Aggregations of planktonic copepods: hypothetical model of fluctuating cloud. (original) (raw)
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First Observations of Tumor-Like Anomalies in Planktonic Copepods in the Crimean Coastal Waters
Journal of Siberian Federal University. Biology, 2016
In copepods from zooplankton samples collected in coastal waters of the Crimea near Sevastopol in 2011-2012, external tumor-like anomalies (TLA) were found. These anomalies are presumed to be parasitic protists (perhaps dinoflagellates of the family Ellobipsidae) or the hernias induced by injuries. Percentage of specimens with TLA varied, depending on the species, from 0.2 to 20.9 %.
Macroscopic Fluctuations Phenomenon
Metaphysics, 2021
The following brief review considers the history of discovery and main stages of investigations of the macroscopic fluctuations phenomenon, which were the work of life of Simon E. Shnoll. The works considered in this article are the first in world literature to study the universal laws revealed in the course of studying the properties of fluctuations in processes of various nature. Brief descriptions of the main experiments and the results obtained are given.
Dynamics of the number of planktonic rotifers in the pelagic zone of Southern Baikal (2005−2014)
XXI vek: Tehnosfernaâ bezopasnostʹ, 2022
Озеро Байкал-уникальный по своей величине и древности природный резервуар пресной воды. Сетный зоопланктон озера представлен коловратками, а также веслоногими и ветвистоусыми ракообразными. Неотъемлемой частью пелагиали является ротаториофауна, которая по численности и биомассе в отдельные годы превосходит наиболее многочисленную группу планктонных животных озера-ракообразных класса Copepoda. Пелагические Rotifera могут быть использованы в качестве своеобразного индикатора качества воды: потребляя фитопланктон, аккумулируя энергию и передавая ее на следующие трофические уровни, коловратки оказывают влияние на других гидробионтов. Цель настоящей работы-проанализировать развитие в пелагиали Южного Байкала круглогодичных, зимне-весенних и летнеосенних групп коловраток с 2005 по 2014 гг. Изучена динамика численности и видовой состав планктонных коловраток. Проведенные исследования показали, что в слое 0-50 м количественно доминируют круглогодичные виды коловраток, минимальную численность составляют коловратки зимне-весеннего комплекса.
Russian Journal of Biological Physics and Chemisrty
For the purpose of monitoring the water area of Sevastopol a line of devices for plankton macrofiltration in the size range from 2 mm to 2 microns has been developed. Twelve stations have been chosen from Inkerman to Fiolent with total length of 30 km. From piers far out at sea, 50-500 liters of seawater were sampled from the surface and filtered through a system of successive sieves 2 mm, 300, 150, 84 microns and a 2 μm fiber filter. In the winter of 2021-2022, when the seawater temperature was 8 °C, the diversity of plankton morphotypes was low. For all stations, the number of morphotypes increased as the size fraction decreased in the form of ecological pyramids. It was found that the richness of morphotypes in Inkerman is significantly lower than at other stations. Samples from neighboring stations may differ in the composition of morphotypes up to 50% (spatial section). Also, sea water samples taken at the same station with an interval of 1.5 months differed by 50% in the compo...
Role of plankton in the vertical flux in the East Siberian sea shelf
Океанология, 2019
Role of plankton in the vertical flux in the East Siberian Sea was studied in the 69 cruise of the RV Akademik Mstislav Keldysh in September 2017. Vertical fluxes were measured in sediment traps samples collected in the area of Indigirka river plume and in the marine shelf area. Mass vertical flux and particulate organic carbon flux varied from 80 to 530 mg/м2/d and from 16 to 49 mgС/м2/d, accordingly. Phytoplankton in sediment traps was dominated by cysts and spores of diatoms and dinoflagellates. Phytoplankton flux increased with depths from 0.220.33 to 1.21.3 мgС/м2/d. Fecal pellet fluxes (712 mgС/м2/d) was almost similar at two studied stations and did not change with depth. Zooplankton in the traps was dominated by houses of larvacean and carcasses of copepods Jashnovia tolli and Calanus glacialis Flux of zooplankton varied from 3 to 17 mgС/m2/d. The influence of the continental runoff reflected in a decrease of the proportion of planktonogenic components in the vertical flux o...
Journal of Siberian Federal University. Biology
Contemporary publications on various aspects of sediment traps application in marine and fresh waters are reviewed. Recommendations are given to construction and exposure of sediment traps in water column to a representative collection of settling particles (shape and size of traps, bafflers, covers, sodium chloride addition, suspending devices and free drifting traps, bactericides, swimmers influence, periphyton growth and settling material decomposition assessment, exposure duration, and bottom resuspension correction). Accuracy and precision of the trap method are discussed. A comparative analysis of sinking velocity values of large particles (marine snow, fecal pellets and zooplankton carcasses) obtained by different methods is carried out. Some modern traps and suspension systems are described; considerable progress in video recording is noted; reasonable traps to collect zooplankton carcasses are choosen.
Results of long-term studies of zooplankton species in the Amur Bay (Japan Sea) are analyzed. Two seasonal «waves» of the allochtonous species are defined: the first in the early summer that is formed mainly by inter-zonal copepods spawning in the deep layers ( Metridia pacifica , Neocalanus plumchrus, Calanus glacialis ) and the second in the late summer that is represented by warm-water copepods of subtropical origin ( Calanus pacificus and Paracalanus parvus ) obviously transported from the southern Japan Sea by currents. The latter species is able to dominate in the zooplankton community of coastal waters in the early-autumn season. Variations of this mass species abundance in the Amur Bay under changes of wind-driven upwelling/downwelling circulation are investigated using an empirical advective model of its cross-shelf transport. There is found that strong summer southern on-shore winds (summer monsoon) are favourable for its high abundance but in these conditions it is transp...