With nearly a decade of experience in organizing the International Conference "Education and Creativity for a Knowledge-based Society", held in collaboration with the Academy of Scientists of Romania, TITU MAIORESCU UNIVERSITY of Bucharest launched in 2013, a new scientific challenge by organizing the International Conference on Law, European Studies and International Relations. At previous editions were presented more than 180 scientific works of some renowned professors, researchers and PhD students from Romania and abroad. Trilingual held in Romanian, English and French, the conference was attended by over 10 teachers from Spain, Italy, France and Israel universities. The conference volumes of the first two editions published by the Hamangiu Publishing House were distributed to each participant at the beginning of the conference and thereafter to the most reputed teachers in Romania, as well as academic libraries. These volumes are assigned ISBNs 978-606-678-642-3 and 978-606-27-0020-1. The International Conference of Law aims to reunite scientists, academics, researchers, PhD students, students and, last but not least, law practitioners to exchange and share their experiences and research results. The main theme regards the various aspects of the law reform in accordance with the new national, European and international trends, with focus on the practical challenges encountered and the solutions adopted. We sincerely believe that this important scientific event will be one of the most prestigious events on the national legal calendar, with international echo, providing an opportunity to discuss the current issues affecting the legal community, aiming to highlight new solutions and interpretations. In a world in which legal systems increasingly interfere, legal tradition needs a continuous upgrade to meet diversity. The Conference is based on the idea that law does not develop in an abstract way, but it is shaped by society, by the economic and social reality, by the intellectual, cultural and linguistic environments, and, especially, by immediate needs and by the identification of appropriate solutions. We invite you to be an open window to new interpretations!



Course description The aim of the seminar is to problematize law in socio-legal and multidisciplinary approaches and to trace "law in action" beyond the static and descriptive dimension of legislations. Locating law in its socio-temporal context and considering the legal phenomena as a multi-layered dynamic process, the seminar intends to explore the complex relationship between law, legal institutions and socio-historical dynamics and to problematize law within the social landscape and the particular cultural settings in which it emerges in relation to a variety of social actors. As Christopher Tomlins argues, the project of situating law in its socio-temporal context engenders an almost infinite set of relationships for examination. Normative approaches investigating law only understand it within the narrow context of legal reforms and are far from reflecting the intellectual and epistemological process, which preceded the ultimate form of legislations. After introducing the major theories on the sociology of law, the seminar intends and to explore law as a social product. Without leaving aside the making of state laws and other forms of normativity, the epistemological dimension of the seminar will focus on law in all its variety, in the form of ideas, ways of reasoning, doctrines, legal and cultural transfers, and more importantly as a subject of legal science and will analyze the role of education and social movements in the development of legal thought. Such an approach to law also opens a productive dialogue between neighboring disciplines, law, history and sociology and offers an empirical laboratory through historical case studies. The seminar will privilege the Ottoman/Turkish geographical space in relation to Europe without neglecting a global context. The time frame will mainly cover the nineteenth century. The seminar will contextualize law within historical momentums and global movements (such as constitutionalism, dynamics of revolutions, etc.) and will address issues such as legal pluralism and imperialism. The various themes of this seminar will also overlap with those of imperial history.

Boğaziçi University Summer School, Department of History, 2015. Selected Readings on a Social History of Law

The aim of the seminar is to problematize the legal phenomena in a multidisciplinary approach and beyond the normative and descriptive dimensions of laws and legislations. Considering law as a multi-layered dynamic process, the seminar intends to explore the complex relationship between law, legal institutions and social dynamics and to problematize law within the social landscape and the particular cultural settings in which it emerges in relation to a variety of social actors. Normative approaches investigating law only understand it within the narrow context of legal reforms and are far from reflecting the epistemological process, which preceded the final textual productions. Without leaving aside the making of state laws and other forms of normativity, the epistemological dimension of the seminar will focus on law in all its variety, in the form of ideas, ways of reasoning, doctrines, legal and cultural transfers and will analyze the role of education and other processes (Enlightenment, invention of the printing press, etc.) in the development of legal thought. The seminar will also contextualize law within historical momentums and global movements (such as constitutionalism, dynamics of colonialism, revolutions, etc.) and will address issues such as legal pluralism and imperialism. The various themes of this seminar will also overlap with those of colonial and imperial history. The seminar will privilege the Ottoman space in relation to Europe without neglecting the global context by offering a list of suggested readings on the legal history of other geographies as well. The time frame under consideration will be mainly the nineteenth century. Requirements Every week, participants will be asked to read in advance a certain number of selected texts and to present the readings. Participants will be responsible only for essential readings. Suggested readings are only to give further ideas on the legal developments of the Ottoman space and other geographies for comparative purposes. The seminar targets an audience of students in their final year of bachelor's degree program as well as master's students and PhD candidates. In that respect, in addition to participation-presentation, bachelor's degree students will have an exam while master's students and PhD candidates will submit a term paper (10.000 words maximum) based on a research theme of their choice and related to the seminar at the end of the term. The grade for the seminar will consist of: Participation-presentation: 30% Exam (for bachelor's degree students): 70%

