The Inter Processual Self: Towards a Personalist Virtue Ethics Proposal for Human Agency (original) (raw)


ProEdu/No5 Year 3 , 2021

The interdisciplinary approach in science is becoming more widespread today. It is gratifying that in the age of applied sciences, in which technology prevails, philosophy as the core of the humanities is restored to its status. Starting from the definition of philosophy that includes notions such as knowledge, values, reason, existence, mind, language, it is not surprising the attitude of modern man in relation to the rational approach of including this fundamental discipline in scientific research in any field. This reconceptualization is absolutely necessary for the progress of humanity starting from the assumption that no field of scientific research can exist without a series of methodological principles. Consequently, we can consider philosophy, the theoretical foundation of any science and more than that, a science applied, per se with resonance in everyday existence. What can be more important for the human being than explaining the meaning of life, the relationship with peers and the psychological motivation of its existence in this world? Thus, philosophy can be the promoter of the active attitude of the individual in any social field. It is important to consider the model of the individual who from a moral point of view is interested, participatory, has a purpose and correctly defines his duties towards himself and society. These coordinates define the pattern of the human being capable of participating in the progress of humanity.

Interdisciplinary Approach

Higher Education for the Future

Interdisciplinarity is unnecessarily confused with multi-disciplinarity by many of us despite the explicit difference between the two. Most of us use these terms interchangeably and leave their semantics confounded. In fact, to be clear about what interdisciplinarity means, we just have to reflect on our everyday academic experience. It is increasingly felt by everybody that knowledge areas are drawing closer to one another. Over the past few decades, several non-conventional areas of knowledge cutting across physical, natural and social sciences emerged as a result of researches beyond disciplinary boundaries. At the outset, let us briefly examine how disciplines got constituted out of natural and moral philosophy with the scientific revolution of nineteenth century. What Isaac Newton wrote as mechanics in his Principia Mathematica as part of Natural Philosophy shook the seventeenth century intellectuals with its distinctive approach to knowledge production and its communication. Philosophers (Scholars) of natural and human fields felt that a study would be complete only if their knowledge could be reconstituted in tune with Principia by accepting: (a) a genuine theory of knowledge outside the empirical field and the one that is beyond pure logic; (b) dependence on a method that takes one beyond the purely logical analysis of relations between theoretical statements; (c) possibility of choosing the method as required by the objective; (d) testability of theoretical statements; (e) empirical statements based on certain logical parameters like verifiability alone do not ensure testability; (f) statements with susceptibility to revision or reconstitution or replacement, that is, the potential to advance; and (g) no insistence upon strict proof or conclusive disproof. This new approach to knowledge engendered by Newton's Principia led to the Age of Enlightenment (eighteenth century ce). Those philosophers of the Age, who wrote on human affairs as part of moral philosophy, made their studies as profoundly enunciated fields of theoretical depth. This led to the making of the nineteenth century as the Age of Reason. William Whewell (1794-1866), an Anglican priest, theologian and historian of science of nineteenth century renamed Natural Philosophy as Science and nineteenth century as the Age of Science. Science meant physics or the knowledge of finality, authenticity, authority, credibility and universal acceptability. Soon science became a word of power-knowledge combination, compelling every knowledge area to follow the former's parameters of academic legitimacy. It opened a new epoch-the epoch of Modernity. Establishment of physics as the most authentic form of knowledge led to the imitation of its methodology by other fields of knowledge, each aspiring to be science. Higher Education for the Future 5(2) 119-121

Reflections on method in human sciences: quantitative or qualitative, theories and ideologies 1


The goal of this study is to deconstruct the meanings of the terms " quantitative " and " qualitative " , usually used to characterize scientific research method, or to try to undo what seems to be a mistake: the denomination and division of quantitative or qualitative research methods. We consider that this division confuses and impoverishes the conception of knowledge or science. There are many methodological questions so plural, conflicting or not, according to the meaning of the investigated reality which, after all, is what should be discussed from the beginning to the end of the research. We add the theoretical or ideological designation of method to this discussion that for us represents another version of the same problem. To accomplish this goal, we discuss a view of science and a conception of thought.

