The Form of Reciprocity in the Production of Criminal News (Cultural Criminology Study to Editorial Pos Kota) (original) (raw)

Strategi Wartawan Haluan Riau Dalam Memproduksi Berita Kriminal


ABSTRAK Nama : Edwie Yurita Syahara Jurusan : Ilmu Komunikasi NIM : 11643202921 Judul : Strategi Wartawan Haluan Riau Dalam Memproduksi Berita Kriminal Berita kriminal merupakan berita yang penting dalam sebuah media cetak. Seeorang wartawan harus memiliki strategi dalam mendapatkan dan memproduksi berita kriminal. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian dapat disimpulkan bahwa wartawan haluan riau dalam memproduksi berita kriminal sudah memilik standard strategi. Dalam penelitian ini digunakan metode kualitatif dengan pendekatan interpretatif dan dengan langkah-langkah pengumpulan data melalui wawancara mendalam, observasi dan dokumentasi. Untuk mengukur validitas keabsahan data dilakukan suatu teknik pemeriksaan didasarkan atas sifat dan kriteria yang digunakan adalah dengan menngukur, kepastian, keteralihan dan ketergantungan atas objek penelitian. Dari langkah tersebut dilakukan analisa data dengan menggunakan model analisa interaktif yang dikembangkan oleh Miles dan Huberman (1984) yang m...

Resiprositas Antara Jurnalis Dan Pemilik Stasiun Televisi Dalam Pemberitaan Kriminal

NUSANTARA : Jurnal Ilmu Pengetahuan Sosial, 2021

Permasalahan pelanggaran pemberitaan kriminalitas pada televisi komersial dapat ditinjau antara lain dari kriminologi budaya yang salah satu teorinya adalah resiprositas. Bertitik tolak dari latar belakang tersebut penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis resiprositas yang terjalin dalam pemberitaan kriminalitas pada internal media massa televisi, antara jurnalis dan pemilik stasiun televisi serta menganalisis konstruksi pemberitaan kriminalitas pada media massa televisi. Pendekatan penelitian ini adalah kualitatif deskriptif. Objek penelitian adalah berita kriminal khas pada empat stasiun televisi, yakni i) Stasiun NetTV atau NET (Jatanras, dan Siap 86), (ii) iNEWS (Police Story), (iii) Stasiun RTV (The Police) dan (iv) Trans 7 (Turnback Crime). Teknik analisis data menggunakan framing dari Gamson & Modigliani (1989). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa resiprositas dalam pemberitaan kriminalitas di stasiun televisi terjadi bukan hanya antara polisi dan masyarakat, resiprositas antara polisi dan stasiun televisi, namun juga terjadi resiprositas antara jurnalis berita kriminalitas dengan pemilik stasiun televisi. Adapun konstruksi berita kriminal pada statsiun stasiun televisi tersebut dikemas secera kreatif, sekaligus dimaksudkan untuk memenuhi target pembingkaian.



This study focuses on the influence of the intensity of the frequency of the audience watching the news that contain violence. The number of television stations that broadcast news of the violence repeatedly affect children's behavior in everyday life. Booming charge news this violence resulted in all the mainstream media are vying for presenting the news of violence and neglect the effects of what is broadcast. News show as a phenomenon and a momentum to reach the audience as much as possible for television stations. Construction purposes in many television news reality changing audience behavior, since television emerged as a second mother who where viewers can learn a lot through television broadcasts. Cultivation perspective analysis is an analysis that starts from the messaging system to identify patterns of permanent, continuous, overaching of content in television. The division of light viewer, media viewer, and the viewer heavy intensity measured from the time of respond...


As the times the values of mutual cooperation (kegotongroyongan) is increasingly reduced in Indonesian society. This article discusses how the values of mutual cooperation reactivated its implementation in public life, but in a different social space that is new media (internet). By using the collective action theory, this study tries to analyze the social interaction in virtual space associated with the activities of crowdfunding. Using the method of content analysis research and comparative studies will analyze and discuss 4 website which manages about crowdfunding in Indonesia, namely,, and Fourth website is moving to raise funds from the public through the Internet to achieve social activities that affect society. With the characteristics of each different website expected to see the tendency of the people of Indonesia in the field where they will perform crowdfunding. This result is also expected to give an idea which direction the culture of Indonesian society of mutual cooperation in cyberspace.

Kultur Redaksi dan Produksi Berita

HARI ini kita hidup di jagad informasi yang mengepung kita melalui berbagai medium secara serentak: suratkabar, majalah, berita radio dan audiovisual, dan daring (online). Kehadiran teknologi baru tak serta-merta menyingkirkan teknologi yang lama sehingga seluruh jenis media itu hadir berdampingan danberpadu (konvergen). Akan tetapi, esensi penting dari implikasi teknologi tersebut bagi industri media massa adalah kulturkeredaksian(newsroom culture), divisi yang menghasilkan produk berupa berita pada organisasi media,serta proses produksi berita itu sendiri yang turut berubah dan berkembang.

