Karakteristik Arsitektur Masjid Kuno Dan Perkembangan Islam Di Maluku (original) (raw)

Arsitektur Masjid Kuno Aceh

Sebagai daerah yang menyebarkan Islam di Asia Tenggara, tentunya Aceh juga ikut menyebarkan gaya banguna (arsitektur) rumah ibadah Islam itu sendiri. Namun arsitektur tersebut tetap menimbang khazanah kebudayaan lokal sehingga dapat beradaptasi dengan masyarakat. Lalu bagaimana arsitektur tersebut?

Masjid Kuno di Pulau Haruku Propinsi Maluku (Kajian Sejarah, Bentuk dan Fungsi)

Jurnal Lektur Keagamaan, 2016

The history of Islamic development on the Haruku island, cannot be separated from the role of Muslim leaders or scholars who came from the Java. Evidence of the influence of Islam in Java can be seen from the architecture of the mosque on this island which takes the form of mosques of Wali in Java. This influence can also be seen from the shape of the terraced roof and floor plan of the mosque is square, which suggests a very strong Javanese mosque architecture. Nevertheless Javanese culture influence on the structure of society in Haruku is not always visible. The mosque on the island Haruku, not only serves as a place of worship, but also has other functions, namely as a symbol of communion between state and customs , as well as a symbol of the existence of an indigenous people. Customary law is a stronger influence than the main sharia law in Rohomoni. This study concludes that the Mosque has developed a more dominant factor as a customary symbol than a religious building.

Naskah kuno dan perkembangan Islam di Maluku


Penelitian ini menggunakan data naskah kuno untuk melihat proses Islamisasi di wilayah bekas kerajaan Hitu. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi bentuk Islamisasi serta perkembangan ajaran dan aliran Islam.

Studi Karakteristik Arsitektur Masjid di Wilayah Kesultanan Kutai Kartanegara (1789-1937)


Kutai Kartanegara adalah kerajaan di bagian timur pulau Kalimantan yang mulai mengalami islamisasi pada abad ke 16. Proses islamisasi Kutai Kartanegara tidak jauh berbeda dengan yang terjadi di kerajaan-kerajaan Nusantara lainnya. Kutai Kartanegara mengalami asimilasi budaya lokal dan nilai-nilai keislaman yang termanifestasikan ke dalam artefak bangunan-bangunannya termasuk pada bangunan masjid. Penelitian ini membahas mengenai karakteristik arsitektur masjid di wilayah Kutai Kartanegara dengan objek penelitian 11 bangunan masjid pada rentang waktu tahun 1789 hingga 1937. Pembatasan ini diambil dengan asumsi pada wilayah dan periode tersebut pembangunan masjid masih terpengaruh oleh kebudayaan kerajaan Kutai Kartanegara periode islam (1575 - 1960). Informasi mengenai objek penelitian diperoleh dari data sekunder berupa foto-foto yang dikumpulkan saat survei lokasi maupun pencarian arsip. Data berupa foto tersebut kemudian dilakukan sketsa ulang untuk mendapatkan bentuk dasar yang k...

Masuknya Islam di Maluku Tenggara dan Peran Masjid Al-Mukarromah Sebagai Basis Penyebarannya


This article attempts to uncover the history of Islam in Southeast Maluku and the role of the mosque Al-Mukarromah, as the oldest mosque and the center institution in the spread of Islam in the region. This study uses a descriptive exploratory archaeological historical approach that is supported by historical data. The study suggests some the following points: 1) Before Majapahit conquered Muar Island (Kei islands) in Southeast Maluku, Islam has entered into Kei Besar Island in the year 1295 AD. It is characterized by the arrival of Sultan Isa children who come from Basrah and settled on the island of Luang (Nusa Tenggara Barat now); 2) the Al-Mukarromah Mosque was established in Kei Besar Island when Larat Matdoan, the King of Langgiar Fer in 1536 AD was in power and also as a center for the propagation of Islam in the Kei Islands; 3) The mosque is very influential in spreading Islam in Southeast Maluku. This is evidenced by the establishment of customary law of Larvul Ngabal, as a...

