[ru] Dolotov Yu. Principles of spelestlogical zoning // Hypogea 2017. Proceedings of International Congress of Speleology in Artificial Caves. Cappadocia, Turkey, 6/10 March 2017. – İstanbul: Dijital Düşler, 2017: 521-533 (original) (raw)
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Учёные записки Крымского федерального университета имени В.И. Вернадского. География. Геология. (Симферополь). 2018. Том 4 (70). № 3, 2018
SPELESTOLOGICAL ZONING AND OVERVIEW OF THE SEVASTOPOL TERRITORY. PART 1. HERAKLEIAN PENINSULA UNDERGROUND CONSTRUCTIONS (THE EASTERN PART). The main aim of this work is improving the spelestological zoning of Sevastopol. The surface there consists of mid- and upper Sarmatian limestones. A lot of underground structures of cult, military and utility purpose have been constructed here from antiquity till modern time. According to the spelestological zoning scheme this territory belongs to Mediterranean country Mountain Сrimean province Sevastopol division Heraclean region. Underground structures situated to the West of the Quarantine ravine are described. Deep ravines cutting limestones down to clay layers feature spelestological zoning borders. Shallow ravines can not act as zoning borders. The Herakleian district in this area may be classified under the following sections: Sapun-mountain site includes the Sapun-Mountain block, occupying the Sapun-mountain plateau and its stiff slopes to the east and south from the Devil’s ravine to the upper streams of Sarandanakin’s ravine. Here’re the vestiges of military structures kept as of the times of the Second World War, the hieratic monachal caves. The Kilen-Balka site is located in the right side of Kilen ravine in the southern slopes and forms the plateau-like surface of the Kilen-Balks altitudes. It consists of the following blocks: Troitsky, Upper Abrikosovsky, Lower Abrikosovsky and Mikryukovsky. There is a cave monastery and a torpedo armoury of the Black Sea Navy Fleet in the Troitsky block. The Kilen ravine’s slope core shapes a huge medieval necropolis with the obsequies in the artificial and natural grottos. The Korabelnaya Storona site is standing on the southern coast of Sevastopol bay inbetween Kilen and Sarandanakin ravines. It consists of the following blocks: Kilensky (the other name is Parasovsky), the Korabelnay Storona, Bombory (the Vorontsova Mountain) and Krasnaya Gorka. Here one may meet the antique and medieval crypts, the hieratic caves. It’s also known the buried building basements, destroyed during the latest couple of Sevastopol sieges. The vestiges of the underground constructions since the time of the first siege were found in Malakhov burial hill. A lot of military underground structures (the arsenals, asylums, bunkers) of various times are discovered as well. The Maksimov Dacha site is situated between the Sarandanakina and Delagardova ravines, consisting of the following blocks: Ketkartov Hill, Upper Maksimovsky, Lower Maksimovsky and Lukomsky. Here’re discovered the sepulchral vaults, the hieratic and the household caves, the hydro-technical constructions of Roman and early medieval times. The Maksimova Dacha Complex Park includes the various underground hydro-technical, park-like and the household constructions. The Sevastopol site between Sarandanakina and Karantin ravines consists of the Central Sevastopol, Western Sevastopol (the Artillery), Karantin and the Southern Sevastopol blocks. Here’re common the underground mansion’s house constructions, the choirs of the Chersonese ancient city-government: the basements, cisterns and delves. The monastery caves of Byzantine period are well-known in Sarandanakina ravine. The historical meaning matters the mine galleries of Istorichesky Boulevard around 4 kilometers long around, digged out during the first Sevastopol siege. There have been built a huge amount of military underground constructions: the arsenals, the underground parts of artillery batteries, bunkers, asylums and suchlike. Some of them are used for the household needs, the winery and fridge facilities, shops and clubs facilities and etc.
