Tawheed the Milestone of Islam; A Reflection of Some Prominent Muslim Scholars And Its Implications to Educators (original) (raw)

of Islam; A Reflection of Some Prominent Muslim Scholars And Its Implications to Educators


Tawheed is the leading principle of the Islamic faith without which an individual is not considered a Muslim and its violation for those already believed will automatically result into the nullification of their faith. The Quran and the Hadith of the Prophet are very explicit on this issue; this is why the Muslim scholars of all ages in their wettings labored hard to preserve the true teachings and proper understanding of this major principle of this faith. This study therefore asses the observations of these scholars regarding this principle in view of what it means, affirmation of its lofty position, the main theme of all prophets and messengers commissioned by the Almighty Allah and its influence on a Muslim's daily life. The study uses a textual analysis methodology. The study concludes by assessing the role of this principle in guiding Muslims to the straight path by fully implementing Allah's commandments, something that will have a positive effect on their behavior ...

The Practice of Islamic educational thought


This study discusses the idea of Islamic educational thought by M. Natsir, with a method of previous studies, which worked on data sources through the study of literature, reading and references to the related scriptures. Based on this research, M. Natsir revs tawheed as a fundamental in Islamic education. Knowledge of tawheed is placed after the anchor of faith. This resource become the main basis and generates new ideas according to the Shariah. Based on M. Natsir opinion, Arabic is the key to all of knowledge and to learn a good theology, Arabic language proficiency is a key requirement. M. Natsir stressed that the Islamic Education requires institutions capable of responsibility.

Maqâshid al-Qur’ân dalam Ayat Kebebasan Beragama Menurut Thahâ Jâbir al-‘Alwânî


Maqâshid al-Qur'ân in the Verses of Religious Freedom in Interpretation of Thahâ Jâbir al-'Alwânî. This article is aimed at describing Thahâ Jâbir al-'Alwânî's interpretation on various verses dealing with the issues of religious freedom. Adapting an approach of maqâshid al-Qur'ân, the present paper comes to answer two main issues on the true of Alwânî's maqâshid al-Qur'ân perception and the theoretical application of Alwânî's maqâshid al-Qur'ân in interpreting verses of religious freedom. According to 'Alwânî, it was concluded that there are three main segments that he called al-maqâshid al-Qur'âniyyah al-hâkimah: (1) al-tawhîd, (2) al-tazkiyah, and (3) al-'umrân. 'Alwânî stated that is one of the important embodiments in believing the God and tauhid. Seeing this pattern, the later purpose of the Quran is tazkiyah. This term is a value that enables people apply the message, fulfill the promise, and can perform the tasks of the caliphate. When such principles are implemented, something appears that Alwânî called 'umrân as the next purpose of the Quran can be manifested well. 'Umrân or 'prosperity' in which human being performs as a khalifah actually can create baldatun thayyibatun wa rabbun ghafûr as the real welfare.

The Role of Tawheedic Stimulus in the Conscience of Muslim Individuals

Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences, 2014

Muslim individual's worldview, culture and ethics are based on tawheed. In social, political and religious contexts, emotional state and motivational status of these individuals also inject perceptional premise to the way these individuals set value related priorities. The way Muslims see things, are mainly derived from faith, experience and family background. Values, knowledge and religious consciousness are therefore, the essence of tawheed in the mind of modern Muslim individuals. The key objective of this paper is to assess how these values are perceived by Muslim individuals in relation to the current world affairs and human relation within the socio-political and diverse worldviews. Muslim normative epistemological attitude towards tawheedic ethos in relation to the current reality of the technological and scientific development must be reassessed for further contextualization. Islam advocates good reasoning and tawheed has to be comprehended within the cognitive apparatus of the modern Muslim individual.

The Concept of Tawhid in Islam: An Overview of the Perspectives of Some Prominent Muslim Scholars

Journal of Islamic Thought and Civilization, 2016

The concept of tawhid excludes man's commitment to anyone other than Allah (SWT). Also a rejection of all sources of value other than will of Allah (SWT), all authority but His, and a refusal to accept any idea, command, or injunction from anyone, as man does from Allah (SWT), on the basis of its having not come from Him. Love or reverence, worship or submission, and a sense of obligation, all are directed towards Allah (SWT) alone and no one else deserves them in the ultimate, full sense of these attitudes. In the human context it means emancipation and restoration of man's essential freedom from all human bondages before the commitment to Allah (SWT). Man is under no obligation to submit to any authority or commit to anyone's will. He owes nothing to any being other than Allah (SWT). He has no superiors except Him. A lot has been written on the topic of tawhid by different scholars but a concise paper which would analyze different perspectives of different scholars on the issue of tawhid has been long awaited. To fill the gap this paper attempts to provide the reader with such information; highlightens the richness in thought and contents with respect to the concept of tawhid and the distinctive views on the same by some prominent Muslim scholars both from the classical and modern era.

