SCADA IN POWER SYSTEMS (original) (raw)

Power system SCADA and smart grids

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International Journal of Development Research, 2023

The purpose of the scientific paper is to analyze the issues of improving the management of the supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) automated system in electric power, which includes a comparative analysis of the development stages of the SCADA system, the use of cloud technologies, the introduction of modern digital applications that serve for real-time recording, control, monitoring of energy objects and others. It ensures significant development of the field of electric energy. Supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) automated system improvement methods in electric power within the framework of the research project, the issues of supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) automated system (SCADA) management improvement issues were analyzed and research questions were developed. 101 respondents were interviewed. The data was collected electronically, through an online survey of employees working in different structural units of the Georgian state electrosystem, who were users of the SCADA system. The survey will study the issues of improving the management of the supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) automated system in electric power, which ensures the reduction of the number of technological accidents, the sustainability of the sector, the improvement of the quality of management and the speed of work in electric power. If the recommendations obtained as a result of the research are implemented, the energy system will become more stable and efficient. The mentioned study will be useful for the electric power companies of different countries where SCADA system is introduced or implemented.The article was written within the framework of the Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University research project "Ways to improve the supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) automated system in electric power". A comparative analysis of the development stages of the SCADA system in terms of each component of the system is discussed in the scientific paper. The implementation of the research results will affect the development of the professionalism of SCADA users, as well as provide simplification, speed and high quality of the work of the management link of the personnel. Accordingly, this will contribute to the improvement of the field of electric energy.

Modern SCADA philosophy in power system operation-A survey

Lucrarea prezintă aspecte legate de sistemele SCADA utilizate pentru sisteme electroenergetice, sisteme ce reprezintă o infrastructură critică în toate sectoarele de activitate. Operatorii de sistem din întreaga lume sunt puşi în faţa unor cerinţe deosebite pentru reţeaua electrică legate de calitatea şi eficienţa energiei, circulaţia puterilor sau stabilitatea sistemului. Noile strategii de control şi monitorizare a sistemelor electroenergetice prevăd sisteme SCADA cu performanţe îmbunătăţite şi introducerea unor noi sisteme de măsurare care să includă sincrofazori. Principiile SCADA prezentate în lucrare au fost aplicate în cadrul dispecerului energetic naţional, dar şi la nivel de centrală electrică. This paper presents SCADA concepts used mainly in power systems, as a critical infrastructure in all life sectors. New power system demands regarding energy quality and efficiency, power system load or stability has risen for system operators all around the world. The new control and monitoring strategies include better SCADA systems and new measurement systems (wide area measurement systems with synchrophasors). The SCADA concepts discussed in the paper were implemented at the national power system dispatcher and also, at the power plant level.

Scada Solutions Implemented in the Energy System

The main purpose of this paper is to present an example of SCADA configuration used in the structure of actual national electricity system company, implemented by national company of electricity SC ELECTRICA SA Using powerful technologies, based on experience of qualified personal, SCADA applications are created as a main tool for performing management, required by technical reengineering of an industrial company.

ELEN7041: Electric Power Investigational Project 2018 Project topic: Future SCADA System for Smart Grid

Michael Okika, 2018

Traditional power grids are now transformed into Smart Grids (SGs) in order to solve the problems of energy wastage, energy control, uni-directional flow of information, growing energy demand, reliability, measurement and security.Smart grids increase the automation, coordination and connectivity between these electricity suppliers, electricity usersand networksused in local distribution tasks and long distance transmission. Smart Grids offer bi-directional energy flow between electricity service providers and electricity consumers which involve power generation, transmission, distribution and utilization systems. Smart Grids utilize various devices to monitor, analyze and control the grid. These devices are deployed in great numbers all over the distribution centers, consumers’ premises and in power plants. Therefore, Smart Grid requires connectivity, automation and the tracking of such devices. SCADA connection to the Internet is advantageous in terms of generation, data viewing and control. SCADA infrastructures such as electricity could also be incorporated in Smart Grids. Adopting advanced, cloud computing technology and smart technologies in SCADA of distribution system for smart monitoring, smart metering, distributed system automation and optimization, power system control, distributed intelligence, data decentralization, data sharing and forwarding, flexible communication architecture, distributed generation and storage, extensibility and interoperability. This project report focuses on future SCADA for smart grid and decentralized distribution system and literature review on smart grids.

