Marching along to an Offbeat Drum: Entrainment of Synthetic Gene Oscillators by a Noisy Stimulus (original) (raw)

Demasking biological oscillators: Properties and principles of entrainment exemplified by the Neurospora circadian clock

Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 2005

Oscillations are found throughout the physical and biological worlds. Their interactions can result in a systematic process of synchronization called entrainment, which is distinct from a simple stimulus-response pattern. Oscillators respond to stimuli at some times in their cycle and may not respond at others. Oscillators can also be driven if the stimulus is strong (or if the oscillator is weak); i.e., they restart their cycle every time they receive a stimulus. Stimuli can also directly affect rhythms without entraining the underlying oscillator (masking): Drivenness and masking are often difficult to distinguish. Here we use the circadian biological clock to explore properties of entrainment. We confirm previous results showing that the residual circadian system in Neurospora can be entrained in a mutant of the clock gene frequency (frq 9 , a strain deficient in producing a functional FRQ protein). This finding has implications for understanding the evolution of circadian programs. By comparing data sets from independent studies, we develop a template for analyzing, modeling, and dissecting the interactions of entrained and masked components. These insights can be applied to oscillators of all periodicities.

Principles, mechanisms and functions of entrainment in biological oscillators

Interface Focus

Entrainment is a phenomenon in which two oscillators interact with each other, typically through physical or chemical means, to synchronize their oscillations. This phenomenon occurs in biology to coordinate processes from the molecular to organismal scale. Biological oscillators can be entrained within a single cell, between cells or to an external input. Using six illustrative examples of entrainable biological oscillators, we discuss the distinctions between entrainment and synchrony and explore features that contribute to a system's propensity to entrain. Entrainment can either enhance or reduce the heterogeneity of oscillations within a cell population, and we provide examples and mechanisms of each case. Finally, we discuss the known functions of entrainment and discuss potential functions from an evolutionary perspective.

Synthetic Gene Network for Entraining and Amplifying Cellular Oscillations

Physical Review Letters, 2002

We present a model for a synthetic gene oscillator and consider the coupling of the oscillator to a periodic process that is intrinsic to the cell. We investigate the synchronization properties of the coupled system, and show how the oscillator can be constructed to yield a significant amplification of cellular oscillations. We reduce the driven oscillator equations to a normal form, and analytically determine the amplification as a function of the strength of the cellular oscillations. The ability to couple naturally occurring genetic oscillations to a synthetically designed network could lead to possible strategies for entraining and/or amplifying oscillations in cellular protein levels.

Entraining synthetic genetic oscillators

Chaos, 2009

We propose a new approach for synchronizing a population of synthetic genetic oscillators, which consists in the entrainment of a colony of repressilators by external modulation. We present a model where the repressilator dynamics is affected by periodic changes in temperature. We introduce an additional plasmid in the bacteria in order to correlate the temperature variations with the enhancement of the transcription rate of a certain gene. This can be done by introducing a promoter that is related to the heat shock response. This way, the expression of that gene results in a protein that enhances the overall oscillations. Numerical results show coherent oscillations of the population for a certain range of the external frequency, which is in turn related to the natural oscillation frequency of the modified repressilator. Finally we study the transient times related with the loss of synchronization and we discuss possible applications in biotechnology of large-scale production coupled to synchronization events induced by heat shock.

A Simple Negative Interaction in the Positive Transcriptional Feedback of a Single Gene Is Sufficient to Produce Reliable Oscillations

PLoS ONE, 2011

Negative and positive transcriptional feedback loops are present in natural and synthetic genetic oscillators. A single gene with negative transcriptional feedback needs a time delay and sufficiently strong nonlinearity in the transmission of the feedback signal in order to produce biochemical rhythms. A single gene with only positive transcriptional feedback does not produce oscillations. Here, we demonstrate that this single-gene network in conjunction with a simple negative interaction can also easily produce rhythms. We examine a model comprised of two well-differentiated parts. The first is a positive feedback created by a protein that binds to the promoter of its own gene and activates the transcription. The second is a negative interaction in which a repressor molecule prevents this protein from binding to its promoter. A stochastic study shows that the system is robust to noise. A deterministic study identifies that the dynamics of the oscillator are mainly driven by two types of biomolecules: the protein, and the complex formed by the repressor and this protein. The main conclusion of this paper is that a simple and usual negative interaction, such as degradation, sequestration or inhibition, acting on the positive transcriptional feedback of a single gene is a sufficient condition to produce reliable oscillations. One gene is enough and the positive transcriptional feedback signal does not need to activate a second repressor gene. This means that at the genetic level an explicit negative feedback loop is not necessary. The model needs neither cooperative binding reactions nor the formation of protein multimers. Therefore, our findings could help to clarify the design principles of cellular clocks and constitute a new efficient tool for engineering synthetic genetic oscillators.

