Bazı Meâller Çerçevesinde İ'râb Farklılıklarının Âyetlerin Anlamına Etkisi (original) (raw)
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Marife Dini Araştırmalar Dergisi, 2014
Tefsir ilminde farklı yorumların çıkmasının öncelikli sebeplerinden bir tanesi mezhepsel farklılık ve müfessirin mensup olduğu kelâmi paradigmadır. İki farklı yorumcu aynı metinden farklı yorum çıkarma gayretinde olduğu için aynı zamanda dil alanında da farklı anlamlar ortaya çıkarma gayretinde olmaları gerekmektedir. Bundan dolayı da Arap dil kurallarını da farklı yorumlamışlardır. Bunu yaparken Arap dilinin farklı anlamlar elde etme imkanı tanıyan esnek yapısından faydalanmışlardır. O kadar ki lam harfine hangi işlevin yükleneceği, hangi mananın takdir edileceği bile müfessirlerin mensup oldukları kelami ekole ve ön kabullere göre değişmektedir. Çalışmamızda farklı mezheplere mensup kişilerin akıbet lamını hangi sebeplerle tercih ettikleri, bu anlamı tercih ederken hangi dinamiklerin rol oynadığı ve müfessirin itikadi düşüncesinin bu yorum üzerindeki etkisini tartışacağız.
Tefsire Etki Eden Kırâat Farklılıkları Bakımından Yûsuf Sûresi
Reading Differences Affecting to Tafsir of Surah Yusuf, 2016
The Quran, the Sunnah of the Prophet of Islam, Hazrat, together with them important element. This feature will be explained to people from all walks of life to understand, needs to be the paraphrase. To Paraphrase the science of Islamic sciences constitute an important place within it. Quran Tafsir, while it is them ostaccurate way to take into account the social and geographical characteristics of the reduced, no offense, is the obligation of the community. Quran Recitation and Tafsir separated from the science of differences cannot be regarded as constituting a key element of reading so that the recitation of the Quran is decremented the differences in society according to these characteristics give the properties and read the language have been emerged with. In this study, the reading of the Quran in different formats and forms of this brilliant reading Tafsir effects to the point has been tried to set an example in terms of Joseph to the duration.
In this study, the effect of i‘rab al-Qur’an, which is a sub-branch of the Quranic sciences (ulum al-Qur’an) and linguistic exegesis, on the understanding of Qur’an was discussed. Furthermore, we analysed the role of i‘rab in the determination of the meaning of the Qur’an by the commentators. In addition, the impact of i‘rab in the variation of the exegesis and different causes of this impact was presented. What kind of factors that cause variations in the aspects of i‘rab together with some influences on exegetical disputes in accordance with different exegetes were dealt with in this thesis. What are the main motives and reasons behind the selection of particular i‘rab aspect in the structure of Qur’anic text was tried to be understood. In this way the preferring a specific i‘rab among various i‘rab aspects and their contribution to the meaning of the text would be argued. Studying the notion of i‘rab al-Qur’an in many published Quranic exegesis is almost impossible. Therefore, this thesis confines itself to the exegesis of Alusi, who is considered one of the last chain of classical scholarship and Hanafite mufti in the late Ottoman period. Rationale behind the selection of this exegesis lies in its extensive usage of linguistic analysis, especially its focus on i‘rab al-Qur’an despite being introduced as a mystical commentary in various Qur’anic studies circles. Thus, this study takes Alusi’s different views on i‘rab al-Qur’an, his commonality and differences among i‘rab related issues in his exegesis into account in great detail. In this study, all i‘rab related-analysis in Alusi’s commentary were classified in accordance with various subjects. Alusi’s evaluations in his commentary were compared mainly with other i‘rab al-Qur’an resources such as al-Zamakhshari and Abu Hayyan’s works. Consequently, Alusi’s original evaluations and re-readings of the traditions together with some of his contributions to this topic would be seen clearly. While al-Zamakhshari was dealing with the notion of i‘rab al-Qur’an mostly in connection with rethoric and Abu Hayyan was mainly concentrating on Arabic syntax, Alusi exerted great effort to find a middle way. It is safe to assume that he was very successfull in having a good balance between these two approaches. According to the conclusions of this study, the effects of i‘rab on the meaning of the Qur’anic text have two side phenomen. Because of this, i‘rab and the meaning are in interaction constantly with each other. However, preferring one side to other varies in accordance with different commentators. Alusi, who synthesized previous explanations of i‘rab al-Quran with a critical perspective, gives priority to the meaning of Qur’an more than i‘rab and other linguistic devices. Compared with other factors that contribute to the determination of the meaning, he considers very well-established Arabic grammar vital. It should be remembered that i‘rab is part of this very well-established grammer tradition.
