Avifauna em fragmentos da Mata Atlântica (original) (raw)
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Avifauna em fragmentos florestais da Mata Atlântica no sul do Espírito Santo
Biotemas, 2010
This study was carried out in forest fragments located in the Atlantic Rainforest, in the town of Anchieta, south of Espírito Santo State, Brazil (located at latitude 20 o 40'S to 20 o 48'S, longitude 40 o 34'W to 40 o 42'W), along the seasons of 2008. The main objective of the study was to analyze the groups of birds that were affected by the forest fragmentation and the degree of isolation of these areas. The method used to register the avifauna specimens was the technique of observation per fixed point. Thus, the Shannon-Weaver diversity index (H'=4.18) was calculated, showing a significant abundance in the studied areas, and Equitability (E=0.81), suggesting that the number of species registered at the site represented the maximum capacity the areas were able to shelter. The Index of Point Abundance (IPA) was also calculated for each species. The IPA varied from 0.0042 (one contact) to 0.9500 (228 contacts), with a large number of species with low IPA and a few species with intermediate or high IPA. Taking into account 80 hours of observations, it was possible to register a total of 168 species of birds, distributed over a range of 45 families, 20 orders, and grouped in eight trophic guilds. Omnivores and insectivores were the most abundant, with 58 and 52 species respectively. The species most affected by the forest fragmentation were the great frugivores and understorey insectivorous birds.
Avifauna em fragmento florestal localizado na região metropolitana de São Paulo
Atualidades Ornitológicas, 2012
O estudo foi realizado em um fragmento florestal de Mata Atlântica, localizado no município de Jandira, Região Metropolitana de São Paulo, Brasil (entre as coordenadas geográficas 23o33'10'' e 23o33'26'' Sul e 46o52'58'' e 46o53'25''Oeste), a 740 m de altitude, ao longo das quatro estações do ano, entre Maio/2008 e Fevereiro/2009. O objetivo foi conhecer a composição da avifauna neste ambiente antrópico e analisar os grupos de aves afetados pela fragmentação florestal em áreas urbanas. O método utilizado para o registro da avifauna foi o de observações por pontos fixos. Foram calculados o Índice de Diversidade de Shannon-Weaver e Índice de Equidade de Pielou para a área estudada, e o Índice Pontual de Abundância para as espécies registradas nos quatro períodos amostrais. Foram registradas, em 53 horas e 20 minutos de observações, 88 espécies de aves, distribuídas em 35 famílias, 17 ordens e agrupadas em sete guildas tróficas, sendo insetívoro e onívoro as guildas mais abundantes.
Composição de bandos mistos de aves em fragmentos de mata atlântica no sudeste do Brasil
Papéis Avulsos de Zoologia, 2003
A fragmentação de habitats tem sido um dos assuntos mais discutidos na biologia da conservação nos últimos anos. Entretanto, poucos estudos tem avaliado os efeitos da fragmentação de florestas em bandos mistos de aves. Esses bandos são associações de duas ou mais espécies, cuja coesão está relacionada à cadeia de interações entre os membros dos bandos. As duas vantagens seletivas invocadas para explicar a evolução do comportamento de viver em bandos mistos de espécies são o declínio no risco de predação e aumento na eficiência no forrageamento. O objetivo do presente estudo foi analisar a composição de bandos mistos em relação ao tamanho dos fragmentos de Mata Atlântica durante as estações seca e chuvosa, na região da Zona da Mata, sudoeste do Estado de Minas Gerais, Brasil. Foram identificados três tipos distintos de bandos mistos na área estudada: bandos heterogêneos, bandos do sub-bosque e bandos de copa. O primeiro foi observado em todos os fragmentos florestais, enquanto bandos...
Levantamento Da Avifauna Em Fragmento De Mata Em Área Urbana, Anápolis, Goiás
O presente trabalho foi desenvolvido na Reserva Reverendo Arthur Wesley Archibald, municipio de Anapolis, Goias, com o objetivo de determinar a riqueza de aves que ocorrem na regiao, identificar as guildas alimentares, ocupacao do estrato vegetal e a atividade observada. Para facilitar a pesquisa, a area foi dividida de acordo com as fitofisionomias encontradas e as visitas de campo foram realizadas por meio de transecto em cada uma das sub-areas. Na coleta de dados foram registradas as aves avistadas com a utilizacao de binoculo ou ouvidas durante a vocalizacao, alem de registro fotografico e auditivo quando possivel.
Estrutura trófica da avifauna em fragmentos florestais na Amazônia Oriental
Conscientiae Saúde, 2008
The study was carried out in two forest fragments located at East-Amazonian, in the town of Paragominas, State of Pará, Brazil (located at latitude 3o24’S to 3o38’S, longitude 47o12’W to 47o40’W), in October 2007 and March 2008. The main objective of the study was to analyze the groups of birds that were affected by the forest fragmentation and the isolation degree of these areas, using birds as ecological indicator. The method used to register the avifauna specimens were the technique of observations per fixed points and were calculated the Shannon-Weaver diversity index (H’=3,7795) and Equitability (E=0,7854) and for each species was calculated the Index of Point Abundance (IPA). Taking into account 48 hours of observations, it was possible to register a total of 123 species of birds, distributed over a range of 36 families, 15 orders and grouped in nine trophic guilds. Insectivores and omnivores were the more significantly abundant.
Composi??o de bandos mistos de aves em fragmentos de mata atl?ntica no sudeste do Brasil
Habitat fragmentation has been one of the most important subjects for conservation biology during the last years. However, few studies have evaluated the effects of forest fragmentation on mixed-species bird flocks. These flocks are associations of two or more species, which cohesion is related to networks of interactions between flock members. Decreased predation and increased foraging efficiency are two main selective advantages thought to explain the evolution of mixed-species flocking behavior. The aim of this work was to analyse mixed-species flock composition in relation to the size of Atlantic Forest fragments during rainy and dry seasons, at Zona da Mata region, Southeastern of Minas Gerais State, Brazil. Three distinct kinds of mixed-species flocks were identified at the study area: heterogeneous flocks, understory flocks and canopy flocks. The first one was observed in all forest fragments, although understory flocks were observed in only three. Canopy flocks were rare in all fragments. Some species were presente in two different kinds of flocks. The Black-goggled Tanager (Trichothraupis melanops) and the Golden-crowned Warbler (Basileuterus culicivorus) were nuclear species of heterogeneous flocks. The Red-crowned Ant-tanager (Habia rubica) was the most important species in understory flock formation and cohesion. In canopy flocks none of the species had similar characteristics. Here we analyzed the effect of season and forest fragment area on the composition of understory and heterogeneous mixed-flock based on two approaches: 1) frequency of species and 2) ecological traits of flocking species. In relation to species' frequencies, seasonality affected heterogeneous flocks composition more strongly than fragment area. Only two forest fragments differed slightly in heterogeneous flocks' composition. Both area and seasonality influenced understory flock composition. Excluding the category of canopy species of heterogeneous flocks, which decreased with fragment area in the rainy season, the overall proportion of species in the categories forest-dependence, foraging strata and foraging characteristics did not change in relation to forest fragment area or season, neither for heterogeneous nor for understory flocks.