prefer to stay sitting talking or doing homework. In extracurricular activities, 40.2% of children claim that they are not included ever, and 25.5% of them state that they are included 2-3 times a week. During the weekends, they are involved in P.A 2-3 times (59.6%). The discussion and conclusion of the study prove that the subjects are more engaged to get involved in P.A at school than during their leisure time.
Leisure Time Activities Among Young People Aged 13-16 from Kosovo, Bulgaria and Poland
This paper presents the results of the research on the physical activity of school youth in three European countries (Poland, Bulgaria, Kosovo) which are at different stages of socioeconomic development and, therefore, of different possibilities and conditions in terms of leisure and mobility. The purpose of this cognitive study was to diagnose certain aspects of the lifestyle of young people aged 13-16 from Kosovo, Bulgaria and Poland, with a particular focus on physical activity. The practical aim, however, was an indication of such actions, arising from past experience that would aim at improving lifestyle, and could lead to the elimination or prevention of certain causes of physical inactivity by the youth of the countries surveyed. The research was conducted by the use of a diagnostic survey of a group of 524 people aged 13-16, among whom there were 88 people from Bulgaria, 136 people from Poland and 300 people from Kosovo. The research material was collected in 2012. The research that was carried out shows that the level of wealth (not so much of the family, but of the specific country) may have an impact on the choice of activities chosen by the youth. Undoubtedly socio-cultural factors and the tradition of social life, which impose certain ways of spending leisure time (as can be seen particularly in the case of the Bulgarian and Kosovar youth) are also of great importance. The above observations, taking into account local conditions, should be the starting point for all those who plan to introduce changes in the physical education systems in each of these countries in the future.
The level of physical activity in the lifestyle of physical education students
Journal of Education, Health and Sport, 2021
Subject: The level of physical activity in the lifestyle of physical education students Introduction: Physical activity is defined as voluntary and spontaneous physical activity practiced during leisure time. Thanks to it, the body can function properly and develop on many levels. It plays an important role in social and physical development, as well as intellectual and emotional development. It finds its place in the fight against civilization diseases, it is also beneficial in resisting many other diseases. Aim: The aim of the article is to assess the level of physical activity of physical education students of various specializations. Material and methods: The research was conducted among students of physical education at the University of Rzeszów. 60 people took part in them - 38 women and 22 men aged 19-30. The respondents answered anonymously to 18 closed, single-choice questions. Results: The majority of students are engaged in physical activity outside a college, and 6...
Many studies that show that all individuals (children, adolescents , adults) who participate in regular Physical Activity, namely "every day" their memory, concentration and communication, problem solving and leadership skills will be improved compared with individuals who are inactive. Moreover, these improvements can have a positive impact in their process of learning and many other subject areas. The purpose of this study is to present the prevalence of physical activity in Albanian children's and adolescents during their leisure time and teaching process. The instrument used in this study is "Physical Activity Questionnaire for Children's and Adolescents (PAQ-A and PAQ-C), by Kowalski et al. (1997), made up 8 questions. The sample of the study includes 400 pupils aged 9-19 (185 Male and 215 Female). The statistical data processing was performed by SPPS statistical program , version 20. Cronbach's Alpha .820 was used to assess the reliability of the ins...
Polish Journal of Applied Sciences, 2017
Introduction. Physical exercise deficiency and lack of proper habits related to systematic physical activity, especially among the youth, can be particularly dangerous from the point of view of health in the further decades of their lives. Materials and methods. The study covered a group of 95 students studying Physical Education on Physical Education and Sport Faculty in BiaĹ ' a Podlaska, with 39 of them being sportspeople training, among other things, football and handball, volleyball, basketball, athletics, MMA, taekwon-do and swimming. Results. All the respondents prefer an active model of spending leisure time, where slightly fewer than every third student (29.4%) are the people who systematically attend trainings in sports clubs. Almost all of the researched people (92.64%) achieved the level of physical condition described as high between 468 and 667 points on the ICSPFT scale. Conclusions. All the respondents prefer an active model of spending leisure time, which can be connected with the studied faculty, where slightly fewer than two third of them engage in activities classified as intensive. It means that in the light of the newest health standards adopted by WHO, all the researched students of Physical Education Department fulfilled the recommendations concerning pro-health physical activity. It was stated that almost all the respondents achieved high scores in ICSPFT, however, no statistically significant correlations between the results obtained in subsequent ICSPFT trials assessing physical fitness and their weight and height were observed.