Exploring the Origins and Historical Development of the Scientific Method

Research Paper, 2022

The scientific method is an integral component to the discipline of science. One common factor and catalyst amongst scientific advancements is the involvement of the scientific method. Yet, the scientific method has been subjected to rigorous testing, scrutinization, and development by numerous civilizations for millennia. This *research paper will thoroughly investigate the primary fons et origo of the scientific method. *Please Note: This paper is an independent research report which was completed at Herkimer College for 40108 SS 151 V1 Introductory Psychology (Fall 2022).

Becoming as a possibility of opening the distribution of the research sensible

This commentary acknowledges Barbara Held's (2020) idea that knowledge of, from, and for people can create epistemic violence. We look at this through the idea of binaries and how binaries distribute a particular sense in knowledge. We argue that the researcher's engagement with uncertainty offers possibilities of becoming for the researcher, the researched, and the research process in a way that opens up such binaries and the distribution of the sensible. Keywords assemblage, becoming, distribution of the sensible, research, uncertainty We are sympathetic to Barbara Held's (2020) argument that knowledge of, from, and for people can create epistemic violence. We want to focus this short commentary by highlighting some nouns and pronouns that Held uses throughout her article. She writes about the I, we, us, them, their(s), as well as (non)folks and (non)othered, amongst others, highlighting the person. Her emphasis on the person allows us to acknowledge that the method is influenced by the individuals who engage with it, whether that individual is applying the method, or whether she is the one the method is being applied to. Thus, although allowing the influence of people in the research equation is a progress from Francis Bacon's claim that the (scientific) research process should work "as if by machin-ery" (Bacon, 1905/2011, p. 256), Barbara Held invites us to consider that what was introduced to remove epistemic violence (the acknowledgment of subjectivity) could nonetheless be contributing to it. It is almost as though research, knowledge, science, and psychology are inherently oppressive.

The Scientific Method and the Growth of Scientific Knowledge

International journal of innovative research and development, 2017

Science and its products have tremendous impact on our lives and how we influence our immediate environment and the world at large. The importance of science goes far beyond how the product of science and technology influence us. Science, as compared to other areas of study or institutions, enjoys an unparalleled prestige in society (Delfino, 2014). This is why nations are making every effort to provide funding for science and technology projects and research, and provide incentives and scholarships to those who have chosen to study science. No wonder people trust what the scientist says than what a farmer, journalist, politician or businessman will say, even though the scientists may be not be saying so much. People often ask whether what is being said is scientifically proven. Science is seen by many as a highly rational and non-subjective inquiry, and scientists are seen as people who are able to collect, infer from evidence, and depend on evidence to derive 'scientifically proven' conclusion. The scientifically proven conclusions are devoid of prejudice and are not the product of ideology. Somehow these characteristics are paramount in the philosophy of science. According to Makumba (2005), philosophy of science may be looked at in three ways. First, as the formulation of worldviews that are consistent with important scientific theories as "an exposition of the presuppositions and predispositions of scientists" (p. 74) and thirdly as a discipline in which concepts and theories in the field of the sciences are critically analyzed and clarified. Philosophy of science may either be epistemology or metaphysics. Whichever way we look at the philosophy of science the general aim is to describe and understand how science works within all of its branches. We may have philosophical interest in Science because of the influence of science on us, but besides this, science answers some philosophical questions and is therefore important to philosophy. One of such questions has to do with the ways by which we can gain knowledge as opposed to beliefs and opinions (Mingers, 2008) and the general answer to such a question is that the scientific method must be followed. Whatever a government may believe, be it right or wrong, about the effects of filth on beaches, it will not act till science provides evidence in support of such belief. The views of scientist are accorded respect due to the fact that conclusions drawn by scientists are reached through proper and standard methods of collecting and analyzing evidence, and hence the conclusions of scientists are justified. Even in some cases, the conclusions are tested with the intention of making them false. Since Francis Bacon proposed the 'scientific method', it has been subjected to criticism, like that of Hume and Popper. It has seen modifications and alternatives, like the falsificationism doctrine Karl Popper preached. This essay discusses the philosophy of science by looking at two major areas; the scientific method and the growth of scientific knowledge.