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Global Production Systems and Decent Work
The designations employed in ILO publications, which are in conformity with United Nations practice, and the presentation of material therein do not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of the International Labour Office concerning the legal status of any country, area or territory or of its authorities, or concerning the delimitation of its frontiers. The responsibility for opinions expressed in signed articles, studies and other contributions rests solely with their authors, and publication does not constitute an endorsement by the International Labour Office of the opinions expressed in them. Reference to names of firms and commercial products and processes does not imply their endorsement by the International Labour Office, and any failure to mention a particular firm, commercial product or process is not a sign of disapproval.
Links to third party websites are provided by Oxford in good faith and for information only. Oxford disclaims any responsibility for the materials contained in any third party website referenced in this work. P r e v i e w-C o p y r i g h t e d M a t e r i a l * 2010. Data for VW Anchieta, Shanghai VW, and FAW-VW are for the entire facility, including several assembly and component plants and company headquarters. The level of automation is for body shops (principally welding). Unless stated otherwise, data is the average figure where several body construction lines are in operation.
Business, Workplace and the Global Economy
This essay is extracted from my PhD. dissertation in the name of The effects of globalization on the conceptual and Physical aspects of a city.In a part of that,it concentrates on work, working hours and work place in the age of globalization.The floating time that is getting more and more popular and has started to be used in many countries for some decades, is one of the most important factors affecting a city. These effects are direct and indirect and are visible in the shape of a city. The second important factor is the evolution of the concept of work during past years. Some works and jobs have been omitted and new jobs are emerging. Therefore studying the evolution of jobs in the era of globalization and global village is quite important.
Concluding Remarks on the Evolution of New Working Spaces
Evolution of New Working Spaces: Changing Nature and Geographies, 2024
Trends and Evolution of Types of NeWSps NeWSps reflect the changing nature of work, the need for flexibility and collaboration, the desire for unique and tailored work environments and new lifestyles. They have emerged as a response to technological advances, shifts in workers' and firms' preferences and needs, policy changes, and the specific contexts of different locations. The COVID-19 pandemic was a catalyst as it accelerated the adoption of hybrid work modes that combine various elements and characteristics. Furthermore, an increasing number of types and models are emerging, fueling greater heterogeneity and hybridity. NeWSps offer a wide range of benefits and opportunities that go beyond traditional offices and work from home. They provide professionals with flexible work options, allowing them to choose their working hours and locations. By bringing together individuals from diverse backgrounds and industries, these spaces create fertile ground for interdisciplinary collaborations, knowledge sharing, and skill development [15].
Work organisation labour & globalisation
The globalisation of world trade in combination with the use of information and communications technologies is bringing into being a new international division of labour, not just in manufacturing industry, as in the past, but also in work involving the processing of information. Organisational restructuring shatters the unity of the traditional workplace, both contractually and spatially, dispersing work across the globe in ever-more attenuated value chains. A new ‘cybertariat’ is in the making, sharing common labour processes, but working in remote offices and call centres which may be continents apart and occupying very different cultural and economic places in local economies. The implications of this are far-reaching, both for policy and for scholarship. The dynamics of this new global division of labour cannot be captured adequately within the framework of any single academic discipline. On the contrary they can only be understood in the light of a combination of insights from fields including political economy, the sociology of work, organisational theory, economic geography, development studies, industrial relations, comparative social policy, communications studies, technology policy and gender studies.
Dimensions of expansion for configuring learning spaces in global work
Journal of Workplace Learning, 2021
Purpose Technological innovation and the flexibilisation of labour markets have expanded the pool of workers engaged in globally distributed work. This paper aims to propose an analytical framework to understand and support the productive professional learning of those engaged in global work. Drawing on the theory of expansive learning in the cultural-historical activity theory tradition the study aims to stimulate and enrich the conceptual notion of work as a learning space in the discussion of workplace learning particularly in global work. Design/methodology/approach Iteration between theory and data is applied to identify the dimensions of expansion for the configuration of learning spaces in global work. Data are drawn from the experiences of 10 professionals selected by purposive sampling in Austria, Italy, the Netherlands and Singapore. Findings Six dimensions of expansion are identified as challenging and potentially empowering for professionals’ configuration of learning sp...