Konsep dan Pembaruan Residivisme dalam Hukum Pidana di Indonesia (Concept and Reform of Recidivism in Criminal Law in Indonesia)

Negara Hukum: Membangun Hukum untuk Keadilan dan Kesejahteraan

The legal arrangement of additional penalty for repetition of crime (recidivism) as stipulated in Indonesian Criminal Code has been considered quite complicated to be executed. The draft of the New Indonesian Penal Code Bill brings changes to the concept of recidivism. This study intends to examine the concept of recidivism in the doctrine, in its current arrangement, in the draft of the New Indonesian Penal Code Bill, and to examine the implications of the concepts’ changing for criminal law enforcement in general. In the discussion it is known that the existing Criminal Code, applied the concept of special recidivism with the intermediate system, that will be transformed into a system of "Algemene Recidive" or a general recidive, which means that it would no longer differentiates the type of crime or group of repeated offenses. The draft of the New Indonesian Penal Code Bill stipulates that the period of time a person is charged due to a recidive is an additional "5...

ANALISIS UPAYA PENANGANAN KRISIS MELALUI MEDIA RELATIONS (Sutudi Kasus Pada Karamnya Kapal Wisata Ke Pulau Angso Duo Kota Pariman)


The shipwreck accident in Kota Pariaman has damaged the reputation of tourism in Kota Pariaman. A tourist boat in Pariaman City experienced an incident, namely a shipwreck on its way from Gandoriah Beach to Angso Duo Island on October 26, 2019. This incident occurred in the afternoon which resulted in one critical passenger and another passenger died. According to one of the survivors, the ship sank after being hit by high waves. In addition, the ship is suspected of exceeding capacity. Qualitative descriptive research method is a type of research aimed at describing a phenomenon that occurs without manipulation or engineering so that the data presented is in accordance with the actual conditions. The research was carried out by focusing on the shipwreck that went to the tourist attraction of the island of Angso duo, Pariaman City on October 26, 2019 and using several data collection methods. In handling this crisis, Kota Pariaman Government collaborates with all stakeholders, inclu...

Penerapan Hukum Pers dan Etika Jurnalistik pada Berita Kriminal Perkosaan di

Jurnal kajian stratejik ketahanan nasional, 2023

This study aims to find out whether the rape crime news published by complies with press laws and journalistic ethics in their presentation. This study uses a qualitative descriptive method with the object of research being three news texts and photos aired by from January 2020 to March 2023. The press law used to analyze its application is the first point of the Child-Friendly Reporting Guidelines or PPRA regarding reporting on children dealing with the law, and the seventh point regarding sexual crimes related to blood relations between the victim and the perpetrator. Apart from that, it is also used to analyze the implementation of the Journalistic Code of Ethics or KEJ Article 3 concerning the principle of presumption of innocence and 4 concerning fake news, slander, sadism, and obscenity. This study uses content analysis as a model that is applied in achieving research objectives that are considered relevant because it focuses on the analysis of a news text published by the mass media. The results showed that there were violations of the press law in the form of disclosing the identity of children who conflicted with the law and raising the identity of suspected sexual offenders who had blood relations with their victims. In addition, violations of journalistic ethics were also found in the form of judgments by the mass media that someone had become the perpetrator of a crime before the judge decided someone was legally guilty. It is also indicated that the coverage of violated Article 4 of the Journalistic Code of Ethics by describing the obscenity experienced by the victim.



Abstrak Masyarakat Suku Samin merupakan masyarakat adat yang mempunyai perilaku menyimpang dari tradisi masyarakat lain di Indonesia, seperti membangkang dan tidak patuh terhadap pemerintah. Keyakinan orang Samin dalam menjalani kehidupannya yang masih berpegang teguh terhadap nilai dan budaya mengakibatkan Suku Samin mempunyai karateristik yang berbeda dengan yang lain, termasuk dalam tata cara penyelesaian tindak pidana yang tidak menggunakan jalur pengadilan. Penelitian ini bertujuan: Pertama, menggambarkan mediasi penal yang selama ini dijalankan oleh masyarakat Suku Samin. Kedua, mendeskripsikan relevansi yuridis mediasi penal yang dilakukan oleh masyarakat Suku Samin. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah yuridis sosiologis dengan pendekatan kualitatif serta sumber data primer dan sekunder. Sedangkan dalam menganalisis data penulis menggunakan teknik triangulasi yang digunakan untuk membandingkan hasil wawancara dengan isi suatu dokumen yang berkaitan dengan peneli...