PILATES INSTRUCTOR CERTIFICATE תעודת מדריך פילאטיס חנה דויד 2017.pdf (original) (raw)

El Circulo de la Danza 1. Pilates

El Círculo de la Danza 1, 2005

El método de Joseph Hubertus Pilates es un método innovador que ejercita todo lo necesario para desarrollar el conocimiento del cuerpo, mejora y corrige la postura del mismo hacia una perfecta alineación y, además, incrementa la flexibilidad y facilidad del movimiento corporal características fundamentales que deben poseer todos aquellos que se dediquen a las artes escénicas. Palabras clave: flexibilidad, postura correcta, alineación, cuerpo

Initial Training in Professionals Working Pilates Studio in Joinville

FIEP Bulletin On-line, 2019

In recent years numerous activities have arisen in the context of physical exercise, as to physical development or bodyaesthetic, and one of these activities is Pilates. This study aims on identifying the early educational period of professionals whowork in Pilates studios in Joinville. The population / sample consisted of 64 professionals in the field of physiotherapy andphysical education working with Pilates in studios located in the city of Joinville / SC. The instrument was a questionnaire with questions related to professionals and studios' owners where the practices take place in Joinville. The questionnaire wasproduced by the academic researcher with the researcher in charge and subjected to validation. The data were plotted on anExcel spreadsheet for Windows and later to the SPSS 16.0 for descriptive analysis from the tendency and associations. It waspossible to verify and conclude that the initial formation of professionals working in Pilates studios of Joinville regio...

Development of a Pilates Teaching Framework from an International Survey of Teacher Practice

Journal of Bodywork and Movement Therapies

Objective: Pilates is used increasingly in a variety of clinical settings. However, there is lack of clarity in the literature as to what is meant by the term. Teachers incorporating apparatus based on the designs of Joseph Pilates into their practice refer to themselves as Comprehensive Teachers, and this group divides itself further into Classical and Contemporary practice. The aim of this research was to explore the meanings of these terms with Comprehensive Teachers and to develop a framework that reflects current views and practice.

Pi̇lates Topu İle Yapilan Core Antrenmanin Futbolcularin Stati̇k Ve Di̇nami̇k Denge Performansina Etki̇si̇

Istanbul University - DergiPark, 2021

Bu çalışmanın amacı, pilates topu ile yapılan core antrenmanın futbolcuların ve sedanter bireylerin statik ve dinamik denge performansına etkisinin incelenmesidir. Araştırmaya,aktif olarak spor yaşantıları devam eden 18-25 yaşları arasında 22 futbolcu ve 20 sedanter birey katılmıştır. Çalışma grubu 2 kontrol ve 2 deney olmak üzere 4 gruba ayrılmıştır. Antrenmanlara başlamadan önce ön test uygulaması gerçekleştirilmiştir. Daha sonra deney gruplarına pilates topuyla (60dk/2gün/10hafta) core antrenman programı uygulanmıştır.Kontrol gruplarına antrenman programı uygulanmamıştır. 10 haftalık antrenman programı bittikten sonra son test ölçümleri gerçekleştirilmiştir. Denge ölçümleri biodeks denge aleti ile gerçekleştilmiştir. Katılımcıların Statik Denge ön test puanları incelendiğinde ortalamalar arasında istatistiksel olarak fark olmadığı belirlenmiştir (p>0.05). Ancak katılımcıların dinamik denge ön test puanları incelendiğinde ortalamalar arasında istatistiksel olarak farklılık olduğu tespit edilmiştir (p<0.05). Farklılıkların kaynağına bakıldığında futbolcu deney ve kontrol grubu, futbolcu kontrol ve sedanter deney grubu arasında, ve sedanter deney ve kontrol grubu arasında fark belirlenmiştir (p<0.05). Ayrıca katılımcıların statik denge ön test ve son test değerleri arasındaki puan ortalamaları incelendiğinde futbolcu deney, sedanter deney, sedanter kontrol grupları arasında fark olduğu gözlemlenmiştir. Dinamik denge ön test ve son test değerleri arasında fark olduğu görülmüştür(p<0.05). Sonuç olarak; pilates topu ile yapılan core antrenmanın futbolcuların ve sedanter bireylerin statik ve dinamik dengesini olumlu yönde etkilediği belirlenmiştir.

Pilates in Sport Dance Training // Pilates u treningu plesača sportskog plesa

Спортске науке и здравље - АПЕИРОН, 2018

The aim of this paper is to point out the many advantages of using the Pilates method of exercise in comprehensive preparations of dancers. Using Pilates as a training model in sport dance, largely ensures easier movement performance technique, more effective dance couple movement, provides better dance expression, prevents injuries and ensures the longevity of a dancer’s career. Introducing dancers to intellectual and kinesthetic relations between dance and Pilates also promotes the achievement of goals such as the increased body awareness, improved musculoskeletal integration, and in general, provide better health for dancers. Diversity of various Pilates instruments does not make exercise monotonous and allows for a progressive effect on mobility and stability of all dance performances.