Utility of SCADA in Power Generation and Distribution System

SCADA is an acronym for Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition. SCADA systems are used to monitor and control a plant or equipment in industries such as telecommunications, water and waste control, energy. A typical SCADA system comprises of 1/0 signal hardware, Controllers, software, network & communication. Supervisory control and data acquisition system is a system in which message or commands that are individual are sends to the external world. Provides a host control functions for the supervisor to control and define settings. The basic natural sources like Coal, gas, Diesel, atomic etc are single time useable due to which the quantity of these sources is decreases day by day. The emissions of these fuels are also responsible for air pollution. On the other hand if we use the water power and solar power to generate the electricity. We can reduce the pollution as well as the generation cost of the energy. The quantity of the water is varies in the rivers according to the season and the sunlight intensity is vary according to the day hours. So we have developed a system in which consumers are connected to different type of power plant via a grid. The grid load and plants are monitored and controlled by the SCADA system. This provides the uninterrupted power supply at minimum power generation cost.


This paper discusses implementation of the next generation solution for power system control and monitoring. Due to rapid development in automation system, the remote operation, control and monitoring can be performed easily by adopting it to the earlier conventional power systems. This can be achieved by integration of conventional systems and modern technology SCADA. This study is about the automation of substation by integrating the existing conventional substation devices with new networked infrastructure SCADA which can perform automatic industrial tasks such as data acquisition, device control, monitoring and event recording of the overall transmission system network. This combination of technologies empowers a highly reliable, self-healing (auto-restoration) power system that responds rapidly to realtime events with appropriate actions. Automation does not just replace manual procedures but permits the power system to operate in a most efficient and optimal way, based on accurate information provided in a timely manner to the decision-making applications and devices. The daily operation, load management and system faults are monitored by the SCADA which improves the performance of overall transmission systems.

Scada Systems Analysis for Industrial Procesess


The paper presents an analysis of the operation and usage of SCADA data acquisition system. SCADA collects and records the values and statuses obtained from remote telemetry power system elements to enable control center operators to supervise and control the power system. The information transmitted by the automation systems of the remote control stations must be collected and processed at a central point. This function is performed by the network control systems that are installed in central locations, which are known as system control canters or control rooms.

Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition System (SCADA

In India, we have huge number of road network which plays an important role in development of a country and provides large number of economic development as well. Main challenge our country faces at current times is road qualities and its maintenance. SCADA system at their fundamental level is Industrial Control System. SCADA has many applications on various disciplines for observing and control in real time. SCADA technologies are widely used in construction industries. Public Works Department (PWD) has made SCADA compulsory in a manner to resolve all quality related issues. This paper describes the SCADA technology implementation in construction field. This paper provides an overview of SCADA, its journey from beginning, functionality of the system, and use of this system. The main challenge this technology faces is nothing but real-time control of power network and their subsequent sections explaining about the development of SCADA system for computerized monitoring and control of power system.

An Integrated Solution for Developing SCADA System towards Smart Electric Grid

International Journal of Law and Information Technology

this paper presents a proposed strategy to embed the reactive power compensation system into Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) systems for advanced smart grid. To connect the suggested regulator of power factor to SCADA system, the ordinary regulators will be replaced by new power factor regulators usingMSP430 microcontrollers as a Remote Terminal Unit (RTU). A case study will be showed for SCADA's project of the Middle Egypt Electricity Distribution Company (MEEDCO) that actually has been implemented since 2005. This paper also introduces quark hashing algorithm for MSP430 microcontroller to achieve a secure smart grid.