Related papers
Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences, 2009
The subject of this preliminary study was to investigate the stated reasons of school dropout at the secondary level of formal education. The researcher investigated this issue from two viewpoints. One is the viewpoint of the school administrators and the other is that of the school counselors. This was a qualitative study. Semistructured interviews were done with the administrators and counselo rs of 19 schools in İstanbul. The data were collected by the undergraduate students in the guidance and psychological counseling department of a private university and by the researcher himself. The schools were selected by the researcher among the schools which have the highest dropout rates in İstanbul. And then the ones the data collecting individuals would conveniently access were visited. The aim was to collect opinions of two important actors of the school institution about the dropout issue and to br ing the dropout related themes to light. The dropout related factors were attributed to the students, families, teachers, educational system, and elementary school applications.
Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 2009
The subject of this preliminary study was to investigate the stated reasons of school dropout at the secondary level of formal education. The researcher investigated this issue from two viewpoints. One is the viewpoint of the school administrators and the other is that of the school counselors. This was a qualitative study. Semi-structured interviews were done with the administrators and counselors of 19 schools in Istanbul. The data were collected by the undergraduate students in the guidance and psychological counseling department of a private university and by the researcher himself. The schools were selected by the researcher among the schools which have the highest dropout rates in Istanbul. And then the ones the data collecting individuals would conveniently access were visited. The aim was to collect opinions of two important actors of the school institution about the dropout issue and to bring the dropout related themes to light. The dropout related factors were attributed to the students, families, teachers, educational system, and elementary school applications.
School Dropout and Socialization
European Journal of Social Sciences Education and Research, 2015
This research aims to contextualize, understand and deeply analyze school phenomenon and its effects in life and children socializing. The research aims to find out how children understand school dropout, how they interpret situations and which their perspectives for school and socializing are. Based on initial analyses for actual researches for school dropout in other places, it is noticed that most researches have been correlative and long-tongued; some of them have been assertive programs to prevent school dropout. These researches experiences are new for Albania. At the same time, it has been analyzed Albanian researches that are done by foreign and local organizations and it has been noticed that these researches do not go deep to the correlative factors, causes and long term influence of school dropout. On the other hand, at actual researches, it is studied only present factors for school dropout phenomenon, but it is not studied long terms factors for example: influence on so...
School Dropouts – A Theoretical Framework
The following article is a fragment of a PhD thesis and is aimed at outlining the main traits of the school dropout phenomenon starting from the different perspectives of the authors in defining the concept, explaining the causes, understanding the consequences. The summary of an important collection of studies on the subject is meant to serve as theoretical basis for researches in the field and to offer the premises for elaborating prevention and intervention strategies.
School dropout: causes, effects, prevention and intervention strategies
Analele stiintifice ale Universitatii „Al. I. Cuza” din Iasi (serie nouă), Psihologie., 2010
There are few published articles analyzing school dropout and offering a broad imagine of the phenomenon. Most of these studies are focused on testing concrete programs of intervention or on meta-analyzing the efficiency of several programs applied on students with high risk of dropout. The article above may be framed in a series of scientific preoccupations materialized in a research project focused on investigating school violence situations in the Romanian schools and its relations with sports activities and school dropout . The article contains a synthesis about types, causes, effects of school dropout and, possible prevention/intervention strategies. Thus, we make a short review of the risk factors in school dropout on the basis of the main behavioural models which may lead to school failure. We, also, try to analyze the personal and social effects of the dropout and, offer eloquent examples of specific intervention strategies. The three main categories of intervention in school dropout, identified by Martin et al. (2002): unspecific, specific and individualized intervention are detailed and reinforced with examples of the most efficient and frequent intervention programs used by educators and counsellors.
School Dropout From the Perspective of Former Students
Remedial and Special Education, 1999
School dropout is considered as the abandonment of the educational system by students, caused by a combination of factors that are generated both in school and in social contexts, family and individual contexts. Dropping out of school implies a definitive abandonment of an institution or a University, after having enrolled and therefore cannot finish the degree or level of study. Objective: Identify the causes that influence school dropout and propose strategies to address the interest of the student. Method: This research has a qualitative, descriptive, non-exploratory approach. Subjects: 52 students of higher education. Instrument: The questionnaire was applied to the survey for students about dropout in higher education. Results: Of the participants, 29% (15) are male and 71% (37) are female students. When referring to you, what is school dropout for you?, 77% of the students think it is an educational problem that affects the development of the country, 17% commented that for them it is a psychosocial problem and 6% refer That is a complex problem. When asking the students that they will do the next semester, 81% commented that they will continue with their studies and 19% said they will change their degree. Conclusion: The factors that influence school dropout can be mentioned what students think the economic factor considers as a dropout factor, 62% think that crime is also another factor, 71% think that with the support of a scholarship, Having good friendships and a good family relationship consider it a motivation to continue studying.