Efficiency Of Classes On The Pilates System With Women Of The Second Mature Age


32 women at the age of 39-48 years participated in researches. The first six classes were devoted to training in costal respiration and studying of the repertoire of Matwork exercises where 15 exercises of the basic level entered. The women did 15 exercises of the basic level with gradual increase or level lowering of complexity of exercises due to use of a small ball, an elastic tape, an isotonic ring in the subsequent 10 classes. Further modifications of other 19 exercises of the original version of Pilates only towards simplification were used. Roller was used as myofascial relaxation and also for mobilization of cervical, chest and lumbar departments of a backbone. Indicators: respiratory rate, hypoxemic Stange’s and Hench’s tests improved more than by 20%. At the beginning of the researches body weight of women averaged 74,3kg, at the end of researches this indicator decreased to 69,7. The gain made more than 100% in indicators of spine column mobility, stand in "plank&quo...

Bodily Text and the Written Word of Pilates

Nordic Journal of Dance, 2018

Pilates instructors, educators, and students while well intentioned, may not understand the troubling rhetoric they unintentionally perpetuate when working with clients. This article suggests that the myth of the ideal body, and the stereotypical gender norms therein, is perpetuated by the Pilates due in part because of its close relationship to the culture of ballet. Pilates contributes to the pursuit and inevitable failure of an unobtainable body. Pilates «(re)produces» the myth of the ideal body through the universal aspect of its “healthy” rhetoric. As a consequence, this article suggests, the exercise practice perpetuates a culture of inadequacy; since many times, abled and differentlyabled women who practice Pilates are healthy. This article reveals that the seemingly benign practice of Pilates simultaneously promotes rhetoric of privilege and coercion. It concludes that the teaching practice inadvertently values and perpetuates stereotypical, unrealistic, and unobtainable ide...

Pilates Exercises


This article presents a theoretical basis for techniques of physical exercises developed by Joseph Pilates. The method, as a part of the so-called Body Mind Exercises group, first gained recognition among professional dancers, actors and choreographers but has become more popular and is now regularly applied in sport, fitness and physiotherapy. Pilates is a uniquely precise and intelligent approach to exercise and body-conditioning, which gives you a leaner, suppler, more toned body and a calmer, more relaxed mind. The initial part of the paper presents historical background, principles of performing exercises and benefits using the Pilates Method. Pilates is a gentle, non-aerobic exercise method, which lengthens and strengthens the muscles, and improves posture, without stressing the joints or the heart. The Pilates method incorporates both physical and mental elements. The technique focuses on the ‘‘power house’’ or what is known today as the core; in Pilates, this includes the ab...

An Aesthetic Interpretation of the Pilates Method: its principles and convergences with somatic education

Revista Brasileira de Estudos da Presença, 2015

An Aesthetic Interpretation of the Pilates Method: its principles and convergences with somatic education-The Pilates method, originally called contrology, has been gaining a significant following in Brazil. This article discusses the method's principles and convergences with somatic education by analyzing the original works of Joseph Pilates using an aesthetic-philosophical approach. It seems implicit that the Pilates method can be instrumental for the performing arts, and the article accordingly points to some connections in this regard. However, the article also argues that, in the absence of the guiding principles proposed by Pilates, the method ceases to be an art of control and instead is reduced to something not much different from other physical exercises. RÉSUMÉ-Une Interprétation Esthétique de la Méthode Pilates: ses principes et ses convergences avec l'éducation somatique-La méthode Pilates, appelé à l'origine contrologie, rencontre actuellement une importante adhésion au Brésil. Dans ce texte, ses principes et ses convergences avec l'éducation somatique sont abordés dans une approche esthétique et philosophique des oeuvres originales de Joseph Pilates. Il semble tacite que la méthode peut contribuer efficacement aux arts de la scène et certaines relations sont proposées en ce sens. En outre, il est question que, sans les principes directeurs proposés par son créateur, cette contribution cesse d'être un art du contrôle pour se réduire à une pratique physique pas très différente d'autres. Mots-clés: Pilates. Éducation Somatique. Arts de la Scène. Esthétique. Corps. RESUMO-Uma Interpretação Estética do Método Pilates: seus princípios e convergências com a Educação Somática-O método Pilates, originalmente denominado de contrologia, vem encontrando adesão significativa no Brasil. Neste texto, discutem-se seus princípios e convergências com a Educação Somática em uma abordagem estético-filosófica das obras originais de Joseph Pilates. Parece tácito que o método pode contribuir de modo efetivo ao artista da cena e são propostas algumas relações nesse sentido. Mas também é discutido, neste artigo, que, sem os princípios norteadores propostos por seu idealizador, essa contribuição deixa de ser uma arte do controle para reduzir-se a uma prática de exercícios físicos não muito distinta das demais. Palavras-chave: Pilates. Educação Somática. Artes da Cena. Estética. Corpo.

Uma Interpretação Estética do Método Pilates: seus princípios e convergências com a Educação Somática

Revista Brasileira de Estudos da Presença, 2015

Resumo: O método Pilates, originalmente denominado de contrologia, vem encontrando adesão significativa no Brasil. Neste texto, discutem-se seus princípios e convergências com a Educação Somática em uma abordagem estético-filosófica das obras originais de Joseph Pilates. Parece tácito que o método pode contribuir de modo efetivo ao artista da cena e são propostas algumas relações nesse sentido. Mas também é discutido, neste artigo, que, sem os princípios norteadores propostos por seu idealizador, essa contribuição deixa de ser uma arte do controle para reduzir-se a uma prática de exercícios físicos não muito distinta das demais.