Sisi Positif Taqlîd dalam Sejarah Perkembangan Hukum Islam

The main problem that this paper is interested in dealing with is the notion of taqlid, the English translation of which being a blind acceptance. Taqlid is the opposite of Ijtihad, the intellectual exercise to draw certain legal rules from their sources. Muslims over centuries believed that taqlid in legal matters is not allowed, and that the door of Ijtihad has never been closed, as some Western scholars would emphatically argue. The paper nonetheless maintains that taqlid does take place in a major part of Islamic legal history. It has become unavoidable for Muslims to accept blindly-due to some reasons-the legal views of the earlier scholars and jurists. But the paper also argues that to accept without question the views of the authoritative scholars in legal matters is not always bad. The paper tries to show that there are-due to some conditions-positive things in committing Taqlid. To show this, the paper would attempt to scrutinize the historical facts in which Muslims do benefit from doing Taqlid. It means also that, Ijtihad is not always good for Muslims. By presenting some findings-the paper will argue-that in some cases, Muslims should abandon independent intellectual exercise and resort to blind acceptance if in doing so would bring benefit for them.

The Fundamentals of Tawheed


The Muslim scholar Abu Ameenah Philips has kindly agreed to let MSA-USC display three chapters (1, 2, and 10) from his book "The Fundamentals of Tawheed (Islamic Monotheism)". This book is highly recommended reading for those who would like to learn about the basis of Islam: there is no being worthy of worship except Allah (God), and Allah is Absolutely One and Absolutely Unique. We note also that a Muslim is further obligated to accept the Prophet Muhammad (saws) as Allah's final prophet to humanity.

Tawhid as a fundamental element of the islamic worldview and its implications for moral thoughts and values


Abstract: This is an analysis of the Tawḥīdī worldview from the standpoints of moral epistemology and moral psychology. The aim is to explore some of the implications that the names and attributes of Allah could have on the Muslims’ moral thoughts and behaviours. In recent times, the names and attributes of Allah have attracted little academic focus, despite their potential to be employed as frameworks to discuss and address many issues. This paper, therefore, seeks to demonstrate that the names and attributes of Allah are veritable reservoirs that could be explored for moral knowledge and paradigms. It indicates how they could serve as guides to moral reasoning, bases for moral consciousness and also sources of moral motivation. This is attempted through a qualitative method of an inductive approach, and it entails a conceptual analysis of selected names and attributes of Allah based on the Quranic contextual usage. The paper, therefore, holds the view that each of the names or attributes of Allah has moral-related concepts that could inform Muslims’ moral thoughts and values, and they could also serve as bases for moral conduct and character (re)formation.

Konsep al-Ta‘ābudiyyah dan Kepentingannya dalam Hukum Islam Semasa

Journal of Usuluddin, 2015

Makalah ini menjelaskan konsep al-ta'ābudiyyah dan kepentingannya dalam berinteraksi dan memahami isu-isu hukum Islam semasa. Al-Ta'ābudiyyah ialah hukum yang tidak dapat dikesan 'illah baginya. Ia satu elemen penting dalam ijtihad. Makalah ini cuba menjelaskan masalah salah faham terhadap konsep, peranan dan kedudukan alta'ābudiyyah dalam ijtihad. Untuk mencapai objektifnya, makalah ini menganalisis secara induktif dan deduktif maklumat-maklumat yang dikumpulkan melalui kajian perpustakaan. Makalah ini membuktikan bahawa konsep al-ta'ābudiyyah suatu perkara penting dalam usaha berinteraksi dan memahami isu-isu hukum Islam semasa, khususnya dalam menjaga ketegaran syariat Islam sepanjang zaman dari sudut pengukuhan konsep ibtilā', pembuktian keterbatasan akal manusia, penetapan 'standard' kemaslahatan dan kepentingan proses ijtihad dalam mencapai matlamat pensyariatan. Kata kunci: al-ta'ābuddiyyah, ijtihad, hukum Islam semasa, maslahat The Concept of al-Ta'ābudiyyah and Its Importance in Contemporary Islamic Rulings

Teologi Pembebasan Munurut Kristen dan Islam

Diky Agustian, 2015

The emergence of liberation theology in the West reaps some problems in the lives of Christian. The idea was conceived from the ideas of churchmen such as Gustavo Gutierrez (Peru), Juan Louise Segundo (Uruguay), Hugo Asmann (Brazil) and John Sabrino (El Salvador), and others to fight injustice, poverty and oppression. As for the history of the liberation theology the essence is no longer theocentric but becomes anthropocentric as a tool against the status quo or the ruling class to realize the kingdom of God. However, Islam further introduces the concept of liberation theology as a teaching of monotheism brought by the Prophets which was perfected by the Prophet Muhammad as an Islamic religion. It is a human commitment to God that has a meaningful dimension of human liberation and humanity. liberation theology according to Christianity is the theological idea that emerged in Latin America and third world countries, the method of Marxism as a tool for the struggle for the freedom of the poor. The difference in the influence of theology in Christianity is the existence of salvation outside the church, the desolation of the church to the world, and the existence of church unity with the poor. The difference in attitudes of theologians in Christianity states that the theology is from social, economic, political conditions of the poor in Latin America who must be freed by giving understanding Marxism in its praxis. Whereas Islam returns to the tauhid sentence as liberation of lust and liberation of belief in bid'ah, takhayyul, khurafat, magical, mythical, animist, and taqlid with religious renewal or tajdid, returning to the Qur'an and hadith. Islam makes tauhid as the principle of life and identity of Muslims. Islam must unite aqidah, sharia and morals in tauhid for the purpose of human liberation from ignorance. As for the method used in this research is a descriptive comparative method to obtain detailed information related to the title of the discussion.