Topological transitions of interacting bosons in one-dimensional bichromatic optical lattices (original) (raw)
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Topological Properties of 1D Quasicrystal Bose–Mott Insulators
Proceedings of the International Conference on Strongly Correlated Electron Systems (SCES2013), 2014
Recently, the relation between one-dimensional (1D) quasicrystals and 2D topological insulators has been demonstrated theoretically and also experimentally by using optical waveguides. It has been shown that 1D quasicrystals can be classified in terms of topology for 2D integer quantum Hall systems. Such quasicrystals can be also realized in ultracold atoms loaded in optical superlattices. In this study, we consider a 1D Bose-Hubbard model in a quasiperiodic superlattice. It is known that a gap in the excitation spectrum is induced by the interaction, and the resulting Mott insulating phase is characterized by a nonzero Chern number. The system is called a topological Mott insulator. In the non-interacting case, topological equivalence between the Fibonacci quasicrystal and the Harper model is already known. However, it has not been clarified whether such topological equivalence exists in topological Mott insulators. We show numerically that the topological equivalence exists in a wide range of quasiperiodic Bose-Hubbard model.
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Topological states in two-dimensional optical lattices
Physical Review A, 2010
We present a general analysis of two-dimensional optical lattice models that give rise to topologically non-trivial insulating states. We identify the main ingredients of the lattice models that are responsible for the non-trivial topological character and argue that such states can be realized within a large family of realistic optical lattice Hamiltonians with cold atoms. We focus our quantitative analysis on the properties of topological states with broken time-reversal symmetry specific to cold-atom settings. In particular, we analyze finite-size effects, multi-orbital phenomena that give rise to a variety of distinct topological states and transitions between them, the dependence on the trap geometry, and most importantly, the behavior of the edge states for different types of soft and hard boundaries. Furthermore, we demonstrate the possibility of experimentally detecting the topological states through light Bragg scattering of the edge and bulk states.
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Topological insulators and metals in atomic optical lattices
Physical Review A, 2009
We propose the realization of topological quantum states with cold atoms trapped in an optical lattice. We discuss an experimental setup that generates a two-dimensional hexagonal lattice in the presence of a light-induced periodic vector potential, which represents a realization of the Haldane model with cold atoms. We determine theoretically the conditions necessary for observing the topological states and show that two of the key conditions are: 1) the realization of sharp boundaries and 2) the minimization of any smoothly varying component of the confining potential. We argue that, unlike their condensed matter counterparts, cold atom topological quantum states can be i) "seen", by mapping out the characteristic chiral edge states, and ii) controlled, by controlling the periodic vector potential and the properties of the confining potential. arXiv:0901.3921v1 [cond-mat.mes-hall]
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Physical Review Letters, 2014
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Physical Review Letters, 2015
We design an interaction-driven topological insulator for fermionic cold atoms in an optical lattice, that is, we pose the question of whether we can realize in a continuous space a spontaneous symmetry breaking induced by the inter-atom interaction into a topological Chern insulator. Such a state, sometimes called a "topological Mott insulator", has yet to be realized in solid-state systems, since this requires, in the tight-binding model, large offsite interactions on top of a small onsite interaction. Here we overcome the difficulty by introducing a spin-dependent potential, where a spin-selective occupation of fermions in A and B sublattices makes the onsite interaction Pauli-forbidden, while a sizeable inter-site interaction is achieved by a shallow optical potential with a large overlap between neighboring Wannier orbitals. This puts the system away from the tight-binding model, so that we adopt the density functional theory for cold-atoms, here extended to accommodate non-collinear spin structures emerging in the topological regime, to quantitatively demonstrate the phase transition to the topological Mott insulator.
Topological Varma Superfluid in Optical Lattices
Physical Review Letters, 2016
Topological states of matter are peculiar quantum phases showing different edge and bulk transport properties connected by the bulk-boundary correspondence. While non-interacting fermionic topological insulators are well established by now and have been classified according to a tenfold scheme, the possible realisation of topological states for bosons has not been much explored yet. Furthermore, the role of interactions is far from being understood. Here, we show that a topological state of matter exclusively driven by interactions may occur in the p-band of a Lieb optical lattice filled with ultracold bosons. The single-particle spectrum of the system displays a remarkable parabolic band-touching point, with both bands exhibiting non-negative curvature. Although the system is neither topological at the single-particle level, nor for the interacting ground state, on-site interactions induce an anomalous Hall effect for the excitations, carrying a non-zero Chern number. Our work introduces an experimentally realistic strategy for the formation of interaction-driven topological states of bosons.
Scientific Reports
We theoretically report the finding of a new kind of topological phase transition between a normal insulator and a topological metal state where the closing-reopening of bandgap is accompanied by passing the Fermi level through an additional band. The resulting nontrivial topological metal phase is characterized by stable zero-energy localized edge states that exist within the full gapless bulk states. Such states living on a quasi-one-dimensional system with three sublattices per unit cell are protected by hidden inversion symmetry. While other required symmetries such as chiral, particle-hole, or full inversion symmetry are absent in the system.