Frazeologismy v jazycích střední Evropy (original) (raw)

2017, Svět v obrazech a ve frazeologii / World in Pictures and in Phraseology

Phraseologisms in the Central European languages (Abstract): In the study 100 selected phrasemes are analysed in the view of areal linguistics. It can be stated that many idioms function as internationalisms. Some phrasemes are typical for German, Czech and Hungarian though in other languages they are expressed with different phraseologisms or there is no existing idiomatic equivalent at all. Besides in Czech there are phrasemes which come from German idioms and include German loan words.

Muzeológia Na Slovensku

Muzeológia a Kultúrne Dedičstvo, 2016

Muzeológia a kultúrne dedičstvo, 2016, 4:1:127-135 Museology in Slovakia This paper examines the history of museology in Slovakia as a scientific discipline in general and a specialized university course of study in particular. We discuss the fundamental characteristics of the discipline, including the development of the current conception of museology as a university course and describe the fundamentals of the course as currently implemented in various institutes of tertiary education in Slovakia. In conclusion, we briefly survey the current state of the field in Slovakia, its potential and its possible future development.


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