The use of experimental archaeology methods in testing the functionality of Bronze Age Sicilian textile tools (Vth Experimental Archaeology Congress, Tarragona, 26.10.2017) (program) (original) (raw)
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Experimental Archaeology: From Research to Society. Proceedings of the Vth International Congress of Experimental Archaeology, Tarragona, 25-27 October 2017 (El Butlletí Arqueològic V 40), 2018
Textile tools (e.g. loom weights, spindle whorls) comprise specific evidence of textile manufacture and a unique source of information about the technology of textile production in prehistoric Sicily and the adjacent islands, since no written nor iconographic documents, or pieces of cloth, have been preserved from this time in this territory. However, only the correct identification of tools, and therefore of their function, allows conclusions to be drawn about the quality and type of yarn and textile obtained in the process of spinning or weaving with their use. This article presents the results of a functional analysis conducted with the use of experimental archaeology methods on replicas of Middle Bronze Age textile tools from the Aeolian Islands (Italy). The spinning experiment was to verify whether the heaviest tools weighing c. 200 g, identified by the excavators as spindle whorls, could actually have been used for spinning fibres and/or plying yarns. It was found that this was indeed possible.
Zephyrus, 2013
In this paper, we try to assess the importance of textile production in the societies of the Bronze Age in the Eastern Iberian Peninsula. We have tried to characterize each of the crafts, weaving textiles, cordage and basketry, mainly. We have made a thorough inventory of the published archaeological evidence related to textile production. It has paid particular interest to those that allow us to infer how far this was an activity subject to social control. It has critically evaluated the archaeological evidence and the contextual information associated with it. We conclude that, as a whole and in space and time considered, some textile production processes –like cordage and basketry– were clearly developed in a household field, compared to others, such as manufacture of fabrics and dresses, on which apparently it was exerted more control in their production and distribution.
El registre arqueològic evidència, almenys des del Solutrià, tractaments tèrmics sobre diferents matèries pètries. Aquests canvis, que en el cas sílex afavoreixen el posterior procés tècnic, han estat tan sols parcialment tractats per la historiografia. L'objectiu d'aquest treball és crear un programa experimental en el qual s'analitzin les alteracions tèrmiques de diferents materials lítics per mitjà de fonts de calor, fogueres, així com també les alteracions deposicionals d'aquest procés.
Este trabajo se integra a una línea de investigación arqueológica centrada en el abordaje de las prácticas textiles de tradición indígena prehispánica, que toma como caso de estudio el área de la llanura central y mesopotamia de Santiago del Estero (Argentina), en momentos prehispánicos tardíos y coloniales tempranos. El presente estudio se enfocó en una aproximación etnoarqueológica al instrumental textil (útiles accesorios al telar y al acabado de las prendas) de uso actual entre comunidades tejedoras del Noroeste de Argentina, elaborado en soportes (óseo y madera) de posible disponibilidad en los sitios y períodos bajo estudio. Se efectuó un registro y caracterización de un kit de artefactos, a diferentes escalas, con el propósito de vincular su historia de vida con las huellas plasmadas en su topografía. Se sostiene la relevancia y la potencialidad de partir desde un enfoque actualístico como marco metodológico de una instancia previa al abordaje de los conjuntos arqueológicos, ...
Revista Arqueología, 2023
This work integrates a line of archaeological research focused on the textile practices of the pre-Hispanic indigenous tradition, taking as a case study the area of the central plain and Mesopotamia of Santiago del Estero (Argentine Republic), in late pre-hispanic, and early colonial times. The present study focused on an ethnoarchaeological approach to the textile instruments (accessories for the loom and for the finishing of garments) currently in use among the weaving communities of the Argentine Northwest, elaborated on raw materials (bone and wood) of possible availability in the sites and periods of study. The purpose was to record and characterize a set of artifacts, at different scales, in order to link his life history with the traces reflected in their topography. It is concluded on the relevance and potentiality of starting from an actualist approach, as a methodological framework of an instance prior to the approach to archaeological sites, which contributes to the construction of hypotheses and the exploration of independent contrasting indicators and, in this way, allows expanding the available interpretive basis for archaeological materiality.