Graziella Parati. Migrant Writers and Urban Space in Italy. Proximities and Affect in Literature and Film (original) (raw)

Scrittrici della migrazione in Italia

Edward Said, in una pagina assai nota, ha fatto ricorso alla categoria musicale del «contrappunto» per caratterizzare il campo delle pratiche culturali, sottolineando come, al suo interno, le identità non si configurino […] come essenze date […], ma come insiemi contrappuntistici, poiché si dà il caso che nessuna identità potrà mai esistere per se stessa e senza una serie di opposti, negazioni e opposizioni: i greci hanno sempre avuto bisogno dei barbari, come gli europei degli africani, degli orientali e così via (Said. Cultura e imperialismo: 77).

Scrittori migranti nel contesto italiano

Studi italo-slovacchi, 2019

Migrant literature in Italy had its starting point in the 90s when the first groups of migrants started to flow into the country. The topic of this article is literature of migrant writers, authors who are literarily productive in the host country and for their works have chosen the language of the receiving culture. We may speak of a heterogeneous group that consists of the writers and poets of the first generation, of the second generation and last but not least authors that do not have link to the colonial past or started to write in the last decade. More recent works move away from the experience of immigration as the only topic and present a certain level of experimentation with language and style. In this article, the concept of the migrant literature is explained and the formation and the development of the phenomenon in Italy is examined, providing the context of the situation in other European countries. The article further discusses the question of national as well as individual identity and presents linguistic aspect of migrant literature, especially with regard to the concept of bilingualism, its effects on the perception of reality in these authors and how it reflects in their writing.

"L’Italia, l’altrove. Luoghi, spazi e attraversamenti nel cinema e nella letteratura sulla migrazione" edited by Simone Brioni

L’Italia, l’altrove. Luoghi, spazi e attraversamenti nel cinema e nella letteratura sulla migrazione, 2022

This monograph is a meditation on how transnational migrations have influenced how the sense of place and the politics of space are represented in literature and film about migration to, from and within Italy. It examines work produced in Italian and English, and it emphasizes how culture and national identity can be reconsidered in a more inclusive way within a world marked by increased mobility. The text is divided into three main sections – “Places”, “Spaces” and “Crossings” – each of which contains two chapters. Chapter 1 argues that bridges, as they are represented in literature, movies and paintings about and by Italian Americans, are often used as symbols to highlight the social improvement of this ethnic group. Drawing on Michel Foucault’s definition of heterotopia, Chapter 2 analyses the filmic and literary representation of Termini station. The representation of Termini either as an isolated place in the urban geography of Rome or as a place that mirrors the multicultural reality of present-day Italy highlights a tension between different ways of practicing the same space. Moving from the analysis of “Places” to the analysis of “Spaces”, Chapter 3 examines how Pannone’s ‘American Trilogy’ (1991-98) and shows how memory of the myth of America in Italy rethinks ‘Italian’ history with a trans-national lens. Chapter 4 analyzes how Juhmpa Lahiri’s In Other Words (2015) dislocates Italy both linguistically and spatially by de-linking the experience of Italy from its physical spaces. “Crossings” focuses on reflections about moving through a space, and how the ways in which a space is practiced or experienced changes our understanding of it. Chapter 5 analyzes the ways Giuliano Santoro’s Su due piedi. Camminando per un mese attraverso la Calabria (On My Two Feet: Walking for a Month in Calabria, 2012) and Wu Ming 2’s Il sentiero luminoso (The Bright Path, 2016) describe walking as an activity which allows one to recognize the social modifications of space, and to rethink the geographies of suburban areas in Italy. Chapter 6 discusses how Elia Moutamid’s Talien (2017) reimagines driving as an activity that links physical movement through spaces to reflections about transnational mobility and national belonging. Moving beyond the analysis of literature and film about the representation of spaces of migration, the coda argues that finding new ways of inscribing the memory of the past in the present can be a way of rethinking subjectivity, memory and belonging.

Scrittrici italiane e migrazione argentina

dannate ad errare o a non muoversi dal focolare, «con el miedo legendario al de recho del hombre», come afferma la protagonista del racconto LA bella del mal amor (Fdbulas: 144). Quasi suo alter ego, l'attrice de LA historia de mi coraz6n co sl riassume il ruolo che lei e la sua creatrice hanno recitato nel tempo: «~Yo? ~Qué papel he representado? Me he quedado llena de fragmentos de mujeres, de giro nes de otras mujeres que me han dejado sus palabras»

Il lettore come cartografo: ridisegnare l'urbano attraversando il graphic novel. L'esempio di 'Città di vetro' di Paul Karasik e David Mazzucchelli | Tracce Urbane, Venezia, 2014

Nella postmodernità la “metafora multipolare e non lineare della mappa” (Westphal) è divenuta il paradigma dominante, mentre lo statuto ontologico stesso della carta si è fatto oggetto di riflessione transdisciplinare. Spostando l'attenzione dalla sua natura statica, ci si è infatti concentrati sugli elementi mobili, narrativi ed esperienziali della carta, che torna ad essere racconto di mondi possibili, anziché ‘rappresentazione’ della realtà. Se la città contemporanea è insieme rizomatico di frammenti in costante movimento, spazio dell'attraversamento la cui geografia mobile è in perpetua trasformazione, anche la mappa urbana si è fatta “nomade” (Careri), costantemente ridisegnata lungo e durante il percorso...