Hadis, Kur’ân-ı Kerîm’le birlikte İslâm dininin ikinci aslî kaynağı olması hasebiyle başta tasavvuf olmak üzere muhtelif ilim dallarıyla irtibatlı olduğu bilinmektedir. Kültür ve medeniyet tarihimizde tefsir, fıkıh, kelâm ve tasavvuf gibi İslâmî ilimler hadisten ayrı düşünülmemiştir. Bu anlamda tasavvufî düşüncenin gelişmesinde, metodolojisinin şekillenmesinde, kavramların belirlenmesinde, meselelerin ele alama yönteminde, ahlâkî değerlerin benimsenmesinde sûfî irfân geleneğinde Kur’ân ve Sünnetin yeri önemlidir.
Arap Siirindeki Bazı Rivayet Farklılıklarının Nahiv Kurallarına Etkisi
Arap Şiirindeki Bazı Rivayet Farklılıklarının Nahiv Kurallarına Etkisi, 2023
Öz: Nahiv kaideleri, dilleri bozulmamış Arapların sözlerinden çeşitli yöntem ve veriler kullanılarak çıkarılmış kurallar bütünüdür. Dilcilerin kural çıkarmada kullandıkları yöntemlerin başında icmâ, kıyâs ve istishâb gelmektedir. Arap dilcileri derledikleri malzemeleri bu yöntemlerle işleyerek nahiv kurallarını koymuşlardır. Derlenen malzemelerin temelini ise nakle dayalı veriler oluşturmuştur. Nakil veya bir diğer ifadeyle rivayet yoluyla elde edilen dil malzemelerini kendi dil selikalarını da işe katarak yorumlamışlar ve kurallarını vaz etmişlerdir. Bu çerçevedeki nakil verilerinin başında sahih kıraat vecihleriyle birlikte Kur'ân, dildeki delilliği tartışmalı olsa da hadîs-i şerîfler, şiir ve nesri içine alan Arap sözleri yer almıştır. Bu çalışmada rivayete dayalı dil kaynaklarından olan şiirin nahiv kuralları üzerindeki etkisini gösteren ve kısmen detay sayılabilecek bir yönüne temas edilecektir. Zira bazı nahiv eserlerinde bazı şiirlerle ilgili farklı rivayetlere yer verilmiştir. Delil Yunus İNANÇ Makale Bilgisi / Article Information Makale Türü / Article Types : Araştırma Makalesi / Research Article Geliş Tarihi /
Hadislerde Açıklanan Bazı Kur’ânî Kavramların Meâllerdeki İzdüşümlerı
Peygamberlerin görevleri arasında Allah'ın emirlerini insanlara bildirme (tebliğ), 1 açıklama (tebyin), 2 arındırma (tezkiye), 3 hüküm koyma (teşrî), 4 ve temsil (örnek olmak) 5 bulunmaktadır. 6 Hz. Peygamber bu görevleri eksiksiz bir biçimde yerine getirmiştir. O kendisine inen vahyi tebliğ ederken bizzat açıkladığı gibi sahâbîlerin soruları üzerine de izah etmiştir. Vahyin ilk muhatapları Araplar olduğundan onu anlayıp akletmeleri için her ne kadar Arapça 7 ve kitâb-ı mubîn 8 olarak Kur'ân nazil olmuşsa da içerisinde, mutlak, mukayyed, mecaz, mücmel, müteşabih ile mübhem âyetlerin yanı sıra az kullanılan ve Arapça olmayan bazı kelimelerin de bulunduğu ehlince müsellemdir. Ayrıca Kur'ân bazı sözcüklere kendisine has anlamlar yükleyerek onları kendi içerisinde yeni bir formata büründürtmüştür. Bütün bunları bilmek için Hz. Peygamber'in tefsirine ihtiyaç duyulmaktadır. Dolayısıyla Kur'ân ve Hz. Peygamber'in sünneti birbirlerini tamamlar mahiyettedir. Kur'ân, "namaz kılın", 9 "oruç tutun", 10 "hac yapın" 11 gibi emirleri kısa *
İhvân-ı Safâ’da Mizâç Teorisi Çerçevesinde Huyların Değişiminin İmkânı
Eskiyeni, 2020
Ikhwān al-Ṣafā’ is a philosophical community that emerged in Basra in the 4th (H)/10th century. This community conducts its activities in the form of secret meet-ings and conversations. Rasā’il Ikhwān al-Ṣafā’, which consists of 52 treatises whose author or authors have been kept secret, belong to them. It is thought that Risālat al-jāmi‘a which is the essence and summary of these treatises belongs to them. Although this community is Shiite, its treatises have become the handbooks of Shiite Ismaili groups. Rasā’il Ikhwān al-Ṣafā’ have an encyclopedic content. There is information on many branches of science from mathematics to metaphysics, from geography to astrology in the Rasā’il. It is said that by some researchers the primary theme in Rasā’il is morality. Ikhwān al-Ṣafā’ expresses the mission of Rasā’il as a purification in the religious and moral field and they believe that the way to do this is philosophy. There are also various speculations that the Rasā’il have some kind of political propaganda. However, in the aspect of our study, Rasā’il are scientific works with a rich content in the field of moral philosophy. It is clear that the