Учёные записки Крымского федерального университета имени В.И. Вернадского. География. Геология. (Симферополь). 2019. Том 5 (71). № 1, 2019
SPELESTOLOGICAL ZONING AND OVERVIEW OF THE SEVASTOPOL TERRITORY. PART 2. UNDERGROUND STRUCTURES IN THE WESTERN PART OF THE HERACLEAN PENINSULA. The main aim of this work is improving the spelestological zoning of Sevastopol. The surface there consists of mid- and upper Sarmatian limestones. A lot of underground structures of cult, military and utility purpose have been constructed here from antiquity till modern time. According to the spelestological zoning scheme this territory belongs to Mediterranean country Mountain Сrimean province Sevastopol division Heraclean region. Underground structures situated to the West of the Quarantine ravine are described. Deep ravines cutting limestones down to clay layers feature spelestological zoning borders. Shallow ravines can not act as zoning borders. Western part of Heraclean region can be divided into following spelestological sites: Khersones site is situated between the Qarantine and Yukharnaya ravines with the Berman ravine flowing into the last one, including the Heraclean peninsula central part. It consists of Streletsky and Kamyshovy blocks. Streletsky block is situated between the Quarantine and Streletsky ravines. Shallow ravines divide it into several subblocks. The most important ones are Devichya Gora (the Southern Necropolis) and Khersones (the Museum) where the ancient Khersones ruins are situated. A large amount if small artificial utility and burial cavities are situated in the territory of the Khersones settlement. A large necropolis with burials including underground crypts of different structure is situated beyond the walls of Khersones. Other underground cult cavities including temples are also known. Water wells and drainage galleries were used to produce water. Water was stored in cisterns. Cisterns and pits were used for fish salting and garum production. Old artillery batteries with a large system of underground passages and gunpowder magazines. Kamyshovy block is bordered with the Black sea, the Streletsky, Yukharny and Berman ravines and the Karnsky mountains slopes. The underground structures of the block are mostly presented with Khersones loft estate underground structures: wells, cisterns, storages, crypts, etc. West-Heraclean site is situated between the Yukharnaya, Bermana, Marble ravines and the Black sea. It includes West-Heraclean block. A lot of Khersones loft estate underground structures (wells, cisterns, storages, crypts, etc.) are also situated here. Cave convents appeared here in the times of Byzantium. One of them is situated on the Vinogradny cape. Remains of three cave temples and multiple other convent structures have been excavated there. Three cave temples and several caves used for the convent utility needs are known in Balaklava St. George convent. Several coastal defense batteries with vast underground parts were constructed in this territory. The 35th battery on the Mayatsky peninsula, destroyed in 1942, is one of the most well-known ones.
This is the first work summarizing Early Paleolithic cultures in the territory of Azerbaijan. The work is based upon Paleolithic materials discovered by the author. As a result of archeological excavations carried out under the author's guidance, there have been discovered a series of sites of caves dating back to different epochs of the Paleolithic. This has provided the first ever opportunity to identify, for Azerbaijan's ancient history, periodization of the Paleolithic, including the epoch of the Kuruchay culture (Early Paleolithic), Acheulian (the Early, the Middle, and the Late ones), Mousterian, and the Late Paleolithic. In Cave Azykh, there have been discovered and examined remains of hotbeds dating back to the Early, Middle and Late Acheulian, a substantial contribution to the archeology because hotbeds with different constructions in such ancient sediments have been registered for the first time ever. It is opinioned that the artificial way of making fire existed yet in the Early Acheulian (Mindel). There is given a detailed technical-typological description of stone tools of the Old Paleolithic sites in Azerbaijan. On this basis, there has been identified and substantiated the existence of the Kuruchay culture dating back to approximately more than 1.2 million years ago. The study aimed at the Paleolithic cave sites of Azykh, Taglar, Damjili and Dashsalakhly. This work is based upon materials of the author's own studies conducted in 1956 – 1983. This work is designated for archeologists, ethnographers, historians, and higher school teachers and students
В географической науке существует несоответствие общепринятого толкования рельефа как объекта геоморфологической науки и специфики положения и морфологии «рельефа» подземных полостей (как и их изучения в рамках геоморфологии). В статье изложена концепция геоморфологического (и географического) научного изучения подземных полостей. Для обозначения твердой поверхности подземных полостей предлагается и используется термин «субрельеф» (буквально ― ПОД рельефом и ПОЧТИ рельеф), исходя из устоявшегося представления о рельефе как совокупности неровностей твердой ЗЕМНОЙ ПОВЕРХНОСТИ (в отличие от субрельефа). Предложены терминологический аппарат, генетическая классификация форм субрельефа, глубинное деление (зонирование) подземных полостей, указаны границы применимости концепции. В статье раскрываются особые свойства подземных полостей ― такие, как объемная замкнутость, значительная обособленность от поверхностных процессов, глубинная зональность. Подземные пустоты являются местами обитания реликтовых и уникальных представителей флоры и фауны. С субрельефом связан целый ряд опасных и неблагоприятных процессов, особенно на урбанизированных территориях. In modern geography science investigation of “relief” of underground cavities doesn`t actually match with the paradigm of studying relief as an object of geomorphology. This article introduces scientific conception of underground cavities studying in geomorphology. The term of “subrelief” (literally “under the relief” and almost relief) is introduced for defining solid surfaces of underground cavities. Reasonableness of this term is explained by accepted meaning in Russian geomorphological science, about “relief” as a system of landforms on the Earth`s surface (in contrast to “subrelief”). The article also introduces specific terms, genetic classification of subrelief forms, zoning of underground cavities by depth and defines specific borders of subrelief concept. Some specific features of subrelief, such as closed volume, isolation from the Earth`s surface processes, deep zonation, are also reviewed in this article. Underground cavities are the habitat of relict and unique plants and animals. Many hazardous and dangerous processes in urban areas are closely connected with subrelief.