Physical activity levels of the students on secondary school
Physical inactivity is known to be a health threatening factor in modern society. The aim was to establish whether there were differences between physical activity (PA) levels of adolescent girls and boys. The sample of 202 students at the Zagreb Secondary School of Graphic Arts, attending the 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th classes, was explored using the International Physical Activity Questionnaire (IPAQ). Statistically significant differences were obtained in all the investigated variables in the levels of involvement in PA in favour of male adolescents. The greatest differrence, however, was obtained by means of independent sample t-test in the variable INTPA TOTAL, describing an entire week intensity of PA. Despite the obtained differences, the research revealed also that the young of both sexes spent almost nine hours per day being physically passive, that is, sitting or lying. The alarming situation indicatesit is high time for expert and society intervention. Also, a strategy should ...
Педагошка стварност, 2021
Assessing and understanding the determinants of sports-recreational interests play an important role in designing and conceiving effective curriculum and syllabus of physical education, as well as public health strategies at national level. In this study, 19 independent variables were classified into four groups. The dependent variable sports-recreational interest has been operationalized in the aspect of watching sports events and being informed in the field of sports and the aspect of the achieved level of physical activity. On the sample of 300 students in Serbia, the following correlates of sports-recreational interests were found: gender and psychophysical condition (from organismic variables), type of faculty (from stimulus variables), frequency of doing sports in childhood (from response variables). None of the theoretical variables represents a predictor of students’ interest. The results in the final model show that gender (ηp 2 = .140) and assessment of psychophysical cond...
Research in Physical Education, Sport and Health, 2015
This paper presents the results of the research on the physical activity of the school youth in Kosovo, in different stages of socio-economic development and, therefore, of different possibilities and conditions in terms of leisure and mobility. The purpose of this cognitive study was to diagnose certain aspects of the lifestyle of young people aged 13-16 from Kosovo, with a particular focus on physical activity. The practical aim, however, was an indication of such actions, arising from past experience, that would aim at improving lifestyle, and could lead to the elimination or prevention of certain causes of not making movement activity by the youth of Kosovo. The research was conducted by the use of diagnostic survey in the group of 300 people aged 13-16, among whom there were 152 girls, 148 boys. The research material was collected in 2012. The research that was carried out shows which forms of leisure time activities are taken by the youth. Undoubtedly the socio-cultural factors and the tradition of social life, which impose certain ways of spending leisure time (as can be seen particularly in the case of the Kosovo youth) are also here of great importance. The above observations, taking into account local conditions, should be the starting point for all those who plan introducing changes in physical education systems in Kosovo in the future. Key words: lifestyle, youth, physical activity, socio-cultural factors, Kosovo
Leisure Time Sport Activities of the Students at Resita University
Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 2014
The problems caused by the limited time available for leisure time sports activities these days have become an increasingly interesting subject for specialists in various fields of science. This paper analyses this sensitive topic, which is always on the map of scientific research, from an interdisciplinary perspective, trying to identify the typical features of the students' lifestyle at the "Eftimie Murgu" University in Resita and the extent to which sports activities are included in the time budget of the students' leisure time activities. This is an exploratory study that has included undergraduate students at the "Eftimie Murgu" University in Resita. The sample was selected by stratified sampling, using the "step" method, with a margin of error of ±5% and a safety margin of 95%. The questionnaire included 23 questions. The study we have carried out has highlighted the fact that many of our university's students lead a rather sedentary life, 34.38% among them do not practice any sports activities, which correlates with the negative consequence that over half of the students, 54.98%, are overweight.