Call for Symposium: 6th International Symposium on Human Horizons "Narratives, Formations and Practices of Resistance in times of uncertainty and intolerance" (original) (raw)



The discipline of sociology has much to contribute to critical public awareness of changing global landscapes. Exactly what we are able to contribute-and how useful those contributions might be-will depend on how we (re)conceptualize the discipline in relation to narratives of science. While many sociologists argue for anchoring our analytical frameworks more strongly and more consistently to the physical sciences, this article counters that, at the start of the 21st century, the discipline needs to move forward with the development of social epistemologies, not turn back toward older models of science. This article begins with examples of the limitations of current research paradigms and argues for the development and use of social epistemologies that break from the Cartesian paradigm. It then highlights the value of sociological studies of language for apprehending 21 st century social complexities.

Current Situation. Attack on the Humanities and Social Sciences in Brazil

Emulations - Revue de sciences sociales

In the wake of President Jair Bolsonaro's recent attacks on philosophy and sociology in the higher education system, Émulations is pleased to welcome three experts for a cross-interview on the situation of human and social sciences in Brazil in light of the current political situation. This interview was conducted by Céline Mavrot and Romain Tiquet. Dans le cadre des attaques récentes du président Jair Bolsonaro à l’encontre de la philosophie et de la sociologie au sein du système d’éducation supérieure, Émulations reçoit trois spécialistes – Sidney Chalhoub, Marine Corde, Angela Facundo Navia – pour un entretien croisé sur la situation des sciences humaines et sociales au Brésil à la lumière de l’actualité politique du pays. Cet entretien a été réalisé par Céline Mavrot et Romain Tiquet.

The Epicenter: Democracy, Eco*Global Citizenship and Transformative Education / L’épicentre: Démocratie, Éco*Citoyenneté mondiale et Éducation transformatoire / El Epicentro: Democracia, Eco*Ciudadanía Mundial y Educación Transformadora

The Epicenter: Democracy, Eco*Global Citizenship and Transformative Education / L’épicentre: Démocratie, Éco*Citoyenneté mondiale et Éducation transformatoire / El Epicentro: Democracia, Eco*Ciudadanía Mundial y Educación Transformadora, 2023

Creatively reviving and innovating emancipatory practices, knowledges and epistemologies that have been under attack by neoliberal and neocolonial rule can no longer be overlooked. Robust and critical citizen engagement through social movements and transformative education is a necessary cornerstone to building meaningful and critical forms of democracy. Social solidarity (and eco-global citizenship) is confronted by a myriad of forced and unforced migrations, xenophobia, avarice, warfare, and the global environmental catastrophe, with global elites continually shoring up their bottom line. This book—offered in English, French and Spanish, with authors from a dozen countries—is part of our socio-political and educational project, seeking to bring people together across linguistic, cultural, geographic, identity and disciplinary lines. Aiming to cultivate and facilitate deliberative, engaged dialogues, ideas, proposals and actions for a world that more purposefully and audaciously includes all humans, species and the environment under the same tent is a central feature of our epicenter. Les pratiques, les connaissances et les épistémologies émancipatrices créatives et innovantes qui ont été martelées par le régime néolibéral et néocolonial ne peuvent plus être négligées. Un engagement citoyen solide et critique par le biais de mouvements sociaux et d'une éducation transformatoire est une pierre angulaire nécessaire à la construction de formes de démocratie robustes et critiques. La solidarité sociale (et la citoyenneté éco*mondiale) est confrontée par une myriade de migrations forcées et non forcées, de xénophobie, d'avarice, de guerre et de la catastrophe environnementale mondiale, les élites mondiales renforçant continuellement leur positionnement économique. Ce livre—en anglais, français et espagnol, avec des auteurs d'une douzaine de pays—s'inscrit dans notre projet socio-politique et éducatif, cherchant à rapprocher les gens au-delà des frontières linguistiques, culturelles, géographiques, identitaires et disciplinaires. Visant à cultiver et à faciliter des dialogues, des idées, des propositions et des actions délibératifs et engagés pour un monde qui inclut plus délibérément et audacieusement tous les humains, les espèces et l'environnement sous le même toit est une caractéristique centrale de notre épicentre. Ya no se puede pasar por alto revivir e innovar creativamente prácticas, conocimientos y epistemologías emancipatorias que han sido golpeadas por el régimen neoliberal y neocolonial. La participación ciudadana sólida y crítica a través de movimientos sociales y la educación transformadora es una piedra angular necesaria para construir formas significativas y críticas de democracia. La solidaridad social (y la ciudadanía eco*global) es confrontada por una miríada de migraciones forzadas y no forzadas, xenofobia, avaricia, guerra y la catástrofe ambiental global, con élites globales continuamente apuntalando sus ganancias. Este libro—en inglés, francés y español, con autores de una docena de países—es parte de nuestro proyecto sociopolítico y educativo, que busca acercar a las personas a través de líneas lingüísticas, culturales, geográficas, identitarias y disciplinarias. El objetivo de cultivar y facilitar diálogos, ideas, propuestas y acciones deliberativas y comprometidas para un mundo que incluya a todos los humanos, las especies y el medio ambiente bajo la misma tienda de manera más decidida y audaz es una característica central de nuestro epicentro.