theory of temperament (mizaj) has an important place in the moral philosophy of Ikhwān al-Ṣafā’. The subject of this study is the possibility of change of natures within the framework of temperament theory in Rasā’il Ikhwān al-Ṣafā’. In the dictionary, temperament (mizaj) means mixture, and as a concept, it expresses the mixing ratio of akhlāṭ arba‘a that constitutes the physical structure of human beings. Body fluids (blood, sputum, black bile and yellow bile), which are the basic building blocks of the human body, are called akhlāṭ arba‘a. According to Ikhwān al-Ṣafā’, each of these body fluids should be present in the body in equal amounts. The difference or imbalance between the amounts of these fluids affects the physical health status. Temperament is a medical theory in terms of its effects on physical health. It has a central place in the medical understanding of Hippocrates, Galen, and Avicenna. Galen was the first to evaluate temperament as a moral theory. Galen said that the temperament of the body also affects the morality and nature of the human being. He explained this relationship between the physical structure of human and his spiritual structure through his nafs (soul) and quwwāt al-nafs (faculties of soul). The theory of temperament expresses the connection between the physical and metaphysical aspects of human beings. Because of this connection, the relationship of temperament with its nafs and quwwāt al-nafs is important. According to Ikhwān al-Ṣafā’, vegetative and animal quwwāt (forces) have a direct relationship with the mood of the temperament body. There is an indirect relationship between the nâtık (reasonable) quwan and the temperament of the body. This relationship between the temperament of the body and quwwāt al-nafs is reciprocal and continuous. In this respect, a change in the temperament balance of the body also affects the actions of the quwwāt al-nafs. The acts of the nafs constitute the morality and nature of the human being. Balance of nafs in its actions is called virtue; opposite of this called vice. Since the virtue of human actions depends on the moderation of quwwāt al-nafs, the moderation of the temperament in relation to the nafs is also important at this point. The relationship between temperament and quwwāt al-nafs is an important issue addressed in this study. In the moral philosophy of Ikhwān al-Ṣafā’, the temperaments are discussed in two parts. These are natural habits and acquired habits. Natural habits are the habits that human beings have from birth and those that settle in their nature in childhood. Acquired habits are habits acquired later. In the Rasā’il, it is mentioned that natural habits are shaped according to the temperament of the body, climatic and geograph-ical structure, the effects of astrological situations, and education and social environ-ment. Since temperament plays a role in shaping human nature, it has a direct effect on natural habits. In this framework, people have four types of nature. These are dry, wet, cold, and hot natures. Although these are expressed with the concept of nature in Rasā’il, they also refer to temperament types. Due to the ever-changing balance of temperament and its relationship with quwwāt al-nafs, it has an effect on the acquisi-tion of new habits. In this respect, temperament has an indirect effect on acquired habits. Therefore, temperament both shapes natural habits and is effective in the change of these habits. In this context, the role of temperament in changing habits becomes important. Temperament was sometimes seen as an obstacle in terms of the change of natural habits and the acquisition of new habits, and it was defined as an unchangeable established structure. However, according to Ikhwān al-Ṣafā’, temper-ament is a factor that makes this change possible, rather than being an obstacle at this point. In this study, the possibility of changing natural habits is discussed within the framework of temperament theory. While the first part of the article mentions the theory of temperament, in the second part, the possibility of change of habits discussed in the context of temperament theory.