The Nature of Everything (NOE) Theory on Gravity (original) (raw)

The Black Hole is where sound, matter and energy come together in a beautifully synchronous fashion. It should be noted that the root is not a principle and only responds to the other two. It is the cosmic gene pool from which form is made but only when energy and sound act upon it. It remains even when the other two have ceased. The root contains the code for differentiation and replication. The actual black hole is a vortex of inconceivable rapidity of sound which carries the three forms of electricity.

Stephen Hawking once proclaimed that String Theory may be able to unify the various forces although later he became disillusioned thinking that there may be no Theory of Everything. This very condensed paper pulls together the various forces into the Spirilla Theory which supersedes String Theory. The foundation of the Spirilla Theory is based on the writings of H. P. Blavatsky, A. B. Bailey, and A. Besant. By overlaying the works of Einstein, Bohm, de Broglie, Dirac, Bell and other great scientific minds, on top of the foundation, the unification of the various forces and theories starts to appear; each field of study supplying a part of the puzzle but only a holistic view of ALL endeavors will solve the mystery. This paper; 1. Redefines the atom with the addition of a subquark; 2. Defines the Spirilla Theory which unifies Quantum Mechanics and General Relativity, and explains Quantum Entanglement.

This is an abridged excerpt from The Secret Doctrine Vol IV for the development of a new clean energy source as described in the ancient text including the Vedas. Intellectual Property is assigned to Dr DK Matai as he is the expert in the Vedas plus the other documents. I am just the coordinator of the various lines of thought. NOE Theory is referenced by President Xi Jinping in his book ‘The Governance of China II’ In the words of Gandhi; “First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win.” Not all are laughing.

Is matter -- manifest as multiplicity of forms -- only an illusion? Do we exist as waves of conscious energy on a vast sea of all pervasive light: a persistent Hologram created by Pure Consciousness? 21st Century Physics -- Holistic, Quantum and Relativity -- is uniting science and spirituality as it unravels the entire Space-Time matrix and the very building blocks from which our universe, our world, appears to be made. The key question: How might 21st Century Physics explain the creation of the Universe?

The present book covers a wide-range of issues from alternative hadron models to their likely implications in New Energy research, including alternative interpretation of lowenergy reaction (coldfusion) phenomena.

A description of new particles for space and time. While the chronon is a superluminal, acoustic fracton, the space particle is a ten dimensional, superliminal, acoustic phonon of deva life. Space is analogous to an ocean of water without a lattice structure in and of itself. Like the photon, the space phonon experiences squeezed coherent states. The phase-squeezed state is what permits ‘universes within universes’ or multiverse. The apparent space-time curvature, as noted by Einstein’s equations, is actually the movement of the chronon fracton lattice.

The NOE Hypothesis concepts are extracted from the combined work of Blavatsky, Bailey and Besant. The original paper, “A New Cosmological Model for Matter, Energy, Sound, the Origin of the Universe and Gravity” is intended as a bridging paper between esoteric philosophy fact and scientific hypothesis. The concepts have been translated into the language of physics and chemistry from the often abstruse language found in philosophy. This paper expands on the concepts and unifies General Relativity, Quantum Mechanics and Consciousness. String Theory is superseded by the Spirilla Hypothesis. Origins of the Universe, definitions for time and space, gravity and Quantum Entanglement are discussed relative to life.

The present book discusses, among other things, various quantization phenomena found in Astrophysics and some related issues including Brownian Motion. With recent discoveries of exoplanets in our galaxy and beyond, this Astrophysics quantization issue has attracted numerous discussions in the past few years. Most chapters in this book come from published papers in various peer-reviewed journals, and they cover different methods to describe quantization, including Weyl geometry, Supersymmetry, generalized Schrödinger, and Cartan torsion method. In some chapters Navier-Stokes equations are also discussed, because it is likely that this theory will remain relevant in Astrophysics and Cosmology While much of the arguments presented in this book are theoretical, nonetheless we recommend further observation in order to verify or refute the propositions described herein. It is of our hope that this volume could open a new chapter in our knowledge on the formation and structure of Astrophysical systems. The present book is also intended for young physicist and math fellows who perhaps will find the arguments described here are at least worth pondering.

Progress in Physics has been created for publications on advanced studies in theoretical and experimental physics, including related themes from mathematics.