Darkale'nin Koruma Amaçlı Değerlendirilmesi (original) (raw)

Korumanın Anlamı Üzerine Yeniden Düşünmek


dünyada mimarlık müzeleri Mimarlık dergisinin 50. yılını kutladığımız 2013'ün ilk sayısıyla birlikte derginin "ayraç" bölümünde yeni bir koleksiyon oluşturmaya başladık. Ayraçları biriktirerek dünyada bulunan mimarlık müzelerinin bilgisini toplayabilir ve ziyaret edilecek yerler listenize ekleyebilirsiniz. Mimarlık müzeleri "ayraç" koleksiyonuna katkı vermek isterseniz bize

Normun Koruma Amaci Teori̇si̇

Ankara Üniversitesi Hukuk Fakültesi Dergisi, 2010

bisiklet çarpmasıyla meydana gelen yara ve kırık sebebiyle yapılan ameliyat sonunda kalpteki tümör yüzünden kan dolaşımı yetersizliğinden ölüm)-Tandoğan, s. 8, dn. 9.

Ege Mimarlık Darkale

Ege Mimarlık, 2016


Mecelle Hakkinda Değerlendi̇rmeler


XIX. asirda Avrupa ile gerek siyasi, gerek sosyal ve gerekse iktisadi munasebetlerinin artmasi, Osmanlilarin hukuk mevzuatini Avrupalilarin da rahatca bilebilecegi bir hale getirmeye sevk etti. Bu, ayni zamanda hâkimlerin de isini kolaylastiracakti. Tanzimat burokratlari bu isi kolayca halletmek adina Fransiz medeni kanununun kabulune girisince, zamanin ileri gelen devlet ricalinden hukukcu Ahmed Cevdet Pasa, zamanin ulemasindan bir heyet kurarak ser’i hukukun hukumlerini Avrupai bir tarzda kanunlastirmaya muvaffak oldu. Mecelle-i Ahkâm-i Adliyye adi verilen bu kanun, muhafazakârlarin baticilara karsi bir zaferi oldu. 1851 maddeden mutesekkil Mecelle’nin ilk 100 maddesi hukukun umumi prensipleri mahiyetindedir. Geri kalan maddeler borclar hukuku, esya hukuku ve muhakeme usulune dairdir. Uslubu basit, ifadesi aciktir. Bu sebeple cok begenilmistir. 1926 senesinde Turkiye Mecelleyi kaldirdiktan sonra, Osmanli Devleti’nden ayrilan memleketlerde bir muddet daha yururlukte kalmistir. Mece...

Kayaköy ve Koruma Üzerine Birkaç Düşünce...

Mimar.ist, 2007

Thoughts on Urban Conservation and Kayaköy: Kayakoy is a lower scale settlement at the southwest coastal region of Turkey with its significant urban heritage which has historical and architectural values. The settlement is a conservation area under the protection of laws. Authors think on three main difficulties against urban conservation: increasing urban rent, replacement and participation of local residents to the planning processes. Once an area is being protected with laws against new developments, it encounters with increasing urban rents resulting in the replacement of former local inhabitants. In the lack of participation processes, this replacement seems like an inevitable consequence which really is not. The paper takes Kayakoy as the case area to think on these three difficulties.

Si̇lle, Bi̇r Koruma Geli̇şti̇rme Plani Ve Sonrasi

S U Muhendislik Bilim Ve Teknoloji Dergisi, 2013

Sille, geçmişi eski çağlara inen bir yerleşmedir. Hatta bu bölgenin iskân tarihi Neolitik dönemlere kadar inmektedir (Bahar, 1994). Hristiyanlık döneminde Sille, Roma-Kudüs güzergâhında yer alan ve kutsal hac yolu üzerindeki önemli bir yerleşme olarak karşımıza çıkmaktadır (Özönder, 1998; Küçük, 2001; Sarıköse, 2009). Sille'nin en büyük kilisesi olan 3 Aya Eleni Kilisesinin 1884 tarihli onarım kitabesi buna örnektir (Eyice, s.158-159). 4 Bkz. Konya İl Özel İdare Arşivi 4 numaralı Maliye ve Arazi Emlak Defteri (Zik.: Aköz ve Ürekli, s.200).

Çatalca Bölgesi̇ Savunma Yapilari Üzeri̇ne Bi̇r Değerlendi̇rme

Sanat Tarihi Dergisi, 2021

Human beings, who want to protect themselves against threats and dangers that may come from outside, have researched and developed different defense methods throughout history. This search, which has become a necessity in the historical process, has led to the emergence of different defense practices and defense structures. Defense structures, which are one of the important sources that shed light on the experiences of past civilizations and one of the building blocks of the architectural heritage, allow access to information about the defense history and technologies of societies, as well as contribute to comment on their social, cultural and economic structures. These defensive structure, which were built to protect from various effects of nature, predators or aggressive groups starting from the primitive periods, differ depending on the development level of the societies and the geographical features of the region. Changing combat techniques and technologies have accelerated the transformation, renewal and development of defense structures in the process. Çatalca Region has an important area among the military architectural heritage sites in terms of the originality and diversity of its historical defense structures. The defense structures in the region are cultural properties that represent the military architecture and defense strategy of the period they were built. This study, which investigates the historical defense structures in the Çatalca Region, consists of three sections. In the first part, changes in defense structures through historical process were discussed. Also, the elements that trigger the development of defense structures were briefly handled. In the second part, in parallel with the development of defense structures in the historical course, defense structures in the Çatalca Region were addressed. The history and architectural features of the defense structures in the region were tried to be emphasized. In the last part, a general evaluation was made on these defensive structures and their current situation and the conservation problems identified following the fieldworks were pointed out. The defense structures discussed in this study and located in the Çatalca Region are the products of three different periods and are rare examples that reflect the evolution of defense structures in the historical process. These structures, which reveal the geopolitical importance of the Çatalca Region, form the defense lines extending from the Black Sea to the Marmara Sea in the north-south direction. These defense structures, which took an active role to defend Istanbul during the period they were built, face the danger of extinction today due to various protection problems. Considering the number and type of historical defense structures in the region, the importance of the Çatalca Region in terms of our defense history is understood. However, the fact that most of the historical defense structures in the region have not been legally protected and comprehensive conservation works have not been carried out for these structures, shows that the awareness about the military architectural heritage is not at the desired level. In this context, it is aimed to bring the historical and architectural values of these defense structures to light and to raise awareness on the issue by drawing attention to conservation problems.