IRN International Research Network PHEDRA "Pour une Histoire Européenne du DRoit des Affaires" EN

Led by Luisa Brunori of the Centre d'Histoire Judiciaire (Lille), the project involves eight teams based in France, Germany, Holland, Italy, Morocco, Spain and the United Kingdom and individual researchers based in Finland, Belgium and Turkey. The IRN PHEDRA project aims at developing a concerted approach to European research on the history of business law, from antiquity to the present day, apprehended in its "European ecosystem". This theme remains little explored by historiography, which nevertheless underlines the extent to which commercial norms and practices constitute a fundamental element in the study of issues related to the historical transformation of our societies. To meet these objectives, the project-going beyond the traditional national approaches-mobilises several European teams around a collective reflection aiming at identifying the European characteristics of the evolution of business law, through a pooling of knowledge, expertise and sources. The project relies on solid previous collaborations that highlighted the specific need for collective inter-team scientific work and identified the most appropriate collaborative instruments for this purpose. The choice of partners follows a logic of strong complementarity: each team is a specialist in the history of business law in its own country, and at the same time each has its own specificities which make them indispensable to the project. The organization of the network PHEDRA will allow for a collective work on sources and scientific discussions through face-to-face meetings. The mobility of teams is therefore at the heart of the proposed new methodology. For these reasons, regular working meetings are planned, as well as annual methodological and practical workshops, regular thematic seminars, a thematic school, a one-day study sessions, and international conferences.

Seminario de Nuevas Perspectivas Historiográficas - Pregrado (2017)

El Seminario de Perspectivas Historiográficas busca invitar a los estudiantes a explorar nuevas aproximaciones al estudio de la historia. Su principal finalidad es, por lo tanto, analizar el fundamento tanto metodológico como teórico de las recientes contribuciones historiográficas en el mundo occidental, así como promover un debate crítico sobre la relación entre la disciplina histórica y las demás ciencias sociales. Para lograr dicho objetivo el curso está organizado en dos módulos. El primero busca estudiar los debates que los historiadores han sostenido en los últimos años frente al objeto y finalidad de la historia como disciplina. En consecuencia, este módulo está dedicado a examinar, en primer lugar, los debates entorno a la relación de la historia con demás ciencias sociales. Se espera que los estudiantes se pregunten ¿qué puede aportarle la historia a las demás disciplinas? ¿qué pueden brindar las ciencias sociales a la historia? ¿cuál es el lugar de la teoría en la historia? ¿tienen tanto la historia como las demás ciencias sociales una postura “occidental” frente a sus objetos de estudio? Una vez discutidas dichas problemáticas, el primer módulo abordará dos de los interrogantes más recurrentes en la historiografía, a saber, ¿puede la historia ser objetiva? ¿es el objeto de la historia la búsqueda de la verdad?. Para ello se estudiarán autores que critican la búsqueda de la verdad en la historia, y otros, que destacan los obstáculos que ofrece el “excesivo” relativismo en la disciplina histórica. El segundo módulo tiene por finalidad conocer la gran variedad de aproximaciones que brinda la historia social, política y cultural moderna. En particular, se le pedirá a los estudiantes que exploren las conexiones entre la historiografía tradicional y las nuevas propuestas historiográficas exploradas en clase; esto es que estudien sus continuidades, sus posturas y sus diferencias. Para ello se invita a los estudiantes a repasar cómo emplean los autores estudiados una amplia variedad de conceptos, por ejemplo ¿qué es para los autores “ la cultura”? ¿cómo interpretan “lo político”?,” ¿qué conceptos emplean para aproximarse a su objeto de estudio?, ¿qué tanto se diferencian de los propuestos por historiadores tiempo atrás?, etc. Los textos que cubrirá este módulo se basarán, salvo contadas excepciones, en contribuciones de autores posteriores a la década de los 1990s.

Historical Social Research Historische Sozialforschung


»Diskurs-Innovationen: Der Fall der Indigenenbewegung in Ecuador«. Discursive development is fluid and continuous, making it hard to determine the concrete moment of discursive change or innovation. The disruptive moment of the introduction, disappearance or reformulation of a central political concept can allow a closer definition of this moment of change, its context and its direction. The analysis of political concepts within a given discourse can contribute to the definition of discursive actors, specific texts that introduce the concept in question and its trajectory within a social movement or the society as such. This is exemplified in the indigenous movement in Ecuador. This movement underwent a considerable discursive change in the 1970s and 1980s, a renovation that still forms the basis for its central position in national politics today. With this discursive shift, the movement began to understand the indigenous peoples as nationalities with state-like structures that would allow selfdetermination and give them a right to autonomy. This innovation led to a radical discursive shift with demands for a plurinational and-subsequently-intercultural reorganization of society and state. The new discourse and the political concepts introduced by the movement not only gave it a position to speak from, but also changed the discourse of society and state in Ecuador.