From simple to complex oscillatory behavior in metabolic and genetic control networks

Chaos: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Nonlinear Science, 2001

We present an overview of mechanisms responsible for simple or complex oscillatory behavior in metabolic and genetic control networks. Besides simple periodic behavior corresponding to the evolution toward a limit cycle we consider complex modes of oscillatory behavior such as complex periodic oscillations of the bursting type and chaos. Multiple attractors are also discussed, e.g., the coexistence between a stable steady state and a stable limit cycle ͑hard excitation͒,o rt h e coexistence between two simultaneously stable limit cycles ͑birhythmicity͒. We discuss mechanisms responsible for the transition from simple to complex oscillatory behavior by means of a number of models serving as selected examples. The models were originally proposed to account for simple periodic oscillations observed experimentally at the cellular level in a variety of biological systems. In a second stage, these models were modified to allow for complex oscillatory phenomena such as bursting, birhythmicity, or chaos. We consider successively ͑1͒ models based on enzyme regulation, proposed for glycolytic oscillations and for the control of successive phases of the cell cycle, respectively; ͑2͒ a model for intracellular Ca 2ϩ oscillations based on transport regulation; ͑3͒ a model for oscillations of cyclic AMP based on receptor desensitization in Dictyostelium cells; and ͑4͒ a model based on genetic regulation for circadian rhythms in Drosophila. Two main classes of mechanism leading from simple to complex oscillatory behavior are identified, namely ͑i͒ the interplay between two endogenous oscillatory mechanisms, which can take multiple forms, overt or more subtle, depending on whether the two oscillators each involve their own regulatory feedback loop or share a common feedback loop while differing by some related process, and ͑ii͒ self-modulation of the oscillator through feedback from the system's output on one of the parameters controlling oscillatory behavior. However, the latter mechanism may also be viewed as involving the interplay between two feedback processes, each of which might be capable of producing oscillations. Although our discussion primarily focuses on the case of autonomous oscillatory behavior, we also consider the case of nonautonomous complex oscillations in a model for circadian oscillations subjected to periodic forcing by a light-dark cycle and show that the occurrence of entrainment versus chaos in these conditions markedly depends on the wave form of periodic forcing.

Synthetic multicellular oscillatory systems: controlling protein dynamics with genetic circuits

Physica Scripta, 2011

Synthetic biology is a relatively new research discipline that combines standard biology approaches with the constructive nature of engineering. Thus, recent efforts in the field of synthetic biology have given a perspective to consider cells as 'programmable matter'. Here, we address the possibility of using synthetic circuits to control protein dynamics. In particular, we show how intercellular communication and stochasticity can be used to manipulate the dynamical behavior of a population of coupled synthetic units and, in this manner, finely tune the expression of specific proteins of interest, e.g. in large bioreactors.

A design principle underlying the synchronization of oscillations in cellular systems

Journal of Cell Science, 2010

Biological oscillations are found ubiquitously in cells and are widely variable, with periods varying from milliseconds to months, and scales involving subcellular components to large groups of organisms. Interestingly, independent oscillators from different cells often show synchronization that is not the consequence of an external regulator. What is the underlying design principle of such synchronized oscillations, and can modeling show that the complex consequences arise from simple molecular or other interactions between oscillators? When biological oscillators are coupled with each other, we found that synchronization is induced when they are connected together through a positive feedback loop. Increasing the coupling strength of two independent oscillators shows a threshold beyond which synchronization occurs within a few cycles, and a second threshold where oscillation stops. The positive feedback loop can be composed of either double-positive (PP) or double-negative (NN) interactions between a node of each of the two oscillating networks. The different coupling structures have contrasting characteristics. In particular, PP coupling is advantageous with respect to stability of period and amplitude, when local oscillators are coupled with a short time delay, whereas NN coupling is advantageous for a long time delay. In addition, PP coupling results in more robust synchronized oscillations with respect to amplitude excursions but not period, with applied noise disturbances compared to NN coupling. However, PP coupling can induce a large fluctuation in the amplitude and period of the resulting synchronized oscillation depending on the coupling strength, whereas NN coupling ensures almost constant amplitude and period irrespective of the coupling strength. Intriguingly, we have also observed that artificial evolution of random digital oscillator circuits also follows this design principle. We conclude that a different coupling strategy might have been selected according to different evolutionary requirements.