Setting the Counterterrorism Agenda .pdf (original) (raw)

Setting the agenda of a counter-terrorism strategic policy model


The aim of this paper is to present a functional model to fight terrorism from macro perspective through a “Strategic Policy Model” (SPM). The focus on legal order within the practices of Sociology of Law and Criminology is pivotal in order to reframe terrorism within a viable SPM. In “The Counterterrorism Handbook”, written by Bolz, Dudonis, and Schulz (2005), terrorism, at its very basic level, is defined as “an action that the urban guerrilla must execute with the greatest cold bloodedness, calmness and decision”. They further go on to provide a more scholarly definition: “the calculated use of violence to attain goals which are political, religious or ideological in nature. Terrorism involves a criminal act that is often symbolic in nature and intended to influence an audience beyond the immediate victims”.

On Terrorism and its Typologies

Security Dimensions, 2020

The article refers to selected aspects of knowledge about terrorism and its typology. The introduction explains the etymology of this concept and highlights the problem of diversity in the definition of terrorism. The next part cites several definitions of terrorism, which, in the author’s opinion, reflect the essence of this phenomenon. The difference between terrorism and terror, which are two terms that should not be used interchangeably, is also explained. The next part of the article illustrates the source of the problem which makes it impossible to agree on a commonly accepted definition of terrorism by giving an example of the wording of the Arab Convention for the Suppression of Terrorism. Then, the inherent feature of terrorism is explained, which is its asymmetry. The last part of the article concerns a typology of terrorism. It presents in a synthetic way various categories of terrorism, distinguished according to such criteria as: actors, motives, strategic (final) goals...

Metamorfose do Terrorismo


In recent years terrorism has once again dominate the international agenda. The international community has witnessed successive violent demonstrations, and it is therefore appropriate to address the problems of this phenomenon and assess its changes over the years in order to identify the main differences. The conflict between States ceased to be the scene of armed conflicts, at least partially. The phenomenon of terrorism (re) arises but yet now on a global scale, surpassing tactical effects easily quantifiable and in a context where terrorism is presented as a violent action technique. This phenomenon, in itself, is not entirely new. Terrorism presents itself with a strategic reach capacity, not by actions but by its effects and consequences on a global scale and with significant impact on world public opinion. Thus, it is important to understand what are the main changes that terrorism has undergone over the last few years. This study consists in a holistic analysis methodology ...

A Typology of Terrorism

In this paper, a two-fold strategy is carried out for gaining conceptual clarity in response to the question: What is terrorism? The first stage is to defend a broad working definition of terrorism that emphasizes the instrumental employment of terror or fear to obtain any number of possible ends. As proposed in this paper, Terrorism is an act or threat of violence to persons or property that elicits terror, fear, or anxiety regarding the security of human life or fundamental rights and that functions as an instrument to obtain further ends. This instrumentality relies upon either an explicit or implicit threat of separate acts of future violence. It is argued that such a functionalist approach to defining terrorism captures the core qualities that unite the broad family of both political and nonpolitical terrorist actions. At the same time, the proposed definition avoids the problems associated with other approaches that either focus upon the terrorist’s ‘unconventional’ tactics, or the ‘innocence’ of their targets, or their coercive intentions. The breadth of the proposed definition allows for the more nuanced typological analysis in the second stage. The typology is primarily an analysis of the modes of terrorism’s instrumentality. Thus, the broad phenomenon of terrorism is divided according to factors of targets, the degree of force employed, agency, and the geographic context of the action. It is only by drawing out the diverse types of terrorism that the projects of morally evaluating terrorism and formulating a just response to terrorism can take place in a concrete and meaningful way.

Terrorism - conceptualization and development


Terrorism – conceptualization and development. The core of terrorism is systemic violence usage to terrify people and spread fear. Fear serves as a policy tool for terrorists. The definition of terrorism that would be widely acceptable is an issue for discussion. The existing definitions vary according following criteria: the amount of definition characters, the orientation of institutions backing those definitions and as well according individual scholars and their orientation. Development of terrorism from radicalism towards extremism is influenced by two accredited indicator groups: Terrorism as a state policy tool in the sense of defence against enemies was born during the Great French Revolution and as a tool of revolutionaries – intellectuals wanting to destroy the existing society. This was born in Russia during Tsarist regime. Anarchists – terrorists created first terrorist international. The point of view of the modern terrorism predecessors emphasizes the organizational st...

Terrorismo e Società EDUCatt-Ente per il Diritto allo Studio Universitario dell'Università Cattolica Terrorismo e Società


1 La Rivista semestrale Sicurezza, Terrorismo e Società intende la Sicurezza come una condizione che risulta dallo stabilizzarsi e dal mantenersi di misure proattive capaci di promuovere il benessere e la qualità della vita dei cittadini e la vitalità democratica delle istituzioni; affronta il fenomeno del Terrorismo come un processo complesso, di lungo periodo, che affonda le sue radici nelle dimensioni culturale, religiosa, politica ed economica che caratterizzano i sistemi sociali; propone alla Società-quella degli studiosi e degli operatori e quella ampia di cittadini e istituzioni-strumenti di com-prensione, analisi e scenari di tali fenomeni e indirizzi di gestione delle crisi. Sicurezza, Terrorismo e Società si avvale dei contributi di studiosi, policy maker, analisti, operatori della sicurezza e dei media interessati all'ambito della sicurezza, del terrorismo e del crisis management. Essa si rivolge a tutti coloro che operano in tali settori, volendo rappresentare un mom...

Reconstructing the normative definitions of terrorism

Jigyasa: An Interdisciplinary refereed Research Journal , 2018

The threat of international terrorism is a real one. The word terrorism itself is capable of unleashing a sense of immense fear. The existential crisis that it is capable of generating can draw attention away from all the other issues facing mankind. It creates a sense of urgency and immediate danger to the survival of individuals. All the other issues regarding economy, development, climate change, become irrelevant when the actual fear for survival strikes. This fear has escalated at an alarming rate in the recent times.

Reflexiones en torno al "viejo" y al "nuevo" terrorismo


Original recibido el 16 de septiembre de 2009 RESUMEN La finalidad del siguiente trabajo es exponer las diferencias fundamentales entre lo que ya se define como "viejo" y "nuevo" terrorismo. Si se echa un vistazo a las acciones llevadas a cabo por el terrorismo islamista desde los fatídicos atentados del 11 de septiembre de 2001, puede observarse como el mismo responde a unas motivaciones y utiliza unos parámetros de actuación completamente distintos a los de organizaciones terroristas tradicionales como el IRA o ETA. El conocer y comprender las variables que distinguen al "viejo" del "nuevo" terrorismo resulta de fundamental importancia no sólo para, a corto plazo, diseñar una adecuada respuesta policial, jurídica y de inteligencia al fenómeno en cuestión, sino también para, a largo plazo, desarrollar una serie de políticas encaminadas a contrarrestar eficazmente los argumentos utilizados por organizaciones como Al-Qaeda para ganar adeptos en todo el mundo.