The Principles of Science Education in Today's Schools - a Round Table (original) (raw)
Participants in the roundtable held by Pedagogika on 18 March2004 were as follows: from the Russian Academy of Education:V.P. Borisenkov, doctor of pedagogical sciences, professor, vicepresident of the Russian Academy of Education, and editor in chiefof the journal Pedagogika; V.V. Kraevskii, doctor of pedagogicalsciences, professor, and academician of the Russian Academy ofEducation; A.V. Khutorskoi, doctor of pedagogical sciences, pro-fessor, and deputy director for science work at the Institute of theContent and Methods of Instruction; G.N. Filonov, doctor of philo-sophical sciences, professor, and acting academic secretary of theRussian Academy of Education; P.I. Pidkasistyi, doctor of peda-gogicalsciences, professor at Moscow State Oblast University, andcorresponding member of the Russian Academy of Education; V.M.Monakhov, doctor of pedagogical sciences, professor, departmenthead at the Moscow M.A. Sholokhov State Open Pedagogical Uni-versity, and corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Edu-cation; M.V. Ryzhakov, doctor of pedagogical sciences, professor,director of the Institute of the Content and Methods of Instruction,Russian Academy of Education, and corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Education; E.V. Berezhnova, doctor of peda-gogical sciences and laboratory head at the Institute of EducationalAdministration.From the Moscow N.E. Bauman State Technical University andits program “A Step into the Future”: A.O. Karpov, candidate ofphysics and mathematics and chief of the “Youth Educational andScience Programs and Projects” administration; N.G. Bag-dasar’ian, doctor of philosophical sciences, professor, faculty dean,and head of the department of sociology and culturology; V.N.Naumov, doctor of technical sciences, professor, and deputy de-partment head; V.S. Zarubin, doctor of technical sciences, profes-sor, and department head; A.M. Makarov, doctor of technicalsciences, and department professor; L.G. Bogatyrev, candidate ofbiological sciences and department associate professor at Mos-cow M.V. Lomonosov State University.