"Contemporary Net-Activism: beyond Gender Dichotomies?", in Antonelli (eds) Net-Activism. How digital technologies have been changing individual and collective actions, RomaTre Press 2017 (original) (raw)
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Contemporary Net-Activism: beyond Gender Dichotomies?
Questo capitolo, l'ultimo della prima parte, a cura di Elisabetta Ruspini e Sveva Magaraggia, si focalizza sulla relazione tra tecnologie digitali e genere. Le autrici sostengono che l'ascesa del web 2.0 sta cambiando la stessa prospettiva di genere, classicamente basata sulla dicotomia maschilefemminile, aprendo la strada a nuove e più sfumate pratiche ed identità diffuse di genere.
Oñati Socio-legal Series, The fourth wave of feminism: from sisterhood and social networking towards a new citizenship?
This article engages with the current debate on feminisms and digital media by looking at the tension between individualism and collective action. Drawing on an empirical research project involving girls, carried out in Italy and focusing on female processes of subjectivation in a postfeminist new media context, it will discuss constraints and opportunities shaped by the everyday use of social media. The article places itself in the latest trend of cyberfeminist studies, by analysing friendship relationships developed among girls in and through digital media. It also looks at how the mediated nature of social network sites offers room for the building of alliances among girls, and how this challenges online and offline gender norms. In doing so, the article reflects on the way female relationships change and are reworked in digital culture, thus giving a new meaning to the feminist concept of sisterhood. Resumen Este artículo se ocupa del debate actual sobre feminismos y medios digitales, con una mirada a la tensión existente entre el individualismo y la acción colectiva. Partiendo de un proyecto de investigación empírica con chicas, realizado en Italia y enfocado en los procesos femeninos de subjetivación en un contexto posfeminista de nuevos medios, el artículo trata sobre las limitaciones y las oportunidades modeladas por el uso cotidiano de medios sociales. El artículo se sitúa en la reciente ola de estudios ciberfeministas, analizando las relaciones de amistad entre chicas a través de medios digiales. También se ocupa de cómo la naturaleza mediada de las redes sociales digitales ofrece un espacio para las alianzas entre chicas, y de cómo esto desafía las normas de género en Internet y fuera de él. Al hacerlo, el artículo reflexiona sobre cómo las relaciones entre mujeres cambian y se transforman en la cultura digital, dando un nuevo significado al concepto feminista de sororidad. *
This article questions the underlying social and political factors explaining the revival of feminism, and analyzes how feminists use digital media to promote their cause. It presents the results of a two-year research project on feminist activism in France; however, many results have broader implications for the evolution of feminism in Western countries. The survey is based on an ethnographic online observation of nine feminist collectives, on face-to-face interviews with activists, and on a qualitative survey of ordinary feminists. We examine the diversity of feminist collectives and how digital media have contributed to the rise of a new leadership and of new organizational practices. Young activists are experts in producing visual narratives (images, video, etc.), in using unconventional repertoires of action (humor, satire, etc.) and in networking. They make events and campaigns which are widely echoed in the public sphere and the mediation of digital media leads to a form of performative activism. Connectivity widens the audience and contributes to the building of virtual communities. However, the high visibility of digital feminism led to the rise of a virulent cyber-sexism. Finally, questions remain about the empower-ment of feminists at a time when conservative forces are re-emerging in Western societies.
RES 51. Technology and Feminism: A Strange Couple * Tecnología y feminismo: una extraña pareja
The "gender digital divide" constitutes a prolific research program that compares the differences between women and men in access to Information and Communication Technologies (ICT). Nevertheless, those using feminist socio-constructivist perspectives argue for the need to pay attention, not only to " access, " but also to " design, " in addition to considering social relations as something that is coded within technological artifacts. From this perspective, gender constitutes an integral part of technological production. This paper explores the co-constitution of gender and technology, considering a specific action– research experience. It is argued that the re-signification of gendered and technological codes drifts through: a) the opening of gendered and technological codes; b) the production of new cultural imaginaries that question hegemonic representations of gender; and c) the production of new subjectivities through the reorganization of socio-technical practices to develop performative acts that transform patriarchal relations. La “brecha digital de género” constituye un prolífico programa de investigación que compara las diferencias entre mujeres y hombres en el acceso a las Tecnologías de Información y Comunicación. Las perspectivas socio-constructivistas feministas, sin embargo, abogan por la necesidad de prestar atención no sólo al “acceso”, sino también al “diseño”, y consideran las relaciones sociales como elementos codificados en el interior los artefactos tecnológicos. Desde esta perspectiva, el género constituye una parte integral de la producción tecnológica. Este trabajo explora la constitución conjunta de género y tecnología a partir de una experiencia de investigación-acción específica. Se argumenta que la resignificación de los códigos de género y tecnológicos se desplaza a través de: a) la apertura de los códigos de género y tecnológicos; b) la producción de nuevos imaginarios culturales que cuestionan las representaciones hegemónicas de género; y c) la producción de nuevas subjetividades a través de la reorganización de las prácticas socio-técnicas para el desarrollo de actos performativos que transforman las relaciones patriarcales.
Technology and Feminism: A Strange Couple
The “gender digital divide” constitutes a prolific research program that compares the differences between women and men in access to Information and Communication Technologies (ICT). Nevertheless, those using feminist socio-constructivist perspectives argue for the need to pay attention, not only to “access,” but also to “design,” in addition to considering social relations as something that is coded within technological artifacts. From this perspective, gender constitutes an integral part of technological production. This paper explores the co-constitution of gender and technology, considering a specific action-research experience. It is argued that the re-signification of gendered and technological codes drifts through: a) the opening of gendered and technological codes; b) the production of new cultural imaginaries that question hegemonic representations of gender; and c) the production of new subjectivities through the reorganization of socio-technical practices to develop performative acts that transform patriarchal relations.
Gender and ICT: Are we making progress in CyberFeministisation?
Revista Idees, 47, 2019
In this article I examine the relationship between gender and technology from a feminist standpoint in Catalonia. This standpoint is influenced by previous work done by and with the Donestech women and technology group and the shared history of cyberfeminist research conducted since 2006. But it is also based on the successive research efforts and theorisations undertaken by inspirational feminist technology academics, from here and elsewhere, since the 1970s. Above all, I am writing from a standpoint of privilege and modesty from which I can remember and appreciate the countless words and actions shared over the years by hundreds of technologists and feminists of all stripes to our benefit.
Visions for Gender Equality
Gender equality and freedom of expression are integral parts of human rights, and you cannot have one without the other. Yet they are often talked about as separate values and rights.. Gender equality has been an important component of recent discourses on freedom of expression. One example of this is the UNESCO World Trends in Freedom of Expression and Media Development (2104), which emphasises the link between the two issues. However, in many gender equality discourses, the media and freedom of expression are disregarded.The media can contribute to sustainable development if gender equality and freedom of expression are taken into account and regarded as crucial for reaching future goals set at national, European or global level. The lack of gender equality in the media is often an echo of a lack of gender equality overall. This chapter argues that making changes and tackling gender-limiting norms in the media cannot be treated as a stand-alone issue, nor will self-regulation or one legislative change suffice.