The shift away from Scientific Management driven by the Newtonian Sciences to a Bio-inspired Management Era driven by Complexity, Cognitive and Sustainability-driven Sciences. (original) (raw)

Recent Structural, Behavioral, Trade and Technological Changes are Shaping and Structuring the 21st century. These changes include : - The emergence of the Cognitive Era. - The Personalization Age. - The Diversity Age featured by the simultaneous emergence of Life Style Diversity driven by Female's 21st century, Income Diversity, Business Diversity, Age Diversity, Ethnicity Diversity, Spatial Diversity and Market Diversity as 95 % of the global market is now outside of the US. - The New Geograpghy of Wealth, Cities, Innovation and Economic Activities. - The Green and Clean Revolutions of the 90s and 2000s. - The Century of Urbanization driven by the rapid urbanization of the developing world on the one hand and the shift away from the Carbon-intensive and Routinized Industrial City Model to the Creative, Clean, Safe, Smart, Connected, Personalized, Decentralized and Advanced Manufacturing City Model in the North. - The shift away from the Internet Revolution of the 50s and 80s so called Emerging and Growth stages of IT to the current Maturity stage of IT so called Industrial Internet of Things Revolution featured by the integration of sensors and data collection in all industrial equipment on the one hand and emergence of Artificial Intelligence on the second hand. - The shift away from the State-centric Capitalism, Democracy and Diplomacy to the Citizen-centric, Network-centric, Corporate-centric and City-centric Capitalism, Democracy and Diplomacy. - The shift away from Carbon-intensive and Routinized Industrial Capitalism to the Service-oriented, Knowledge-intensive, Clean, Smart, Connected, Green and Advanced Manufacturing Capitalism.As a result, these above changes have stimulated the emergence of Price-sensitive, Fast-changing, Fast-growing, Fast-moving, Hypercomplexity, Hyper Vulnerability, Hyper connectivity, Hyper mobility, Hyper volatility and Hyper Competitive World Economy. Therefore, regarded to the correlation within Structural, Behavioral, Trade and Technological Changes and Management Life Cycle, these above changes and their implications are accelerating the shift away from Scientific Management driven by the Newtonian Sciences to the New Management Era driven by Complexity and Cognitive Sciences. Accordingly, and regarded to the correlation within Radical Innovation and Marketing Life Cycle, the above changes and their implications are accelerating the shift away from the Mass Marketing that did support the Industrial Revolution of the 20th century to simultaneous adoption of Stakeholder-centric , Customer-centric, Employee-centric, City-centric, Ethically-oriented, Location-based, Real-time and Risk-centric Marketing Mix. By so doing, compared to the Old Business Model that helped Corporates only maximize the profit of their stakeholders at the expense of their Customers, Employees and Environmental, Spatial (cities), Ethical and Societal issues, the adoption of This New Business Model could make it easier for the Corporate to simultaneously create values for their Stakeholders, Customers, Employees, Environment, Cities, Society and the World. Furthermore, This New Business could accelerate the shift away from the current Growth Stage of Capitalism where Corporate is sometimes wrongly perceived as Problem to the Maturity stage of Capitalism where Corporate will become the driver of the build of Inclusive, Personalized, Flexible, Clean, Green, Safe, Smart, Connected, Prosperous and Sustainable Workforce, Corporates, Cities, Nations and the World. However, as the Nature, despite its Hypercomplexity, Hyper Vulnerability, Hyper Competitive, Hyper connectivity, Hyper mobility, Hyper volatility, Fast-moving, Fast-growing, Fast-changing Environment has been able to build an Inclusive, Personalized, Flexible, Clean,Green, Safe, Smart, Connected, Prosperous and Sustainable Ecosystem, this New Management Era could become a Bio-inspired Management Era because it'll inspire itself from the Tools, Strategy and Methodologies of the Nature.