Burial Ground With Spurs from Steppe Kuma Region. Arkheologiya Evraziyskikh stepey №4.2018
An archaeological expedition of State Unitary Enterprise “Heritage” headed by A.V. Lychagin conducted rescue excavations of Pokoinoye 2 burial mound in 2014. Burial 6 containing spurs was studied in barrow 12. The discovery of spurs is unique for medieval nomadic antiquities, and only two similar findings have been registered, exclusively in the territory of steppe Kuban region, and the discovery of the complex in the Middle Kuma region has expanded the geography of their distribution to the entire Steppe Ciscaucasia. Due to the lack of explicit chronological reference points, the Stavropol burial is currently dated 12th–14th centuries.
The author represents the history of scientific ideas development proclaimed that each scientific creativity and activity can determine and change not only the bases of time’s scientific perspective, but also all course of culture. A direct source of such knowledge is an access to the creative laboratory of the scientist by studying his heritage. The A.F. Likhachev’s archive has reached us in an isolated condition and now it is stored by various archives organizations at Kazan, St. Petersburg and Moscow. The considerable group of documents is constituted by A.F. Lihachev’s correspondence with representatives of scientific and art circles – archeologists and numismatists, members of Russian and Moscow archaeological societies, collectors and owners of bookshops. Analyzing A.F. Likhachev’s creative laboratory it is possible to notice that the scientist’s contacts within the activity of scientific organizations have played a crucial role in his becoming a scientist, forming the researching skills and the scientific activity ethics. История развития научных идей свидетельствует, что каждый ученый творческий потенциал и деятельность могут определить и изменить не только основания научной перспективы времени, но также и всего курса культуры. Прямой источник такого знания – проникновение в творческую лабораторию ученого посредством изучения его наследия. Архив A.Ф. Лихачева достиг нас в изолированном состоянии, и теперь он сохранен в архивах различных организаций Казани, Петербурга и Москвы. Значительная группа документов составлена корреспонденцией А.Ф. Лихачева представителям научных и художественных кругов – археологи и нумизматы, члены российских и Московских археологических обществ, коллекционеры и владельцы книжных магазинов. Анализ творческой лаборатории A.Ф. Лихачева дает возможность заметить, что контакты ученого в рамках деятельности научных организаций играли важную роль в его формировании как ученого, формируя навыки исследования и этику научной деятельности.
В начале 1940 гг. Б.Б. Полыновым были сформулированы принципы нового направления в области наук о Земле – геохимии ландшафта. Этому предшествовало создание им учения о коре выветривания, разработка метода сопряженного историко-генетического анализа осадконакопления, определения принципов эволюции рельефа и типа почвы исследуемой местности. М.А. Глазовская стала ученицей Б.Б. Полынова после их совместной экспедиции по территории Заволжья. В рамках учения о геохимии ландшафтов она изучала свойства элементарных и мест-ных ландшафтов, типов геохимических сопряжений, влияния геохимических реликтов на ланд-шафт. Это заложило основу для понимания механизмов антропогенного влияния на природные экосистемы. Труды Б.Б. Полынова определили интерес А.И. Перельмана к геохимии, изучению которой он посвятил всю свою жизнь. В рамках этих исследований он уделил очень много внимания механизмам экзогенного рудообразования и накопления урана в верхнем слое земной коры, выработал принципы геохимической классификации ландшафтов, предложил учитывать такой важный показатель как коэффициент биологического поглощения. В 1961 г. А.И. Перельман ввел понятие о геохимических барьерах, получившее широкое распространение в геохимии, гидрогеологии, литологии и ряде других научных дисциплин. Исследования учеников и последователей Б.Б. Полынова позволили не только создать такую дисциплину как геохимия ландшафта, но и осуществлять ее практическое использование для рационального использования природных ресурсов и защиты окружающей среды.
Andreev V. M. Geoarchaeological approach to determine the boundaries of cave territories which include ancient cave paintings, as objects of cultural heritage (the experience of working with Ignatievskaya cave), 2018
Приводятся результаты определения границ территории объекта культурного наследия федерального значения (памятника археологии) «Игнатьевская пещера». Основополагающим при определении границ территории памятника выступает принцип синкретизма его микроклиматической, спелео-структурной и историко-культурной составляющей. Методические основания проведенной работы определяются исследовательским полем геоархеологии. Ключевые слова: Игнатиевская пещера, украшенные пещеры, первобытное искусство, памятник археологии, методика определения границ территории объекта культурного наследия, охранная археология, геоархеология. The results of the definition of the object of cultural heritage of federal significance (archaeological site) "Ignatievskaya cave" territory boundaries are given. The fundamental principle to determine the boundaries of the archeological site territory is the principle of syncretism of the micro-climatic, speleo-structural and historical-cultural component. The methodological foundations of the performed work are determined by the geoarcheology Keywords: Ignatievskaya cave, decorated cave, primitive art, archaeological site, method of determining the boundaries of the territory of an object of cultural heritage, security archeology, geoarchaeology.