Speaker Clustering With Neural Networks And Audio Processing (original) (raw)


Deep learning, especially in the form of convolutional neu-ral networks (CNNs), has triggered substantial improvements in computer vision and related fields in recent years. This progress is attributed to the shift from designing features and subsequent individual subsystems towards learning features and recognition systems end to end from nearly unprocessed data. For speaker clustering, however, it is still common to use handcrafted processing chains such as MFCC features and GMM-based models. In this paper, we use simple spectro-grams as input to a CNN and study the optimal design of those networks for speaker identification and clustering. Furthermore , we elaborate on the question how to transfer a network, trained for speaker identification, to speaker clustering. We demonstrate our approach on the well known TIMIT dataset, achieving results comparable with the state of the art– without the need for handcrafted features.

Artificial neural network features for speaker diarization

2014 IEEE Spoken Language Technology Workshop (SLT), 2014

Speaker diarization finds contiguous speaker segments in an audio recording and clusters them by speaker identity, without any a-priori knowledge. Diarization is typically based on short-term spectral features such as Mel-frequency cepstral coefficients (MFCCs). Though these features carry average information about the vocal tract characteristics of a speaker, they are also susceptible to factors unrelated to the speaker identity. In this study, we propose an artificial neural network (ANN) architecture to learn a feature transform that is optimized for speaker diarization. We train a multi-hidden-layer ANN to judge whether two given speech segments came from the same or different speakers, using a shared transform of the input features that feeds into a bottleneck layer. We then use the bottleneck layer activations as features, either alone or in combination with MFCC features in a multi-stream mode, for speaker diarization on test data. We evaluate the resulting system on multiple corpora of multi-party meetings. A combination of MFCC and ANN features gives up to 14% relative reduction in diarization error, demonstrating that these features are providing an additional independent source of knowledge.

Partially Supervised Speaker Clustering


This paper presents the deep neural networks to classification of children with voice impairments from speech signals. In the analysis of speech signals, 6,373 static acoustic features are extracted from many kinds of low-level-descriptors and functionals. To reduce the variability of extracted features, two-dimensional normalizations are applied to smooth the interspeaker and inter-feature mismatch using the feature warping approach. Then, the feature selection is used to explore the discriminative and low-dimensional representation based on techniques of principal component analysis and linear discriminant analysis. In such representation, the robust features are obtained by eliminating noise features via subspace projection. Finally, the deep neural networks are adopted to classify the children with voice impairments. We conclude that deep neural networks with the proposed feature normalization and selection can significantly contribute to the robustness of recognition in practical application scenarios. We have achieved an UAR of 60.9% for the four-way diagnosis classification on the development set. This is a relative improvement of 16.2% to the official baseline by using our single system. I.

A comparison of neural network feature transforms for speaker diarization


Speaker diarization finds contiguous speaker segments in an audio stream and clusters them by speaker identity, without using a-priori knowledge about the number of speakers or enrollment data. Diarization typically clusters speech segments based on short-term spectral features. In prior work, we showed that neural networks can serve as discriminative feature transformers for diarization by training them to perform same/different speaker comparisons on speech segments, yielding improved diarization accuracy when combined with standard MFCC-based models. In this work, we explore a wider range of neural network architectures for feature transformation, by adding additional layers and nonlinearities, and by varying the objective function during training. We find that the original speaker comparison netwo rk can be improved by adding a nonlinear transform layer, and that further gains are possible by training the network to perform speaker classification rather than comparison. Overal l...

Speaker clustering in speech recognition


The paper presents a combination of speaker and speech recognition techniques aiming to improve speech recognition rates. This combination is done by clustering the speaker models created from the training material. Speaker model is a codebook obtained by Vector Quantization (VQ) approach. We propose metaclustering algorithm to group codebooks into clusters and calculate the centroid codebooks. The last are thought as cluster representatives and used to determine the closest cluster on the recognition stage. We present the results of clustering under two conditions. First one keeps codebook size fixed and varies the number of clusters while the second one examines the impact of different cluster number on recognition results while codebook size is fixed.