The Causes of School Dropout: State of the Art
International Journal of Science and Management Studies (IJSMS)
In the educational context, one of the biggest problems that affect the performance of school institutions is what concerns dropouts. This study aims to describe the state of the art of school dropouts. It considered that the decision of students to interrupt their training itinerary brings adverse effects not only for the subject who evades since the magnitude of this problem causes damage to the whole society. The method used was the conceptual bibliographic submitted by Nascimento-e-Silva (2012; 2020), which consists of four phases: a) definition of research questions; b) data collection; c) organization and analysis of data, and; d) generation of responses. The study inferred that among the causes detected in the consulted literature, there are both causes relevant to the personal scope of students who drop out and the causes related to the education system and how education is organized from an institutional point of view. The conclusion shows that the school institutions need ...
High School Drop Outs: One is too many (Project BOOKLET)
Erasmus+ Project Booklet, 2014
Summary of the project Early school leaving is a multi-faceted and complex problem caused by a cumulative process of disengagement. It is a result of personal, social, economic, education or family-related reasons. Schools play an important role in addressing early school leaving (ESL) but they cannot and should not work in isolation. Reducing ESL can help towards the integration of young people into the labour market, and contribute to breaking the cycle of deprivation that leads to the social exclusion of too many young people. Reducing the average European rate of early school leavers to less than 10% by 2020 is one of the education headline targets of the Europe 2020 Strategy. Investment in the educational achievement of young people is essential for the employment prospects of every young person. In this Project High Schools from all over Europe prepared a strategic partnership and they co-operated to tackle ESL problem at roots level: by analyzing the problem and improving education atmosphere in term of; social activities, student teacher, student school, students society, student-parent, parent-school relations. The main objective of this project was to find new methods for increasing motivation and creating more supportive school environments to decrease the number of student dropouts. Project activities included the exchange of the information, sharing and analyzing best-practice models; comparing them and adapting them to each partner’s own activities and environment. Our project activities aimed to reduce ESL by establishing conditions for successful learning for all the students. Students should feel comfortable and supported, feel ownership of their own learning and can engage in the life of their school community. This is important both for the emotional, social and educational development of the pupil and for the overall governance of the institution. As a condition of successful learning, teachers need to strengthen their role as facilitators of learning. They need autonomy, time, and space for innovation, teamwork, feedback, self-reflection and evaluation. They need access to enhanced opportunities for continued professional development. We mostly targeted students with fewer opportunities in order to provide them with the missing opportunities they haven’t acquired by educational system so far. So our target group was who detected as being in danger of drop out. We also included parents of the students under the risk of drop out and teachers who needed guidance about methods to deal with the students who have drop out risk as a target group. In long-term we aimed to disseminate the project all the related people and organization who has a role in students 'educational and social life. They were; teachers, families, peers, other organizations leading the same type of activity, local schools in each partner school’s area, local authorities, European authorities by the help of European partners, public, wider life learning community, decision-makers at local, regional, national and European level. We believed that our project results will have long-term effects on economy and society with the help of dissemination activities.
Psiholoska istrazivanja
Dropping out of educational system is a serious individual, familial, educational and social problem. It is a complex process influenced by a large number of factors. Nevertheless, it is a phenomenon that takes place in school, and different school factors can serve as risk or protective factors. Dropout rates in Serbia are still high. One way to improve the educational system and ensure equal education for every child is to reduce dropout rates from primary and secondary education. As part of a larger study, the goal of this research was to investigate and identify key school factors related to dropout from primary and secondary schools in Serbia. The research was conducted in 8 primary and 13 secondary schools from 17 municipalities with high dropout rates. In order to hear voices from different actors in the educational system, qualitative research was conducted, involving interviews and focus groups with teachers, school principals, school psychologists, counsellors, pedagogical assistants, parents and students. Following the analysis, several school factors highly related to dropout were singled out. Low quality (individualisation) of teaching, lack of learning and emotional support and lack of positive teacher-student relationships proved to have the greatest influence on student dropout. On the other hand, our results indicate that student and parent participation in school life is underused as a resource 1 The paper is the product of work on the Project "Identification, measurement and development of cognitive and emotional competences important for a society oriented towards European integrations" (No. 179018), conducted by the Institute of Psychology, Faculty of Philosophy University of Belgrade, and funded by the Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development, Republic of Serbia, and on the Project "Research and analysis study of school, individual and social factors influencing primary and secondary school drop-out and identification of innovative approaches for dropout prevention in school and through community services" funded by UNICEF.