L'Italia, l'altrove Luoghi, spazi e attraversamenti nel cinema e nella letteratura sulla migrazione

This monograph is a meditation on how transnational migrations have influenced how the sense of place and the politics of space are represented in literature and film about migration to, from and within Italy. It examines work produced in Italian and English, and it emphasizes how culture and national identity can be reconsidered in a more inclusive way within a world marked by increased mobility. The text is divided into three main sections – “Places”, “Spaces” and “Crossings” – each of which contains two chapters. Chapter 1 argues that bridges, as they are represented in literature, movies and paintings about and by Italian Americans, are often used as symbols to highlight the social improvement of this ethnic group. Drawing on Michel Foucault’s definition of heterotopia, Chapter 2 analyses the filmic and literary representation of Termini station. The representation of Termini either as an isolated place in the urban geography of Rome or as a place that mirrors the multicultural reality of present-day Italy highlights a tension between different ways of practicing the same space. Moving from the analysis of “Places” to the analysis of “Spaces”, Chapter 3 examines how Pannone’s ‘American Trilogy’ (1991-98) and shows how memory of the myth of America in Italy rethinks ‘Italian’ history with a trans-national lens. Chapter 4 analyzes how Juhmpa Lahiri’s In Other Words (2015) dislocates Italy both linguistically and spatially by de-linking the experience of Italy from its physical spaces. “Crossings” focuses on reflections about moving through a space, and how the ways in which a space is practiced or experienced changes our understanding of it. Chapter 5 analyzes the ways Giuliano Santoro’s Su due piedi. Camminando per un mese attraverso la Calabria (On My Two Feet: Walking for a Month in Calabria, 2012) and Wu Ming 2’s Il sentiero luminoso (The Bright Path, 2016) describe walking as an activity which allows one to recognize the social modifications of space, and to rethink the geographies of suburban areas in Italy. Chapter 6 discusses how Elia Moutamid’s Talien (2017) reimagines driving as an activity that links physical movement through spaces to reflections about transnational mobility and national belonging. Moving beyond the analysis of literature and film about the representation of spaces of migration, the coda argues that finding new ways of inscribing the memory of the past in the present can be a way of rethinking subjectivity, memory and belonging.

Etnografie letterarie e Migrazioni Scritture di Donne Migranti

EtnoAntropologia, 2020

This study explores the relationship between the new migration literature and reflective anthropology. The relationship between literature and anthropology becomes more and more significant and provides fruitful reading keys for transcultural ethnography. Migration literature in Italian is investigated through first and second generation migrant writers, so much so as to define a post-colonial Italian literature. Gender, ethnicity and migration configure as the keystones of the new plural and transcultural subjectivities of post-modern Italy.

Global margins. From the production of marginalization to spaces of hope. An interview to Ananya Roy by Simone Tulumello and Giacomo Pozzi, in Margini. Pratiche, politiche e immaginari, TU Tracce Urbane. Italian Journal of Urban Studies, 5: 26-57

Margini. Pratiche, politiche e immaginari, 2019

Simone met Ananya on the morning of July 13, 2018, during the Congress of AESOP, the Association of European Schools of Planning, where Ananya gave the opening keynote speech, titled “Plans for freedom: Borders, cities and the struggle for justice in the age of Trumpism”. The conversation lasted approximately 40 minutes and was based on, but at moments diverged from, a number of questions jointly prepared by Simone and Giacomo. Starting from the double nature of the margin in Ananya’s work – margin as method and as object of study – the conversation then touched issues of race in the making of the contemporary city, mostly in the USA and the Global South. We also discussed representations of urban margins as places of resistance and creativity; and then questioned the return of the nation state in producing, and enforcing, (racial, gendered, class...) margins. Inspired by the topic of the AESOP congress, “Making space for hope”, we concluded by reflecting on the paths for building alternatives to the status quo, reflecting on activist and engaged research practices. By questioning the frequent romanticizing of the local, Ananya reflected on the need for a global scale in thinking change. The following is a transcription of the conversation, lightly edited for clarity, consistence and style.