Bibliografi Masjid Kesultanan Ternate DI Maluku Utara


Seeing the development of the architecture of the current building is very fast and able to meet the needs of the community. There are many old buildings in the city of Ternate which is a building to be protected among them is the mosque of the Sultanate. The problem is, many people do not know about the historical value as well as the philosophy of the Sultanate mosque. This is because not a lot of socializing both from government and academia who raised and publish about it. Supposedly the old building is a cultural heritage that should be preserved so that it becomes a pride for future generations. In the background history of the town of Ternate is a city that is very religious and has a rich cultural heritage, one of which is the mosque of the Sultanate. Sultanate mosque is a place of worship for Muslims and was built by the Sultan of the Sultanate into four mosques that have linkage to one another philosophy. The fourth mosque is Sigi Lamo, Sigi Cim, Sigi Heku and Koloncucu

Nisan Kuno DI Jailolo: Bukti Perkembangan Islam Abad KE-18 DI Maluku Utara

Berkala Arkeologi

Moluccas Islands which is rich of spices has become an appeal for the foreign trades to come make a trades of spices. The first foreign traders who visited the Moluccas Island are muslim Arab traders. The entry of Islam into Jaillolo is marked by the existence of ancient gravestone in the Village of Galala and Gam Lamo. This paper aims to describe the process of entry through the variatons of ancient gravestone in Jailolo. This preliminary study used descriptive method of analysis.Kepulauan Maluku yang kaya akan rempah-rempah telah menjadi daya tarik bagi para pedagang asing untuk datang dan berdagang rempah-rempah. Pedagang asing yang pertama mendatangi Kepulauan Maluku adalah pedagang Arab muslim. Masuknya Islam ke Jailolo ditandai dengan keberadaan nisan-nisan kuno di Desa Galala dan Gam Lamo. Tulisan ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui proses masuknya Islam melalui variasi nisan kuno di Jailolo. Penelitian awal mengenai peninggalan arkeologi Islam di Jailolo ini menggunakan metode de...

Masjid Dalam Pelestarian Seni Bangunan Islam DI Mesir

IBDA` : Jurnal Kajian Islam dan Budaya, 1970

Salah satu efek ibadah adalah kebudayaan, dan kebudayaan tidak terlepas dari ibadah. Demikian dengan masjid dan seni. Dari masjid, lahir berbagai macam budaya yang melahirkan seni yang menyenangkan dan bermanfaat bagi kehidupan setiap orang yang bertandang kepadanya. Masjid, dalam sejarah pendiriannya dan proses yang dilalui mengalami kemajuan yang pesat, baik dari struktur bangunan dan fungsi yang semakin dikembangkan. Berangkat dari tempat yang menjadi pusat kegiatan masyarakat Mesir ini, memungkinkan masjid menjadi fasilitator dinamika seni dan budaya, politik, ekonomi dan pendidikan masyarakat setempat, yang pada akhirnya melahirkan sebuah universitas Islam tertua, ternama dan terbesar di dunia, al-Azhar.

Naskah Kuno Dan Perkembangan Islam DI Maluku Studi Kasus Kerajaan Hitu, Maluku Tengah Abad XVI-XIX M

Berkala Arkeologi

This study uses data codex to see the process of Islamization in the former Kingdom of Hitu . This study aimed to identify the forms of Islamization and the development of Islamic teachings and sects. Research methods with quantitative and qualitative approaches codex of data based identification and classification of the type and content of the manuscript. Methods of emphasizes quantitative comparison of the quantity and percentage of types of texts, while the qualitative approach to identify the contents of the script to see the development of the Islamic streams in the region. The results showed that the shape and model of Islamization propaganda approach and Sufism is the most dominant in addition to education and literacy teaching the Koran and Islamic law (fiqh). Additionally Islamization in the region of the Kingdom Hitu also growing recognition institutes, as well as the influence of the Shia tradition. Thus , the process of Islamization from the Quran literacy education, th...