(Epoch of Alexander and Ecclesiastical reform of 1808-1814) Александровская эпоха и духовная школа: реформа 1808–1814 гг. (original) (raw)
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The Article is devoted to one of the most complicated problems in the theological science of the XIX–XX: the use of historical methods in theological studies. In some cases, historical study of the theological issues was conducted in Russian ecclesiastical academies still in 1830–40`s, however, in the 1860’s. the concept of a special scientific research associated with the scientifico-critical methods. Russian theological science should be, taking into account the achievements and problems of Western science, associated with the use of the historical-critical methods, work out its position. In conclusion the author makes conclusions about the positive and negative results of the «historical-theological revolution» 1860’s. for Russian theology. Keywords: orthodox ecclesiastical academy, theological science, historical-critical methods, history of dogma, biblical history, church history, historical liturgics.
Беглов А. Реформа духовного образования 1808 г. и закрепощение православных приходов в Российской империи // Российская история. 2020. № 2. С. 149–158., 2020
В статье рассматриваются последствия реформы духовного образования 1808 г. для экономики православного прихода Российской империи. С целью обеспечить финансирование системы духовного образования власти в 1808 г. изъяли накопления приходских церквей и обязали их ежегодно отдавать вышестоящим инстанциям главную часть своего дохода – сбор от продажи свечей. Одновременно была принята «Инструкция церковным старостам», которая превратила старосту из поверенного приходской общины в помощника приходского клира. Самоуправление прихода было ликвидировано. Последствиями реформы были появление теневой приходской экономики, фальсификация приходской отчетности, а главное – масштабный кризис православного прихода. The article considers the consequences of the reform of spiritual education in 1808 for the economy of the Orthodox parish of the Russian Empire. In order to provide funding for the system of spiritual education, the authorities in 1808 withdrew the savings of parish churches and obliged them to annually give the main part of their income – the collection from the sale of candles to higher authorities. At the same time, the "Instruction to churchwardens" was adopted, which transformed the churchwarden institute from an agent of the parish community to an assistant to the parish clergy. The parish's self-government was abolished. The consequences of the reform were the appearance of a shadow parish economy, falsification of parish records, and, most importantly, a large – scale crisis of the Orthodox parish.
The main focus of the study was made on the understanding of the role of the orthodox clergy in the educational projects of the Catherine's epoch in Russia (1760-1780). These projects were proposed by the representatives of the different European confessions and assumed completely different scenarios for the participation of the clergy in the "enlightening" of the people. This report shows the fundamental uncertainty and controversy of the priest's position within the framework of the planned reform. We interpret the choice that was made at the end: the experience of the Habsburg empire was closer to Russia than the experience of Protestant England and the revolutionary projects of the French Enlightenment. Within this framework a system of state public education was created, but without any participation of the orthodox clergy.
ScienceRise, 2015
У статті аналізується становище вищої духовної освіти Російської імперії другої половини ХІХ ст. На основі архівних матеріалів проаналізовано характер діяльності духовних академій держави в рамках введеного Статуту 1869 р. Увага акцентується на проблематиці підготовки реформування духовних академій відповідно до вимог часу, на змінах в управлінні академіями та реформуванні науковопедагогічної складової Ключові слова: реформа, духовна академія, богослов'я, педагогічна підготовка, обер-прокурор, архієрей, ректор, приват-доцент, професор, науково-богословська атестація In the article position of higher spiritual education of the Russian empire of the second half of ХІХ of century is analysed On the basis of the archived materials character of activity of theological academies of the state is analysed within the framework of the entered Charter in 1869. Attention is accented on the range of problems of preparation of reformation of spiritual academies in accordance with the requirements of time, on changes in a management and reformation of scientifically-pedagogical constituent academies