Resisting Gentrification: the case for Diversity (original) (raw)
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This PhD thesis investigates emerging processes of gentrification in medium-sized cities within the European context. The research is based on a multi-method approach and uses two case studies to analyse and compare the socio-spatial change of two semi-central neighbourhoods located in the cities of Bologna and Bristol. The attention is focused on multiple and interrelated phenomena that participate in the transformation of the urban environment, giving rise to specific forms of gentrification. The study takes into account the evolution of the neighbourhoods of interest, exploring demographic dynamics, urban planning choices, economic and commercial trends, changes in the physical environment and social reality, to the point of dwelling on the impacts of these processes and the forms of resistance that may arise. The research provides analytical and methodological insights for the investigation of these processes of urban transformations, highlighting the centrality of the context in explaining the different outcomes they can lead to
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