Der Erste Weltkrieg in den Erinnerungen der Banater Rumänen und der Siebenbürger Sachsen, in Forschungen zur Volks- und Landeskunde, Band 60, 2017, p.73-89. (original) (raw)
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Analele Banatului, 2020
Based on the archival holdings of Archiv of Vojvodina (F. 23 Landesverwaltung der Wojwodschaft Serbien und des Temesvarer Banat 1849–1861), as well as on the writing of contemporary press (Wiener Zeitung, Temesvarer Zeitung, Gross-Becskereker Wochenblatt, Werschetzer Gebirgsbote, Lugoser Anzeiger), the paper discusses ways and means in which the region of Banat was influenced by the Second Italian War of Independence of 1859. Following important issues have been addressed: gradual preparation of domicile population for the war by the government-run press; mobilisation and usage of financial, material and human ressources of Banat; war participation of Banat- based regiments, as well as formation of voluntary bataillons; war losses and decorations; and last but not the least – an utmost interesting question of the attitude of Banatians towards the war. For little less than a decade they have been subjected to rather unpopular and much hated neoabsolutistic policy of the Bach’s regime, that in war times demanded an unconditional allegiance and self-sacrifice. On the other hand, regardless of their nationality, they looked with sympathies at the enemy’s freedom and independence struggle. In practice, such attitude led to an enormous, although publicly hardly visible dissatisfaction with the war, in quite oposition to the patriotic image imposed and carefully nurtured by the press. Beside to formation of Italy in 1861, the unfavourable outcome of the war for Austria subsequently led to inner instability and dissolution of the Crown Province Voivodeship Serbia and Banat of Temesvar in same year. Ethnically mixed population almost unanonimously greeted such turn of events.
Krista Zach, Cornelius R. Zach (ed.), Deutsche und Rumänen in der Erinnerungsliteratur. Memorialistik aus dem 19. uns 20. Jahrhundert als Geschichtsquelle, München, IKGS Verlag, 2005, 2005
Der Erste Weltkrieg in den autobiographischen Texten deutschbaltischer Autoren
Journal of Baltic Studies, 2006
The aim of this article is to examine how Baltic Germans who left their homes during the Umsiedlung of 1939–40 look back on their lives in Estonia and Latvia. The analysis centers on descriptions of World War I, because of the significant changes which this brought to the political situation in the Baltic lands: after the war the Baltic Germans had to give up their leading position in society, and also lost a large part of their land. Every author who writes his/her autobiography is influenced by a knowledge of the time which follows the period being described. In writing about certain historical events, an author therefore not only describes the emotions and values connected with those events, but also adds more general perspectives. This may be the reason why the beginning of World War I is described as a disaster and as the beginning of the end, even though it did not actually bring significant changes into the lives of Baltic Germans. The changes did come, but only much later. W...
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