Os Direitos Humanos e O Cosmopolitismo No Panorama Das Cidades Globais: Desafios e Paradoxos Da Contemporaneidade

Revista Direitos Culturais, 2018

Esse artigo busca contextualizar a temática da construção de uma sociedade cosmopolita a partir do panorama das cidades globais do século XXI. Na medida em que se verificaram os avanços intrínsecos da modernização, a contemporaneidade trouxe consigo uma série de paradoxos e desafios oriundos do fenômeno da globalização, os quais transformaram os sistemas de referência e passaram a exigir respostas às inúmeras complexidades sociais. O problema fundamental reside na ideia de encontrar possibilidades reais para constituir e consolidar espaços cosmopolitas no âmbito das cidades globais frente às heterogeneidades, intolerâncias e individualismos que transpõem a ordem nacional do modelo estatal soberanista e territorial, sintetizando tanto o local como o global. Nesse sentido, objetiva-se analisar, por meio do emprego do método hipotético-dedutivo e da técnica de pesquisa bibliográfica, a dimensão cosmopolita de coexistência dos sujeitos e das tendências macrossociais da sociedade globali...

Challenge B: Human sciences in transition scenarios

New foundations for a sustainable global society, 2021

This challenge is formulated in terms of “humanities in transition,” that is, their approach and articulation in the face of the changes they must undergo to achieve the social weight that, due to their intrinsic relevance, should correspond to them. Faced with these situations that would demand a reinforcement in research and dissemination in diverse aspects of the humanities, from multiple perspectives, paradoxically an adverse panorama is drawn for the development and dissemination of humanistic knowledge, which concerns different factors. Some are related to the consideration of the area of knowledge itself, its organization within the scientific system, the questioning of its own limits, and the interaction with another knowledge. Considering current transition scenarios does not mean having to abandon old objectives, but it adds to the work conducted new objects of study closely related to current reality, such as: the informational revolution; the relations with the ecosystem and the environmental crisis; globalization; the intensification of human mobility and migration flows; the growing economic and social inequality; the frictions derived from the articulation of collective identities; the decolonization of discourses; demographic dynamics; integration of technological advances; and viability and support for alternative models of society.

Ciencia y ética desde una perspectiva discursiva

DOAJ (DOAJ: Directory of Open Access Journals), 2006

This article seeks to contribute the understanding of the crisis of globalization from the relations among science, technology and morality point of view. The phenomenon of terrorism, also the one of the State, the world injustice, the desire of men to have total control over human life, as well as the deterministic reduction of all human freedom should be able to summon the moral resources of all human groups, in order to look for an ethical solution to the problems of a unilateral neo-liberal globalization. To do this, there is the possibility of dialogue in the search of a world ethos. The theory of communicative action, developed by Jürgen Habermas, can help to understand the relations between science and moral in a similar way to that proposed by Kant, but with other resources, those of politics and ethics. Science, Technology and Society, with the help of communication and dialogue, force us to reformulate the sense of university as the place of dialogue and more human discursive production in globalization times.

Educación en derechos humanos: el ideario del sistema interamericano: la Academia y su matriz iusfilosófica


espanolLa costumbre epistemica ha enlazado el contenido de los derechos humanos a la naturaleza, calificandolos como innatos, universales, inmutables, e insusceptibles de ser utilizados por la coyuntura politica. A resultas del efecto contenedor de voluntades progresistas que significa dicho posicionamiento, la aparicion de espiritus criticos e incomodos, desnudo la trascendencia pragmatica de los posicionamientos teoricos. Por ello, resulta oportuno interpelarnos acerca de cual es la matriz iusfilosofica desde la que el Sistema Interamericano aborda el concepto de derechos humanos, procurando desentranar las raices ideologicas y las transformaciones experimentadas a partir de las conquistas juridicas de los ultimos tiempos. EnglishThe epistemic custom has linked the content of human rights to nature, qualifying them as innate, universal, immutable, and non susceptible to being used by political juncture. As a result of the containing effect of progressive wills that said stance sig...

Brazilian Journal of Development Integrated human formation: guiding category of professional and technological education 1 Formação humana integrada: categoria diretora da educação profissional e tecnológica Brazilian Journal of Development

Brazilian Journal of Development, 2020

The present study is a bibliographic investigation that sought to analyze how Professional and Technological Education (EPT, from the acronym in Portuguese) and understand the concept of integrated human formation. Thus, based on the contributions of Ramos (2009) and Ciavatta (2012), the concept of integrated human formation was analyzed, its main objectives and its importance for EPT to differ from a mere technical education still in force in our educational model. The methodology consisted of file and bibliographic review followed by content analysis. It was concluded that, due to the search for the understanding of a whole, integrality is necessary for Professional and Technological Education, so that it does not continue the reproduction of educational duality, in one of the two partialities of knowledge, not just general education and not just technical education, but the training of a complete man who has a professional qualification, an education that emancipates individuals, in a full understanding of the world. It seeks to free individuals from a fragmented worldview, forming them in all their fullness as a human being, a being who understands the importance of work, science, and culture. RESUMO O presente estudo é uma investigação de caráter bibliográfico que buscou analisar como a Educação Profissional e Tecnológica (EPT) e compreender o conceito da formação humana integrada. Dessa forma, a partir das contribuições de Ramos (2009) e Ciavatta (2012) analisou-se a concepção da formação humana integrada, seus principais objetivos e sua importância para que a EPT se diferencie de uma mera educação tecnicista ainda vigente em nosso modelo educacional. A metodologia consistiu no fichamento e revisão bibliográfica seguida da análise de conteúdo. Concluiu-se que, devido à busca da compreensão de um todo, a integralidade se faz necessária à Educação Profissional e Tecnológica, para que a mesma não continue a reprodução da dualidade educacional, em uma das duas parcialidades de conhecimentos, não apenas uma educação geral e não apenas um ensino técnico, mais sim a formação de um homem completo e que tenha uma habilitação profissional, uma educação que emancipe os indivíduos, em toda uma plena compreensão do mundo. Busca-se libertar indivíduos de uma concepção de mundo fragmentada, formando-os em toda a sua plenitude como ser humano, um ser que compreende a importância do trabalho, da ciência e da cultura. Palavras-chave: EPT, formação humana integrada, educação, trabalho.