Unsupervised deep feature embeddings for speaker diarization


Speaker diarization aims to determine "who spoke when?" from multispeaker recording environments. In this paper, we propose to learn a set of high-level feature representations, referred to as feature embeddings, from an unsupervised deep architecture for speaker diarization. These sets of embeddings are learned through a deep autoencoder model when trained on mel-frequency cepstral coefficients (MFCCs) of input speech frames. Learned embeddings are then used in Gaussian mixture model based hierarchical clustering for diarization. The results show that these unsupervised embeddings are better compared to MFCCs in reducing the diarization error rate. Experiments conducted on the popular subset of the AMI meeting corpus consisting of 5.4 h of recordings show that the new embeddings decrease the average diarization error rate by 2.96%. However, for individual recordings, maximum improvement of 8.05% is acquired.

Restricted Boltzmann Machine Vectors for Speaker Clustering

IberSPEECH 2018

Restricted Boltzmann Machines (RBMs) have been used both in the front-end and backend of speaker verification systems. In this work, we apply RBMs as a front-end in the context of speaker clustering. Speakers' utterances are transformed into a vector representation by means of RBMs. These vectors, referred to as RBM vectors, have shown to preserve speakerspecific information and are used for the task of speaker clustering. In this work, we perform the traditional bottom-up Agglomerative Hierarchical Clustering (AHC). Using the RBM vector representation of speakers, the performance of speaker clustering is improved. The evaluation has been performed on the audio recordings of Catalan TV Broadcast shows. The experimental results show that our proposed system outperforms the baseline i-vectors system in terms of Equal Impurity (EI). Using cosine scoring, a relative improvement of 11% and 12% are achieved for average and single linkage clustering algorithms respectively. Using PLDA scoring, the RBM vectors achieve a relative improvement of 11% compared to i-vectors for the single linkage algorithm.

Analysis of the Impact of the Audio Database Characteristics in the Accuracy of a Speaker Clustering System

Odyssey 2016, 2016

In this paper, a traditional clustering algorithm based on speaker identification is presented. Several audio data sets were tested to conclude how accurate the clustering algorithm is depending on the characteristics of the analyzed database. We show that, issues such as the size of the database, the number speakers, or how the audios are balanced over the speakers in the database significantly affect the accuracy of the clustering task. These conclusions can be used to propose strategies to solve a clustering task or to predict in which situations a higher performance of the clustering algorithm is expected. We also focus on the stopping criterion to avoid the worsening of the results due to mismatch between training and testing data while using traditional stopping criteria based on maximum distance thresholds.

Restricted Boltzmann Machine Vectors for Speaker Clustering and Tracking Tasks in TV Broadcast Shows

Restricted Boltzmann Machines (RBMs) have shown success in both the front-end and backend of speaker verification systems. In this paper, we propose applying RBMs to the front-end for the tasks of speaker clustering and speaker tracking in TV broadcast shows. RBMs are trained to transform utterances into a vector based representation. Because of the lack of data for a test speaker, we propose RBM adaptation to a global model. First, the global model-which is referred to as universal RBM-is trained with all the available background data. Then an adapted RBM model is trained with the data of each test speaker. The visible to hidden weight matrices of the adapted models are concatenated along with the bias vectors and are whitened to generate the vector representation of speakers. These vectors, referred to as RBM vectors, were shown to preserve speaker-specific information and are used in the tasks of speaker clustering and speaker tracking. The evaluation was performed on the audio recordings of Catalan TV Broadcast shows. The experimental results show that our proposed speaker clustering system gained up to 12% relative improvement, in terms of Equal Impurity (EI), over the baseline system. On the other hand, in the task of speaker tracking, our system has a relative improvement of 11% and 7% compared to the baseline system using cosine and Probabilistic Linear Discriminant Analysis (PLDA) scoring, respectively.